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Its been a few weeks ever since that whole yelling spree happened with Minji. Taking things into my own hands I was actually able to move apartment rooms just in case something happens. The apartment manager talked with Minji but of course he couldnt just kick her out, instead he let her off with a warning. On my end the manager was very understanding towards me and he actually made me move apartment rooms. Settling into my new apartment I heard the front door open and close. "Are these the last of your things??" walking over and helping him place the boxes on the ground I nodded. "Nice, hey its already been a few hours and since were already done moving your things want to go get food?" Sighing in relief I nodded before grabbing my things and leaving. 

Walking down the street with our arms linked to each other we just talked about work and some other things until he stopped and pointed across the street. Nodding we quickly crossed the street and entered the restaurant, it was an all you can eat sushi bar. Sitting down in a booth we looked through the menu and began to place our orders in with the waitress. "Hey Y/n.. how are you and Jungkook now? You know after the whole thing that happened?" With the waitress coming back and giving us water I took a quick sip before responding "Its been well Jihoon... he came over just the other day with Taewoo and we all had dinner at my place, well before they both decided to stay longer to help me pack my things...." (There was more I wanted to tell him but I should keep it to myself for now)

"How about the whole custody thing? Has that been settled?" I nodded at his words and explained to him that the court gave Jungkook full custody of Taewoo after hearing the full story of their relationship and what had happened between her and I. "But I wanted to ask you something Jihoon." he looked up at me and tilted his head a bit confused until I continued "How have you been? Is there something that you've been needing to tell me?" he furrowed his brows still confused until I continued "The other night when I came home from the convenience store I saw 'her' in the lobby pacing back and forth while looking like a mess... care to tell me what happened in the span of those 30 minutes I was gone?" Finally realizing what I was talking about he heaved a heavy sigh while leaning back into his seat. "You already know what happened. The usual crap she says over and over again. Came knocking on my door yelling my name, tells me she wants to make things right, that she loves me, wont cheat on me or use me for my money. Come on Y/n.. its nothing new" 

I chuckled at his words and agreed with his words "Wow honestly I should've just guessed what happened. But Jihoon... dont you think this has been going on for too long? Its been how many years since you two broke up and shes constantly doing this." "Time for a restraining order hey?" I laughed at his commend "Well obviously, or maybe get back into the dating game again? if you get a girlfriend and she sees then maybe she will leave you alone." He thought about it and shrugged "Possibly, or she would just harass us" I was about to respond until the waitress came back with our order of sushi. "Well we could continue this after lets eat first"

Time Skip~

Jungkook POV
Sighing in relief as I was finally off work I was notified that Jiwoo noona would be taking care of Taewoo with some of her friends. Since work had been getting busier each day I was grateful that Jiwoo noona took some time off to take care of Taewoo for me. I didnt have anything to worry about since Taewoo enjoyed having Jiwoo noona around. Getting into my car I was about to head home but thought it would be nice to stop by to see Y/n and see if she finished moving her things. 

After a few minutes of walking I parked my car across the street and entered the apartment building. Hopping into the elevator I pressed Y/ns floor and waited for the door to close, right when the door was about to close someone rushed in and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness I was able to get on.." (fuck.) I thought to myself, realizing who I was on the elevator with I pulled my phone out to keep my distracted until I felt her gaze fall on me. "Hey" she greeted but I ignored her, "Jungkook I know your upset with what happened.. but I really hope deep down in your heart that you will forgive me." (Is she fucking serious right now? forgive her?! after what she did?) "Jungkook I know your listening to me.. so while were here just listen to what I have to say. I know you have full custody of Taewoo but please I realized my mistakes and I want to make it right. I want to make up for the time I wasnt there for you both.. I want us to try and be a true family." 

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