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The Big Day! 

(Time Skip~ 1 year later)

"nervous???" eyes closed, getting my makeup done I could obviously tell that it was Jihoon who was questioning me. Since I didnt have a best 'girl' friend to be my maid of honor I decided it was the best decision for Jihoon to be my "Man of Honor" which he gladly accepted. "Is it obvious??" I mumbled while hearing a low chuckle escape his lips. 

"I mean not really, but with you continuing to wipe your hands I kind of guessed. Y/n.. theres nothing to worry about. You spent the last 9 months with Jungkook planning everything out plus you both had all your friends help plan." I help the tissue in my hand and continued to wipe my sweaty hands. "Well.. I know that but I just cant help but be nervous! I-I mean.. you know why. This is my second time walking down the aisle.. im just scared that what happened before might happen again." The room fell quiet but I soon felt Jihoon place his hand on top of mine before reassuring me. 

"Y/n.. I know how you feel and I know you would never want to go through that again. Hell if he pulls something like that Im going to take my tie off and strangle him. I dont care if it has to be in front of the priest I aint letting him get away with that." Even though I knew he said that to lighten up the mood I knew Jihoon would actually do that. "Thanks Jihoon..." before he could respond there was a knock on the door and soon I heard it open. "Y/n its Jungkooks parents. I'll let you have some time alone, so I'll come back in a few minutes..." With the door closing behind Jihoon the makeup artist finished my eyes and I was able to finally open them. 

Meeting the eyes on Jungkooks mother and father I sent them a small smile as they neared me with a soft expression. "Y/n... we just wanted to come by and see you before the wedding. We knew that once the wedding ends you'll both be swarmed by the guests so we wanted to be able to talk to you before all of that" I immediately shook my head as I reached out and held her hand "Ani, dont say that Mrs. Jeon... Even if that happens if you ever call out to me I will always put you both as top priority for me. Your both my technically my family now right??" The elders sent me bright smiles before they both wrapped their arms around my figure. Mr. Jeon quickly looked at his watch before speaking how they would have to make their way to the church now since they have the greet the guests. 

(1 hour later)

Squeezing into my dress, I heard the door open and squealing erupted, shooting my head to the door I laughed once seeing Jihoon enter along with Hyunjin and Yeonjun bright behind him. "NOONA!!!! NOONA! OH MY GOD!!!" they all chime din unison while running over to me. "Can I put your veil on?! NO WAIT. CAN WE PUT YOUR VEIL ON YOU!!" The younger once questioned while looking at me like lost puppies. Not being able to turn them down Jihoon and I both watched them as they carefully carried the veil and placed it on top of my head. 

"AHHHHH Y/N! YOUR TOO BEAUTIFUL ITS MAKING MY OWN PRIDE HURT." my best friend commented making me punch his side playfully.  "Haha but in all honesty Y/n.. your breath takingly beautiful. My eyes are literally tearing up" he chuckled while wiping the corner of his eyes. "Do you think Jungkook will cry?? you know, like one of those wedding videos where the groom sees the bride walking down and they just break down?" With the three of them laughing Yeonjun crossed his arms "He better cry.. if not I'll make sure he cries. Thats why im carrying this around" raising my brow as I watched my younger brother reach into his back pocket he soon pulled out a small piece of freshly copped onions. "Yeonjun... are you serious?"

"Noona, what if he doesnt cry or he has a hard time shedding tears. Dont you think that this would come in handy??" I shook my head but began to laugh at his horrible actions. "Yeonjun dont worry, Jungkook will cry.. I mean if he doesnt we could just stop everything and restart it from the very beginning until he cries." "Plus Jimin hyung told me that Jungkook hyung cried when watching Iron Man... if he cried for that he should be able to cry when you walk down the aisle, right???" 

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