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Seeing Namjoon suddenly appear in front of us at the doorway he was holding a bag of chips in his hands, but once he looked at us and my bags he furrowed his brows "Did something happen???" Being the type of person I am, I wouldnt really tell other people about what happened but since Jungkook and his hyungs were there from the Jongin and Minji situations I felt comfortable with telling them anything. I simply nodded before Jungkook and I walked passed him. "We can talk about it later... sorry Namjoon..." he simply nodded before I followed Jungkook up the stairs. Thinking that I would be staying in a guest bedroom I was most definitely wrong. Jungkook pushed open the door to his room and placed my things on his bed... "Your going to be staying in my room with me... okay?" Feeling my cheeks suddenly feeling my cheeks heat up he noticed and laughed "Dont worry.. I wont do anything you wont like... we can just like... yenno.. cuddle." 

Lightly giggling I slowly felt less nervous about the whole situation. After having Jungkook help me put away some of my things we we went downstairs to see Namjoon on the couch with a familiar face. "Ohhh if it isnt Miss Y/n!" the familiar face spoke up with a bright smile, exchanging greetings with him I noticed another face whom I had never seen. Jungkook noticed before introducing us to each other. "Y/n this is one of my closest friend Cha Eunwoo" He extended his hand out to me and I placed my hand in his before we softly shook it. "Its really nice to meet Jungkooks girlfriend. BamBam and Jungkook would always talk about you in our group chat but its nice to finally see you in person. I hope hes not causing you any trouble" 

I laughed at his words before shaking my head "Ani, if anything im the one causing trouble for Jungkook." he chuckled at me words before retracting his hand. Looking around the room I noticed that Taewoo was nowhere to be seen... (????) "Papa!!!! I need help!!!" the youngers voice echoed through the house, looking at BamBam and Eunwoo they laughed. "Papa!! I dont think theres anymore toilet paper~" Jungkook sighed before making his way to the washroom to help his son. After a few minutes I could hear the little footsteps of Taewoo before he ran into the living room before jumping into my lap. (??!?!?) "Papa told me you were here! are you eating with us again!" he asked with big doe eyes. Lightly pinching his adorable cheeks I nodded causing him to get excited. 

Time Skip~

After a few hours of playing with Taewoo and talking to BamBam along with Eunwoo the two had to leave since they had plans for the night. While in the kitchen preparing for dinner I was told that the others would be arriving shortly right after their work. In the middle of cutting up some vegetables Namjoons voice suddenly spoke up "U-Uhmm.. do you need help???" looking at him I smiled and nodded. 

"I could wash the vegetables if you want?" "Actually could you peel and cut the potat-" "I dont think you should be trusting him with a knife" turning to the voice Seokjin walked into the kitchen while holding a few plastic bags which I assumed was for dinner. "Hyung~ im not that clumsy...." Namjoon commented while scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh please.. we dont call you GOD OF DESTRUCTION for no reason..." (God of Destruction?? what kind of nickname is that??) looking at Namjoon I was confused until he laughed "hehe.... Im a very.... VERY clumsy person." giggling at his response I left him to wash the vegetables since I didnt want want to risk him cutting himself with a knife. having Seokjin helping us out we were able to finish cooking dinner right away before everyone else showed up. 

Once the rest showed up and helped set up the table we all sat down together and ate. Taewoo was the first one to finish dinner and since it was already late Jungkook put him to bed. With only the adults now at the table Namjoon spoke up with the initial question he was wanting to ask earlier when I first came here. "So Y/n.... is everything okay?? I-I mean I know that its your personal business and I shouldnt be nosy but I couldnt help but worry..." chewing and swallowing the last pieces of food on the late I placed my utensils down. "Namjoon.. your not being nosy. I mean ever since I met you all, you've all treated me like I was family and looked after me especially during those tough times I went through, so I feel as if I could tell you all my problems without judging me..." 

"Y-Y/n....  you could definitely tell us anything. After everything you've been through we would all want to be by your side to help you out.... " Hobi commented while sending me a small but worrisome smile. Taking a deep breath in I began to tell them about my situation from start to finish without leaving out any detail... once I was done they all began to discuss who it could be and what they could do, and I was beyond thankful to have them in my life. Before it was always just Jihoon and I... but ever since I met Jungkook... I met the others, they approved of me and looked after me as if I was their younger sister. Suddenly feeling overwhelmed thinking about everything with my eyes tearing up, I felt Jungkook place his hand on my thigh. "Are you alright???" he asked while his hyungs looked at me, wiping the tears that were about to fall I sent them a smile and nodded "Y-Yeah... i-im sorry.. im just so overwhelmed with the situation"

Time Skip~

After discussing with the others about what was going to happen and what I should do they eventually had to go home. Once I was done getting ready for bed I sat on the edge of the bed while Jungkook finished changing into his sleeping clothes. "Y/n.. lets get some sleep? We can talk more in the morning. You've had a long day and I dont want that keeping you up all night" Sighing I joined him under the covers, with the lights now turned off I couldnt sleep right now... "Didnt I tell you to sleep??" Jungkook commented while sighing, even though the room was dark, the moon lightened the room just enough for us to be able to see each other. 

"Sorry... its just.. I dont know what to do now. Usually I would always have some sort of idea on how to handle things but this time... this time I dont know what to do, and i-it actually scares me." Turning onto my side just like Jungkook we looked at each other... and even though there was only a little bit of light shining into the room I could see him pursing his lips together. "I know your scared... heck im scared too, because I dont want to lose you. You came into mine and Taewoos life and we wouldnt want anything to change. From now on I will bring you and Taewoo to school and pick you both up. If not me, then my hyungs or even Jihoon. We'll figure out who is behind this together... okay?" 

Seeing him reach out and softly cup my cheek I placed my hand over top of his and nodded...

"Okay... together..."




(A/N: My amazing readers! This book will be coming to an end soon! Probably until chapter 50! I might end it off with a cliffhanger then make a book 2 but im not too sure yet. Let me know what you think! if you just want the whole story in one book for in a sequel!)

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