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Time Skip~ (Sports Festival) 

Y/n Pov
"Yahooo!~" I cheered while entering the school building. "Someone seems super excited" Jihoon commented while walking over to me with a bright smile. I nodded "Of course I am! you know how much I love sports!" "Yeah, not going to lie its scary how competitive you get  sometimes" laughing at his comment we both made our way to the back of the school to help set up for the festival. After setting up we all went back to our classrooms where we waited for the students to arrive. As usual my students entered the classroom one by one wearing their athletic clothing. All their parents joined in since they wanted to watch the festival and film their child participate in different events. 

While waiting for the rest of my students to enter the intercom turned on and I heard Mr.Chen (the principal) speak "Good morning everyone! today is the annual Athletics Festival, I hope you are all excited, in about 30 minutes I would like everyone to make their way to the back of the school to the field where we will be holding the opening ceremony! See you all there!" 

Turning to the class I saw how they were all excited, all the children talking to each other while the parents talked to each other as well. "Miss Y/n!" a small voice chimed and I saw Leanne run in while Jongin followed after. Furrowing my brows I sent him a small glare before turning to Leanne with a smile "Good morning Leanne, are you excited for today?" she smiled and nodded her head "Yeah!! Im excited for the bread race! I hope they dont have the bread hanging too high! I cant jump that much!" laughing at her comment she went and joined the others. Feeling someone staring at me I knew it was Jongin. Meeting eyes with him he slowly  walked over to me about to say something until another voice called out to me. "Miss Y/n! im here!! Appa is here too!!" looked behind Jongin a big smile plastered on my face seeing Taewoo and Jungkook. 

Jungkook Pov
"Miss Y/n! im here!! Appa is here too!!" Taewoo chimed while running into the classroom while I followed closely behind him. While Taewoo ran in and went straight to his friends, I walked in an immediately my smile dropped once seeing him standing there in front of Y/n. Jongin and I exchanged glares before he stormed his way towards his daughter. Walking up to Y/ns desk she sighed "Dont worry, he didnt do or say anything to me." shaking my head I glanced over to where Jongin was and saw him intensely staring at the two of us. "He better stay away... what he did to you back at the club was unacceptable." Before Y/n could reply to what I said the bell rang and all the students immediately lined up by the door with their parents. "Hey we'll talk once were outside okay?" she commented before walking away. 

Y/n led the students and us parents down the hallway and outside towards the field where the festival was being held. All the other teachers and students from different grades were all in their groups. This brought back so many memories from when I was younger...

Sitting in the stands with the other parents we all watched as Y/n walked with the kids to their spot where she then handed them all a blue colored headband that they needed to wear so everyone knew what group they were in

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Sitting in the stands with the other parents we all watched as Y/n walked with the kids to their spot where she then handed them all a blue colored headband that they needed to wear so everyone knew what group they were in. Once everyone gathered I saw Jihoon stand beside Y/n, since he wasnt a homeroom teacher he joined Y/ns class. My attention was then on another male who walked onto the stage that was set up and towards the mic, he looked younger maybe around my age? 

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