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Jungkook Pov
"You forgot my number.." she added with a sheepish smile as she extended her phone towards me. *THUMP* With my heart beginning to beat faster I grabbed her phone and put my number in it before handing it back to her. "Cant believe you beat me to it" I chuckled and she laughed along, saying our goodbyes one more time I closed the car door and waved her off. Once her car was out of sight I turned and walked towards my house, unlocking the door and entering I saw Taewoo pop his head out from around the corner smiling. "Appa! your home!" he chimed while running into my arms. Taking my shoes off and walking into the living room I then saw all six of my hyungs sitting in the living room as they turned their attention to me.

"Sooo~ what happened?" Jimin hyung asked while wiggling his brows. "Hyung nothing happened... I drank too much and she just took care of me... nothing more, nothing less" Putting Taewoo down so he could go play, I sat beside Tae and threw my head back. "Yo Kook... do you even remember what happened last night?" Jin hyung questioned while looking at me. Furrowing my brows I shook my head since the only thing I was able to remember was that I ran into Jihoon and Y/n at the bar, but everything after that was a blur.

"I didnt do anything stupid at the club did I?" they all shook their heads and I looked around confused "So.. are you going to tell me what happened? or is this just going to be a guessing game?" "Some dude was at the club last night and tried to take Y/n away... I believe his name was J-J... its started with a J-" "-Wasnt it Jongin??" (WHAT?!) eyes widening at his words I looked towards Jin hyung "D-Did he do something? w-wait what did I do?! did we fight?!" They then began to explain what happened how he was trying to drag Y/n away until I got up and grabbed her. Then how everyone else got involved up until Hobi hyung knocked him out unconscious. Still shocked at how I was being told about all of this Namjoon hyung cleared his throat before speaking.

"Anyways, Kook do you know who that Jongin guy was? is that her boyfriend or something?" I shook my head and scrunched my face "more like an overly obsessed ex...." "So that was her ex boyfriend? I saw that he was wearing a ring.. married I assume?" I nodded my head while rolling my eyes. "There was an issue at Taewoos school, Jongin kept on pestering Y/n about how he was wanting to get back together... it got so out of hand to the point where he slapped her" "What?! Jjinjja?! he hit her?!" Jimin hyung exclaimed.

"Yeah I know..."

Y/n Pov
After driving Jungkook to his house and getting his number I drove back to my apartment and entered my apartment room where I kicked my shoes off and plopped myself onto the couch until I heard knocking. "Y/n!~ open up!!!~" Jihoon chimed while continuing to knock on the door. Laughing and shaking my head I got up and opened the door revealing Jihoon casually dressed in sweats and an over sized hoodie "Going somewhere?" he shook his head while stepping in and looking around the room "If your looking for Jungkook I dropped him off home"

He took his shoes off and walked towards the couch "Really??? I see.... ANYWAYS! SPILL THE TEA! TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!" Sitting down beside him I cocked a brow his way "Everything that happened last night?? Jihoon if your thinking that something happened between me and Jungkook your 100% wrong. Because taking advantage of someone when their drunk is a horrible thing to do.." Jihoon sighed while leaning back "Your too innocent and pure Y/n... okay if none of that happened did anything happen at all???" Taking a second to think I then told Jihoon about what happened in the middle of the night where Jungkook woke up and was panicking thinking that we did something. Then how he couldnt make pancakes... and how I dropped him off and got his number.

Acting like a teenage girl he jumped up and down before giving me a high five. (??? how childish) "Well good job! you at least got his number!" he chimed excitedly and I nodded in agreement. While we were just hanging out and talking Jihoon then brought up Jongin and how he was at the club last night with Jihoons ex. "I cant believe you saw them together!" I exclaimed annoyed. "I know... and its kind of creepy how they like knew we were there.... Its like they have people watching over us so they know our every move." Feelings shivers send down my spine I scrunched my face "Yeah its super creepy... anyways, enough of them are you excited about next week?" I questioned and he looked at me confused. "Next week? whats next week?" Sighing I gave him the 'are you serious' look and then reminded him "Its the athletics festival at school! remember? both students and staff will be participating! arent you excited?!" He just stared at me blankly "Riiight~ yeah the thing is, I love working out Y/n but im not a sporty type of person... like.. whats running? cardio who?"

Laughing at his words I playfully smacked him "Whether you like it or not you have to join. All staff members are supposed to join at least two events" waving his hand in front of his face he nodded "yeah yeah I know.... should I just call in sick?" "For the whole week... seriously Jihoon?" "What! you cant blame me! Im not the sporty athletic type, plus im not about to embarrass myself in front of the other staff along with the students and their parents. Remember what happened last year?"


"Jihoon why are you sitting here hiding? Its almost time for your event!" I chimed while finding Jihoon hiding under his very own desk in the music room. Grabbing his hand and dragging him from under his desk, out the school and into the schools athletic field I pushed him towards the other teachers who were in the same even as him which was the 'Bun-on-a-Hook' event. Jihoon sighed while standing there pouting. "Yah! Jihoon you better at least try!" I yelled while I watched from the sidelines where everyone else was cheering.

The athletics teacher, also known as 'Perfect Guy Mr. Ok Taecyeon' was counting them down and once the starting pistol was shot the teachers began to run. Of course knowing that Jihoon was actually fast he took the lead and I was cheering and yelling out this name, but not too far behind was Mr. Kris Wu. Seeing them head in head was very exciting. They were nearing the part of the race where they had to jump to get the bread and I was worried since Kris had a big height advantage over Jihoon, but surprisingly they both were struggling to jump and get the bread! (damn.. for a tall guy Kris really doesnt have any vert at all....) I thought as I giggled. Continuing and hoping that Jihoon would somehow manage to get the bread and make it to the finish line something very... VERY unexpected happened.

Jihoon did one final jump and managed to get the bread off the hook, but once he was taking a quick breather one of the teachers who had finally caught up tripped on his own feet and stumbled... pulling down Jihoons shorts revealing his music note designed boxers. Everyone was silent.... EVERYTHING WAS SILENT. Seeing Jihoons face turn bright red from embarrassment he pulled up his shorts as fast as possible and finished the race winning first place, earning cheers along with laughter. Running up to him to give him a high five I was met with a very beet red faced Jihoon who attempted to cover his face with his small hands.

End of Flashback~

"H-Hey at least you won!" I tried to look at the bright side of things but he just shook his head embarrassed at what happened at the last athletics festival. "That was the only event I wont though... Unlike you, your literally athletic and you've been doing sports ever since you were younger." Finding his supposed compliment flattering I thanked him but added "Oh come on Jihoon, what difference does it make?"

"You literally won every single event... and you were in EVERY SINGLE EVENT" Awkwardly scratching the back of my neck I nodded "Ahhh... I guess your right." "But still, at least join one event. Okay?"

"Fine... Just one... and thats it. Im not trying to have a repeat of last year"

"Ahaha.... thats fair..."


"Sooo.... music note boxers..."

"Y/n.... dont even"

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