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Using his thumb and index finger he grabbed my chin and forcefully turned my face so that we were now looking at each other. "I told you to look at me" Feeling my cheeks flush I used my hand to cover my face, but before I could even do so Jungkook grabbed both my arms and pinned them down before he began to attack my neck. 

Biting and nibbling from my neck down to my bare chest, I felt my breath hitch as he began to run his tongue on my skin making me even more needy. (Why is he teasing so much...) I thought as I bit down on my lower lip. As he trailed lower and lower I felt him undo the button of my pants before swiftly slipping them off. "I didnt even do much.. yet your already this wet?" he chuckled before pressing his finger against my clothed womanhood. Letting out a small moan, I closed my legs together but with how strong Jungkook was compared to me he pried my legs open before taking off my panties. 

(?!?!?!) Knowing all to well what was going to happen I was about to stop him until I felt him slip two fingers inside of me. Eyes widening, I looked at him as he looked back at me. Sweat dripping down his forehead and he continued to thrust his fingers into me. Seeing a small smirk spread on his lips he knew he had me wrapped around his finger. (Literally...) "K-K-Kook~" I moaned out but that made him insert another finger into me. 

The feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of me just made me lightheaded. I couldnt think straight with how sensitive I now was. He took his fingers out before looking at me, bringing his hand to his mouth he began to lick the tips of my fingers. "D-Dont do that! t-t-thats... i-its dirty" I mumbled but he just laughed it off. Glancing away not wanting to see him lick his fingers I didnt realize that he lowered his head in between my legs. Suddenly feeling something weird I shot my head towards him, I was about to push his head away but he tightly grabbed my thighs making sure I wouldnt move. Slipping his tongue into me as he began to lick me I didnt know what to do... this was a new feeling for me. It was a weird feeling but it was so good...

"J-Jungkook.. p-please!" I begged while gripping onto the sheets as if my life depended on it. Lifting his head up while wiping the corner of his mouth he didnt even hesitate to take off his pants and boxers. Without warning me he quickly thrusted his member into me making me let out a loud moan. "FUCK~" he cursed while continuing to thrust me, with every thrust I felt myself reaching my high. Feeling as if I climaxed over and over again I felt my body go numb but it was a different story for Jungkook. 

He was filled with stamina and it felt like he could keep going for hours. The quiet apartment being only filled with the sound of our moans and skin slapping we could honestly care less if our neighbors heard us. Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if Jihoon could hear the sound of the bed frame hitting against the wall from his floor. 

With him grabbing my legs with his large hands he then placed my legs over his shoulders before roughly pounding into me, in this new position if felt like he was going even deeper than before. Locking eyes with him a smirk formed onto his lips before grabbing the headboard. (Oh god...) I thought as I used my hands to cover my face since this view in front of me was just god tier. Suddenly with his thrusts becoming sloppier he hit his climax, pulling out as he finished on my stomach I thought we were done but I was totally wrong. Grabbing a wet wipe and wiping his member off he turned to me with a dark look on his face. I was confused as to what he wanted but as he looked at me and to his member I instantly understood what he meant. 

With him going on his knees on the bed while I went on all fours, I was about to take his member into my mouth until he roughly grabbed my neck and forced his member into my mouth. Without letting me breathe he continued to mercilessly thrust into my mouth until I could feel him hitting my uvula. (A/N: Oh good god.. someone take this app away from me LMAO) Just like before his thrusting became some sloppy while his moans were rough. Assuming he was going to pull out to finish I then felt warm liquid enter my mouth. "Shit~ fuck.. s-sorry" he apologized before grabbing a towel. "You could spit it out if you want... im so sorry" I shook my head and in one gulp I swallowed. (A/N: cos yenno.. spitters are quitters ASHDFHSDJSA) 

Getting up from the bed I was about to wipe myself off until Jungkook spoke "Why dont we go take a bath???" (?!?!?!) "U-Uhm.. sure.." But little did I know that the bathing together was just another excuse for him to put it in... (////)

Time Skip~ (Morning)

With the sun shining through the curtains and hitting my eyes I groaned before slowly pushing myself up from my bed but immediately fell back onto the bed once I felt my back ache. "Good morning~" a low husky like voice chimed, turning my head and meeting Jungkooks sleepy face I glared making him chuckle. "I didnt go that hard did I?" he commented while stretching, "... if you didnt go hard I wouldnt be in this situation right now would I?" 

We stayed silent for a few minutes until he continued to chuckle "Your mad right now.. but last night you-" "DONT EVEN FINISH THAT SENTENCE KOOK" I interrupted while pinching his inner thigh which caused him to yelp in pain. "Y/n~ that hurt!" "Well that makes the two of us.. now please.. can you go get me some ice." Without saying another word he got up from the bed and walked out before soon coming back with a bag of ice placing it on my lower back. Sighing in relief he hopped back in bed before reaching over and running his fingers through my hair relaxing me. "Want me to make some breakfast??" he suddenly questioned making me look up at him,

"Breakfast?? Kook.. its already 1 in the afternoon.?" "Sooo brunch?" I giggled before responding "Why dont you let me rest for a bit then we can go back to your house. I can cook for both you and Taewoo." Smiling at the thought of my words he nodded happily while continuing to let me rest. 

"That sounds great..."

(A/N: Heyyoo! Author-nims friend here! Hope you are all excited since author-nim actually finished writing all the chapters for this book! I hate to say it but this book will be coming to an end soon but I will be posting those chapters for you all so dont worry! :) Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll talk to you all again in the next one!)

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