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Eyes shooting open I jumped up from my bed at the loud banging. (????) Confused at first I thought that it was coming from one of the neighbors down below but then I heard the loud banging again. Slowly getting out of the bed I made my way out of the room and down the hallway, glancing into the living room it was quiet. I was about to simply go back to bed until the banging was heard on my door, flinching at how loud it was my heart rate increased. "W-Who is it!" I yelled out, seeing the light peaking in from below the door I was able to see the shadow of a person standing there... nearing the door I asked once again who it was but the person did answer. About to look through the peep hole to see who it was I saw a piece of paper slide under the door before I heard the person run off. Quickly opening my door I looked down the hallway but didnt see who it was.... closing my door and locking it I looked down at the piece of paper but didnt want to touch it. 

Grabbing my phone and quickly calling Jihoon telling him that it was an emergency, not even 5 minutes had passed when he rushed to my apartment room. Knowing he had an extra key he unlocked the door and rushed in with a worried expression. "I-Im here! w-what happened! are you alright?!" he exclaimed while making his way towards me. I shook my head before explaining to him what had happened. "Did you look at the paper???" I shook my head before pointing at the coffee table where the paper was left unopened. 

Jihoon POV
It was in the middle of the night... well to be more specific it was about 2 a.m. when Y/n called me. Looking at her coffee table the paper that seemed to be folded multiple times was lying there unopened. When she called me I honestly thought that she would just be talking about how everything went with Jungkook but I was wrong... Reaching out for the paper I slowly began to unfold it (jeez how many times did this person have to fold it to get it to be this damn small...) I thought with furrowed brows. Finally unfolding the whole thing I turned the paper around and began to read it. 


You.... you're the reason why my life right now is fucked up. You took everything away from me. You took THEM away from me. You think that moving your apartment room would keep you safe and that I wouldnt know. Please... if you were trying to get away from me you should have moved to an entirely new apartment building. The time will come when everything that you have will be mine again. It may not be right at this exact moment but it will be soon... I've been watching you. I've been thinking about the best way to get rid of someone like you... and I know exactly how im going to do it... I'll get you soon. 


Crumpling the piece of paper in my hand I looked over and saw Y/n shaking in her spot. She was scared... tossing the paper on the ground I slowly placed my hand on her back "W-Who do you think it is??" she stuttered. "I-I dont know.. maybe Minji??" she looked at me with wide eyes "W-What if its Jongin... w-what if hes back?! I-I dont know what do to.. I-I-" "Y/n shut up and listen to me okay?" she shut her mouth and stared at me with big eyes. "I will stay with you tonight.. okay? then tomorrow we will go to the police and tell them what happened. Maybe they will be able to figure out who it was through the cameras or if there are any fingerprints on the paper" 

"B-But w-what i-" "Y/n... just trust me okay? I know your scared, hell I am too but I will be here with you so that nothing will happen. We dont know if its him right now... but either way whether is it Jongin or Minji I wont let them get to you. I wont let them do ANYTHING to you. Not when im here to protect you okay?" Once she heard my words of reassurance she slowly began to calm down before nodding. "O-Okay... T-Thank you Jihoon...." 

"Of course... anything for you... now lets go to sleep." 

Time Skip~ (Afternoon)

Waking up before Y/n, I quickly ran to my apartment room to grab some extra clothes to change in. Rushing back to her place I got in and saw her on the couch already dressed. "Wow.. I wasnt even gone for 10 minutes and your ready to go? Okay there flash" she looked at me with tired eyes before pushing herself up "We should go now..." she silently spoke while grabbing the paper and putting it into her bag. 

