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What does trust mean? Trusting someone means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. Trust is something that two people in a relationship can build together when they decide to trust each other. You can't demand or prove trust; trusting someone is a choice that you make.

And thats exactly what Jungkook has been doing over the course of 2 months. Honestly its hard to prove to someone that you trust them, and its hard to regain trust after its lost. But that doesnt mean you can never trust them again, it just takes time and effort to build it to where it was before. Over the passed 2 months Jungkook and I worked together to get back to where we were before, and im happy to say that we passed that point. He learned from his past mistakes and together as a couple we worked together to get to where we are now. "I just realized..." Jungkook suddenly spoke while we were in the middle of facetiming each other. He was currently giving Taewoo a bath before going to sleep and it was cute to watch the kid splash Jungkook playfully. 

"Hmmm???" "We never got to properly celebrate our anniversary." Thinking about it now he was right... we never did that. "Im guessing you want to celebrate it still???" He nodded while putting some shampoo in his hands. "Well then what do you want to do then?" While lathering his sons hair with the shampoo he looked at the camera and shrugged before his son suddenly spoke "Miss Y/n! guess where Appa and I are going tomorrow!" I tilted my head sending the younger a confused expression "Im going to Grandma and Grandpas house for the weekend!" he chimed while splashing the water with excitement. "Oh! Jjinjja!?" Jungkook nodded before glancing at the camera. "n/n... do you want to come with us???" "Yeah Miss Y/n! come with us!!!" I sent Jungkook a 'are you sure thats okay?' look and he smiled while nodding. 

"Dont worry, its perfectly fine. And plus I would love for you to meet my parents." (Meet his parents....) I thought and without needing to rethink, I nodded while sending him a soft smile. "Sure, I would love to" 

Time Skip~ (Morning) 

Waking up before my alarm I quickly got up from my bed and got ready since Jungkook, Taewoo and I would be going to Busan for the weekend. Putting on a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie I got a text from Jungkook stating that he was already near the apartment. Making sure I had everything packed and ready to go the door bell rand and once I opened it I saw Jungkook and Taewoo standing there with their bunny like smiles. "Miss Y/n! are you ready to go?!" the younger chimed while grabbing my hand. I nodded while giving him a soft smile. I was about to grab my bags until Jungkook took them from me. 

Not wanting to argue we left the building and put everything in the back of the car before getting in. Sitting at the front with Jungkook we buckled ourselves in. "The drive is going to take probably... six hours. I could possibly make it there in 5 hours. But lets go get some food to eat first.!"

Time Skip~ 6 hours (Brought to you by your lazy author-nim)

Feeling someone nudge my shoulder I slowly fluttered my eyes open and heard Jungkooks soft voice "Y/n?? n/n~ were here" Rubbing my eyes and looking around, the car was parked in front of a modern looking home. "This is your parents house??" I questioned while unbuckling myself from the seat. Slowly getting out of the car with Jungkook and Taewoo, the younger ran to the gate and began to ring the bell several times. With the gate suddenly opening, I saw an older male and female standing there before Taewoo jumped into their arms. "Grandpa~" 

I stared for a few seconds until Jungkook grabbed my hand and led me towards them. The two olders stopped what they were doing and looked at me before having a wide smile on their faces. "GIRLFRIEND?!" they both chimed in unison while looking at Jungkook with wide eyes. Jungkook nodded and before I could even say anything his mom rushed over and wrapped her arms around me. "I FINALLY GET TO MEET OUR GGUKKIES GIRLFRIEND!" She broke the hug before staring at me, analyzing my every feature before turning to Jungkook and giving him a thumbs up "Shes very beautiful" Feeling my cheeks flush his mom giggled before walking back to her husband and Taewoo. "Ggukk, you and Y/n could stay in your room.. Taewoow will stay with us" Surprised to hear her say my name I was about to speak up until Jungkooks father spoke "Jungkook told us about you whenever we video called him... dont be too awkward around us. Unpack your things, make yourself comfortable! Also Jungkook make sure to show her around" 

Time Skip~ (Again author-nim?? really???)

Already night time and now currently in the living room talking with his parents they were both telling me about Jungkooks past. "Its been a while since we saw him smile like that..." Mr.Jeon commented while glancing over at Jungkook who was outside in the backyard playing with Taewoo. "Ne... its been so long since we saw that beautiful smile of his" They turned their attention back to me and smiled "We heard what happened in Seoul... about Minji" eyes slightly widening at their words I stayed quiet. "To be honest... we never really liked her when they were together. But at that time Jungkook was truly in love with her so he wanted to make things work. We thought it would.. we really did but then when we got to the hospital that day and learned that Minji left, we werent surprised. I dont know why, I guess you could call it a mothers intuition but I knew deep down that she wasnt the one" 

I continued to stay silent until I felt Mrs.Jeon place her hands on top of mine, I looked up and met with her eyes before softly smiling. "But I know deep down.. that your different. I could see the way you two look at each other and how you two talk. You look at him with loving eyes and I could see the way he looks at you is way different then when he was with Minji. But I could also sense that your holding back... why?" 

I looked at Mrs.Jeon surprised by her words... Im not saying that shes wrong but shes totally right about me holding back. "H-How do you know???" she giggled "A mothers intuition." lightly laughing at her words I sighed not knowing what to say or do until Mr.Jeon spoke up "You must have gone through something to make you feel this way. Were not trying to get the truth out of you, were not going to force you to tell us what happened. But just remember that if you dont take that leap of faith and move forward... nothin will change, you will stay in the same place all your life doing the same thing everyday. Holding yourself back from doing what you truly want to do will haunt you in the future... your still so young and you have so many things you should experience so make sure you to take that chance before its too late" 

Hearing his words suddenly hit me with realization.... that every word that came out of his mouth was true. I looked at them both and smiled "You guys really hit the nail on the head..." They looked at each other before looking at me as we all laughed together. "What are you guys laughing about?" Stopping and seeing Jungkook enter with Taewoo in his arms, his parents both got up before taking Taewoo "We will head to bed now.. you both should do that too." As they were leaving Mrs.Jeon glanced back and me and winked. 

Feeling my cheeks suddenly flush I grabbed Jungkooks hand as he led me towards his room. Remembering that his room was in the basement kind of made me start to think dirty thoughts. (I mean... we're nowhere near his parents room... so they wouldnt hear us right?) "Y/n??" suddenly snapping out of my thoughts I turned to Jungkook who looked at me with his big doe eyes. "Is everything alright?" I nodded while he pushed open his bedroom door. "You can go change in the washroom first.." he commented while walking towards his closet pulling out some clothes that he must have left here for when he visits.. 

Grabbing some clothes to change into I was about to step into the washroom until I turned around and saw that Jungkook was looking at me. It wasnt one of those random stares he had.. but when I analyzed him carefully I could tell his eyes were filled with lust. As if he was trying to tell me to not change in the washroom. I felt my heart beat faster and faster at the thoughts that started to consume my mind... without second guessing myself I closed the washroom door and stood there. "Arent you going to get changed??" he questioned slightly confused by my actions. I nodded before dropping the clothes I had in my hands to the ground. Gripping on the end of my shirt I slowly took it off and tossed it to the side. His eyes widened before he quickly looked away. Seeing how shy he suddenly became was quite amusing. Making my way towards him as he stood still in his spot, I reached up and cupped his face making him look at me. 

"Your acting shy... but just a few minutes ago your eyes were telling me something else..."




(A/N: OH finally... things are getting a little hotter now... THE CHAPTER YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR.. GET YOUR HOLY WATER READY. Your all going to want to boil your eyes after reading it)

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