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The Next Day~

Waking up early in the morning I turned over and checked the time, rubbing my eyes I squinted at my phone and read '6:45 a.m'. Slowly getting up from my bed and walking to the washroom I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed (I cant believe it swelled up this much over night...) I thought while shaking my head. Pulling my phone out I made a quick phone call to Mingyu explaining to him that I would not be able to come into school today. Not questioning why I wasnt coming in I hung up the phone and sprawled myself out on my bed. 

(Why did things have to turn out this way....) I thought to myself until I heard loud knocking coming from my door. Pushing myself up from my bed and walking to the front door I looked through the peep hole and saw Jihoon standing there with his arms crossed. Opening the door he stormed his way in, (????) confused at the sudden intrusion while closing the door. I followed behind him towards the couch and stood there as he sat down. "Whats wrong." he simply questioned making me raise a brow. He looked at me blankly "You heard me, I asked you whats wrong. Mingyu suddenly texted me saying you werent coming in. The only time you dont come to work is when your either sick, or because something happened. Your clearly healthy... not you better tell me the truth about what actually happened to your cheek the other day." 

"J-Jihoon.. I-I" "Dont you dare lie to me. Im your best friend Y/n, I-I tell you everything... why cant you do the same? w-whats happening to you??" Feeling my chest ache at his words I slowly walked towards him and sat down beside him, glancing over at him I hesitantly placed my hand on top of his. "Jihoon... I-Im sorry. Im sorry that I didnt tell you what happened. I-I thought I shouldnt tell others because I didnt want them to feel sorry for me. I wanted to handle things on my own. B-But please dont tell anyone... please"

He looked at me concerned and nodded until I took a deep breath in. "M-Minji came here the other night. S-She slapped me." Jihoon looked at me with wide eyes "e-excuse me??" I sighed "She slapped me Jihoon... and told me that Jungkook is only with me to forget about Minji, that he would never pick me because shes the mother of Taewoo and im just a plain nobody." Disbelief written on his face he let go of my hand and stood up "J-Jungkook?! W-What did he say?! w-where is he!?" I shook my head "I didnt tell him. I mean... I wish I could, but for the past few days hes been avoiding all my calls and ignoring all my texts too. So its basically me fighting this battle on my own." 

While sitting in silence with Jihoon we both turned our head towards the door where we heard multiple knocks. (???) "were you expecting visitors?" Jihoon asked as he walked to the door but I shook my head. Opening the door we both saw the group of guys standing there before running into the apartment with worried looks. "Is it true?" Namjoon asked while pointing at my still swollen cheek. "what???" I looked towards Jimin as he bit down on his lower lip, obviously he was the one who told them about what happened. Heaving a heavy sigh i nodded "ne, its the truth... did Jungkook say anything?" they all looked at each other before turning towards me again "Jungkook actually doesnt know, hes been so busy with work... hes barely home again" I sighed while nodding my head a bit relieved that he didnt know about the situation. "Y/n... why did she do that to you?" Hobi asked and I explained to them what happened from start to finish. 

"So she thinks that Jungkook would choose her over you just because shes the mother of Taewoo?!" I nodded "Ne... she then told me that even though she left they didnt really break off their engagement. So their technically still engaged." I bit down on my lower lip to contain my tears from spilling. "Oh Y/n... I dont know what to say, but I know for a fact that Jungkook would never leave you for her. You know what she did to him, you know their past. Ever since he met you hes changed and for the good too, so dont-" *Knock Knock* Jimin stood up and walked to the door opening it to reveal the one and only Minji standing there with a bright smile on her face. 

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