We got to the station and Y/n told the officers what had happened last night. Running some dna tests on the paper we gave to them, they came back telling us that there were no other fingerprints on the paper besides mine and Y/ns. Of course having to tell the police officers where I was last night and if I had any ill intentions towards Y/n I quickly disagreed while Y/n told them that I was her best friend. Without wasting any time we went back to the apartment building with the police and told the manager what happened. Leading us to the security room, the manager ran back the footage from last night and there we saw it. A figure banging on Y/ns door, the only problem was that the person was wearing baggy clothes so we werent able to establish is they were a male or female. "Miss Min... is there anyone, and I mean anyone who you suspect of doing this? Someone you may have had a bad relationship with?" Y/n nodded "Theirs two of them... one is my ex Kim Jongin, while the other one is my current boyfriends ex fiance Minji..." 

"The girl who made a commotion the last time?" the manager questioned and Y/n nodded. The police took more notes before telling us that they will contact the two that Y/n suspected. The police left but told Y/n to stay somewhere else for the next few days. Sitting in the security room Y/n sighed obviously stressed out about the situation thats happening. "Where am I going to stay...." she questioned to herself. As her best friend I would offer her to stay at my place but both Minji and Jongin know that I live in the same apartment building so they wouldnt have a hard time finding out where it was. "How about Jungkook-" she shook her head immediately turning down that option "I-I dont want to stress him out with this..." "-But didnt I tell you to tell me everything and anything?? No hiding, no keeping secrets" 

(A few minutes earlier) 

Jungkook POV
(Why hasnt she been answering any of my texts or calls???) I sighed while putting my phone into my pocket. "Hyung??" peeking into the living room to see BamBam and Eunwoo playing with Taewoo they both turned to me "Oh Namjoon hyung had to go to the store.. you good?" Grabbing my keys I told them to watch over Taewoo for a while before rushing to my car. Getting in a driving to her place I finally arrived but while parking I saw a few cops leaving her apartment building. (Why are there police here????) I thought while getting out of my car and heading into the building. About to take the elevator I was stopped when a man approached me "Are you by chance Y/ns friend??? I see you here often... if your looking for her shes in the security room with her friend." (Security room????) 

I followed after the male as he lead to me down the hallway until we were standing in front of the room. Reaching for the door knob I heard Jihoons voice speaking from within the room. "How about Jungkook???" Y/ns voice soon spoke up "I-I dont want to stress him out with this..." Shaking my head I opened the door into the room "-But didnt I tell you to tell me everything any anything? No hiding, no keeping secrets..." they both turned their heads towards me, surprised that I was here. 

Y/n stood up from her chair and looked at me but immediately averted her gaze to the ground. "Y/n.... tell me what happened... whats going on? I tried to text you and call you since this morning but you havent answered or replied." "I-Im sorry Jungkook... something happened last night." Cocking a brow I looked at her confused and she soon began to tell me everything that happened. How someone banged on her door last night and left a threatening note, when she went to the police with Jihoon and how they ended up here. "So its either Minji or Jongin..." I mumbled, "Alright... lets go to your room. Pack your things...-" She looked at me weirdly "What?? you think Im going to let you stay the next few nights at some hotel?? your going to stay with me" 

She shook her head wanting to decline the offer "I-I cant do that Kook! I-I dont-" "Dont what?? you think your going to be a burden for staying over at your BOYFRIENDS house?? Come on Y/n... you know I would never think of you like that.. so no more excuses lets go get your things..." 

Time Skip~ 

Once we packed some of her clothes, Jihoon had some errands to run so Y/n and I took our leave. "Are you sure this is okay Kook??? I-I mean I know your hyungs are over most of the time so I dont want to seem as if im ruining anything" I shook my head before softly placing my hand on her thigh reassuring her that everything would be okay. "Dont worry about my hyungs... I know their over most of the time but I dont think they would think anything of it. If anything they would love to have you around." With Y/n simply nodding her head we soon parked the car, helping her with her things I unlocked the door and entered with her right behind me. "Oh Kook?? Is that you?? Sorry I had to step out for a bit. I was craving some- oh?? Y/n??" Namjoon hyung looked at us before scanning the bags we were holding. 

"Did something happen???"

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