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Time Skip~ (2 months later) 

Its been 2 months since the incident that happened at the park with Jongin. Everything has been going so well! Jungkook and I have been smooth sailing so far and Taewoo has been smiling lots ever since. But little did I know that something.... or should I say someone would be coming to ruin all this happiness. 




Walking through the doors of the school and greeting all my coworkers I entered my classroom and began to look through my planner, figuring out what to do with the students today. Suddenly while deep in thought a soft knock came from the door, turning to see who it was there stood a short figure with a smug smile. "Well good morning to you too Jihoon" I greeted while turning my attention back to my planner. Hearing the clicking of his shoes he pulled a chair up to my desk and took a seat while pushing a fresh cup of coffee towards me. 

"You've been working extra hard ever since you started dating Mr.Jeon" he commented while taking a sip from his cup. Glancing up I raised a brow at him before leaning back in my seat "Well just because im dating doesnt give me an excuse to slack off at work Jihoon, you know that" chuckling at my response he nodded agreeing with my statement. "Well the students should be swarming in anytime soon so I better head back to my classroom. Ill come by during my break" Waving him goodbye I went back to planning. After about 10 minutes I could hear the quick little steps of the students near the classroom door. "Goodmorning Miss Y/n!!!" their small voices chimed which caused a huge smile on my face to form. One by one the students entered and went to their desks. 

"Miss Y/n! Im here!!!" watching as Taewoo skipped into the classroom but soon after Jungkook ran into the classroom out of breath. "T-Taewoo... y-you forgot your b-bag in the car~" Jungkook tiredly spoke while handing Taewoo his bag. He stood up and placed his hands on his hips while breathing in and out. *THUMP* Standing there with his shirt soaked in different places  and sweat running down his forehead and neck as if he rushed over here in the middle of an intense work out. 

Continuing to stare at him he suddenly turned and made eye contact with me making quickly turn my head away with flushed cheeks

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Continuing to stare at him he suddenly turned and made eye contact with me making quickly turn my head away with flushed cheeks. (oh my god... he caught me..) I thought praying and hoping in my head that maybe he didnt see me staring so hard. "Checking me out?" his deep honey like voice whispered in my ear causing me to jump. Turning towards him, my eyes widened while taking a few steps back. "W-what are you talking about? I-I wasnt checking anything out..." I stuttered over my words. 

"just admit you were checking me out... you like the whole sweaty boyfriend look?" So hypnotized with his looks I nodded... but realizing what I had just did I quickly covered my face with my hands. Feeling his hands snake around my waist sent chills up my spine, uncovering my eyes I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him off "J-Jungkook your so sweaty!" I whisper yelled. "Well I did come from a nice work out.. you should join me next time" scrunching my face I looked at him weirdly "Is that your way of saying im fat..." his face went blank and soon I giggled "Im kidding Jungkook. Maybe next time..." while lightly hitting his arm. Hearing the school bell ring indicating that class was soon to begin I looked towards Jungkook who was walking over towards the door before turning back to wave to his son. Seeing Taewoo wave back, Jungkook then turned to look at me with a smile on his face. 

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