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(The weekend) 

Hearing knocking coming from my door I got up from my bed and dragged my feet to the front questioning who would be here at this time. Unlocking and opening it my brows knitted together once seeing my two little brothers looking at me with bright smiles... but they werent the only ones here. "Jihoon... what are you doing here with my brothers..." I questioned with half open lids due to me still being tired. Advancing their way into my apartment I looked back at them and sighed while closing the door behind me. 

"Well we heard you have a date with Jungkook hyung today so we wanted to make sure that you go to that date wearing something more appropriate... and NOT wearing sweats and a baggy shirt." "Whats up with you guys and hating sweats and baggy shirts? their comfy thank you very much. But anyways thats not the point... how did you guys even know that Im going on a date with Jungkook today?" Hyunjin and Yeonjun soon pointed at the older male snitching him while I looked at him confused as to how he knew. "Did Jungkook tell you???" he shook his head "So how did you find out?" he chuckled before spilling that he just secretly came into my class that day and looked over my shoulder. 

"Wow invasion of privacy much?" "Not when its come to you, my BEST FRIEND. Plus you always invade my privacy. How many of my shirts did you take over the span of a month?" Eyes widening I took a step back before defending myself "N-None! I-I gave them all back!" "Really now? should we go check your closet right now and count how many of my shirts you have? or how about we combine how many shirts you have of mine and Jungkooks and see the total." "F-Fine! t-that was unnecessary" 

"Anyways noona lets go find something for you to wear! You know how good Yeonjun and I are when it comes to fashion." Hyunjin chimed while dragging me to my room. Entering my closet and watching as they looked through all my clothes they began to throw several clothing items my way before pushing me to the washroom. "Try all these on. Then we will pick which one we like best!" Scrunching my face at the three males who sat patiently on my bed I sighed before closing the washroom door complying to their orders. Looking at the bunch of clothes that were now sitting on my washroom counter I didnt know what went with what so I just guessed. (They probably werent even looking at what they threw at me...) I thought to myself while looking at the dress that I was holding up. But they told me to try everything on and show it to them..

Walking out in this club dress, the three males looked at me before quickly covering their eyes

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Walking out in this club dress, the three males looked at me before quickly covering their eyes. "N-NOONA! O-OH MY GOD. MY EYES. H-HYUNG... B-BOIL SOME WATER AND POUR IT ON MY EYES. NOW!!!" Jihoon shaking his head on the side before throwing his pillow at me so it would cover my chest area. "NOONA WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! WE CAN BASICALLY SEE YOUR TITS!" Bursting out laughing at their reaction I ran back into the washroom to change into something else while I continued to hear their yelling coming from outside. 

Hyunjin POV
"Who the heck bought that for her... W-What the heck was that! Jihoon hyung... please tell me noona wasnt like selling her body on the street during the time she was single." The older looked at me with wide eyes before laughing loudly at my words. "HAHAHA OH MY GOD. Dont even say that, she actually got that as a gift from one of our old coworkers hoping it would help her get back into the dating game but she never ended up wearing it.. Thank god for that too..." Yeonjun kept on shaking his head before looking through noonas drawers "Yeonjun what are you doing." "F-Finding hand sanitizer... alcohol anything so that I could burn that image. I-I dont care if I lose my eyesight at least I wont be able to see that dress ever again." Soon after noona came out of the washroom and we all turned our attention to her in hopes that she didnt walk out in another horrible outfit. 

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