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Slowly opening my eyes I got up but immediately laid myself back down due to the throbbing of my head. Wincing in pain I heard the front door open, slowly turning my head to the door Jihoon walked in with a bag in his hand. "I see your awake... how are you feeling?" I groaned while pushing myself up to sit right. "How much did I drink last night?" I questioned while rubbing my temples in hopes it could relieve some pain. Jihoon sat beside me before pointing towards the kitchen where I looked. All the cases of soju I bought yesterday were finished, the empty bottles all lined up on the counter. "Jeez... I did all of that by myself??" He nodded, placing the plastic bag on the coffee table he opened it up and took out some food. 

"Lets eat up first okay?" I nodded while Jihoon gave me the bowl of hangover soup. "W-Wait... what time is it?! W-Were going to be late for work!" I exclaimed about to stand up and run to my room but Jihoon stopped me. "I called in sick for the both of us. Obviously not telling them what actually happened, I just told Lina that you werent feeling well and that I had to look after you" "B-But whose going to take over my class today? I-It was a late notice!" "Y/n dont worry too much... your going to fry that small brain of yours. Taecyeon hyung said he will look after the class today so stop worrying and just eat." 

Jungkook POV
"Appa why did you wake up so late?!" Taewoo exclaimed. Looking in the rear view mirror of the car I saw Taewoo cross his arms while puffing his cheeks out, clearly upset that he was going to be late to school. I mean... its not the first time hes been late for class. Pulling up to his school and helping him get out of the car we walked through the hallway until we made it to his class. "Sorry im late!!!" Taewoo yelled while running into the class... I was about to leave right away but for some reason I wanted to see her before I left. Peeking into the classroom and expecting to see her it was someone else... not anyone unfamiliar but it was the gym teacher. (Whats his name again... Ok Taecyeon??)

"Oh Taewoo, dont worry we were actually waiting for you. I will be taking over class today for Miss Y/n. We were told that she wasnt feeling well so she wont be here today" (Not feeling well?? But she looked perfectly fine yesterday...) I  thought before noticing a pair of eyes staring at me. Locking eyes with the student teachers I raised a brow before quickly leaving the school. Entering my car and driving off to work I wanted to pull out my phone and text her to see if she was alright but I knew I shouldnt. I needed to give her time... and if I text her now I know that she would just send shot choppy replies. 

Deciding to just leave, I got to work and entered my office to see Soonyoung hyung sitting on my couch reading through some folders. "Morning Kook... by the look on your face im going to guess that you guys havent made up yet huh?" I nodded while sitting behind my desk turning on my computer. "Like you said... I have to give her space, I texted you last night syaing what happened but I just dont know what to do now. Shes probably even more mad now." Hyung got up from the couch and walked over to me before sitting on the edge of the desk while looking down at me. "Im not going to say you did the right thing.. but im not going to say you did the wrong thing either. You should have waited until she was ready to talk instead of forcing it onto her... but you did manage to tell her the truth. Its basically just a waiting game now Kook... be patient." 

Time Skip~ (After work)

Once work was finished I made my way home after getting a text from Jin hyung saying that he picked up Taewoo from school. Arriving home and greeting everyone I made my way to my room and got dressed into my house clothes until I heard my door open. Turning around to see Taewoos small figure walk in I saw his mouth forming into a little pout. Confused with why he had such an expression on his face I walked over to him and crouched down to his level. "Taewoo?? is everything alright??? Why do you look so sad?" 

The younger looked up at me with his big doe eyes, "Appa... are you sad??" he suddenly questioned catching me off guard. "w-what?? T-Taewoo.. why would you think that im sad??" He fiddled with his small hands before responding "B-Because Miss Y/n is sad too... I know im young but that doenst mean I dont know whats going on around me appa. Miss Y/n was sad yesterday and she didnt show up to school today, and you looked sad as well. Were you and Miss Y/n fighting??" Furrowing my brows together I couldnt help but feel sad seeing Taewoo know what was happening. I sighed while nodding my head "Ne... Appa and Miss Y/n got into a little fight." His innocent eyes widened while looking shocked "Dont worry... Miss Y/n didnt do anything wrong.. its because Appa was being a bit brainless." 

"Brainless??.... Appa did you lose your brain somewhere???" I chuckled lowly at his words before placing my hand on top of his head "I guess so... Miss Y/n is mad at Appa but dont worry... I will make sure to make her happy again okay? Go to your room now and get ready for bed..." He nodded turning around to leave before he looked up at me "Appa.... you better made sure Miss Y/n is happy again.. or else I will be mad at you too!" He exclaimed while trying to look as intimidating as possible but for me I just found it cute. 

"I could see your still deep in thought right now... Thinking about what to do?" I nodded my head while looking out the window. "Well if you ask me.. I think you should give Jungkook another chance. You know he didnt mean to hurt you, and im not trying to justify his actions. I mean cheating is cheating but remember what he said... he wasnt the one who came onto her right?" I nodded while he continued "Well there you go... he said he didnt have any feelings for her and never thought of her in any sort of way. If you give him another chance you two arent going to be starting from where you left off, obviously he would need to regain your trust. But if he truly loves and cares about you he would do everything in order to regain it again." 

I stayed silent for a few minutes until I sighed making up my decision. "Arasseo.... I'll give him another chance." He sent me a smile but I continued "But not right now... I need some time away to clear my thoughts from what happened. So ill talk to him next week when I see him..." He agreed with my suggestion saying that it was a good idea to give it more time before talking to him again. 

"Want to watch some kdramas?" Jihoon asked while grabbing the remote to turn on the t.v. "Kdramas?? really Jihoon??" He laughed while nodding, which caused me to laugh. "Depends on which one..."

"Crash Landing on You??"







(A/N: I honestly just wanted to thank everyone who had commented on the last chapter & who had sent me DMs supporting me and this book. I was honestly so happy to see you all comment such sweet words saying :') You all mean so much to me and seeing you all support me even though I got those horrible messages make my heart go doki doki~ . So thank you all once again I hope you all continue to read and love this book.) 

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