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Jungkook POV
Stretching my hands up to the sky I sighed with relief before standing up,(Finally its the weekend!!!) I was excited today because since Jimin and Yoongi wanted to pick up Taewoo from school I asked if Y/n could come to my work so we could get dinner. Grabbing my jacket and exiting out of the office I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button. While waiting for the elevator to arrive I soon heard Soonyoung hyungs voice from behind me. "Oh Kook! you're still here??" glancing over at him I saw he was standing with an unfamiliar face but decided to not bother knowing who it was until he spoke. "Oh right, Kook this is my new secretary... Shin Yuna. You both are the same age now that I think of it." Simply bowing my head to her she suddenly just stared at me with a weird expression. With the elevator door opening I got in after Soonyoung hyung and his secretary. Standing in silence his secretary suddenly spoke up, "im sorry for suddenly bothering you... but whats your name???" cocking a brow at her I looked straight ahead but responded "Jeon Jungkook" "Oh.. its nice to meet you Jung-" 

Before she could finish saying my name I turned to her and bowed "Im sorry but please call me Mr.Jeon from now on. I dont really feel comfortable being called by my first name with people I just met..." (Obviously its a lie.. but I didnt like hearing my name coming from her mouth...I dont know why.. but it just felt wrong.) Glancing up she looked at me with an upset expression and soon kept quiet until we made it to the main floor. Once the doors opened I said goodbye to Soonyoung hyung and took my leave, entering the lobby I looked around and soon my eyes fell onto my beautiful girlfriend who sat there patiently waiting for me. She looked around and once she saw me walking towards her she got up and walked towards me with a bright smile on her face. 

Grabbing her hand and pulling her into a hug I wrapped my arms around her waist catching her by surprise. Feeling her arms wrap around my neck she hugged me back but soon the hug broke upon hearing someone clear their throat. 

Glancing at who just cleared their throat I saw a male standing there, he had black hair and was shorter that Jungkook but there was also a girl standing beside him. She had this weird expression on her face as she just stared at me. Pulling away from the hug Jungkook sighed before speaking up "Ah Y/n this is my boss Mr.Kwon.... hyung this is Y/n" Exchanging greetings with him he sent me a sweet smile "Please just call me Soonyoung" I nodded until the girl beside him spoke "Friend of yours Mr.Jeon?" she questioned with a hint of sourness hidden in her voice. Seeing Jungkook cock a brow at her he sneaked his hand on my waist "Girlfriend actually..".  "Oh Kook! this is your girlfriend!!!" Jungkook nodded before intertwining my hand in his. 

"Well we have some plans for tonight so we have to go, I'll see you at work tomorrow hyung" saying goodbye to his boss I turned to the girl and bowed but she didnt bow back until Soonyoung commented "Ms. Shin Yuna... its rather rude to not say goodbye back." she bit down on her lower lip but soon bowed while apologizing. "I-Its alright!" I stuttered out, she lifted her head but her expression soon fell. "Well it was really nice meeting you Soonyoung-ssi!" Taking our leave we got into Jungkooks car and drove off "Sooo where are we going for dinner??? hopefully nowhere too fancy because as you can see im not entirely dressed properly." 

He laughed at my comment before reassuring me that where we were going was very casual. Parking on the side I looked around and noticed some shabby buildings but hey you cant judge a book by its cover right? Stepping out of the car I followed Jungkook into a building and up a flight of stairs. "Jungkook?? where are we??" he chuckled while turning back to me "Dont worry about it..." awkwardly laughing I looked around "Your not about to like... kill me right? I read a lot of mangas/manhuas to know where this is going.." He laughed while shaking his head at me words. But soon he pushed a door open and my eyes widened, it was a rooftop restaurant....

With a waiter soon leading us to a table we sat down and I couldnt help but look out into the distance in awe with the scenery

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With a waiter soon leading us to a table we sat down and I couldnt help but look out into the distance in awe with the scenery. Even though it was still rather light out I knew that once the run set it was going to be beautiful. "You like it??" he suddenly questioned making me immediately nod my head "W-Where did you find such a place?!" I asked while still looking around. "Well I honestly found out about this place through Seokjin hyung since he always goes out to eat with Namjoon hyung." (A/N: do I have any NamJin stans out there??)  "Well they most definitely know the best places huh..." 

Placing in our orders with the waiter I turned to Jungkook and we began to talk. "-Oh also the girl at your work... Shin Yuna??? is she new there??" he nodded while drinking his water "Ne, shes Soonyoung hyungs new secretary..." "Ahhh I see... shes kinda of ... awkward." he nodded again "Yeah I know.. shes gives off an odd aura. I think thats just because we dont know her that well yet." I shrugged agreeing with his words. Once our food arrived we continued to talk while eating of course. "So hows work?? Taewoo isnt causing any trouble in class is he??" giggling I shook my head "Taewoo?? causing trouble?? I dont think thats entirely possible right now. There was a time I caught him eating candy in the middle of class, he didnt want me to to get mad so he bribed me with banana milk." Jungkook hearing what his son did, he choked on his food and began to cough. Finally clearing his throat he looked at me with wide eyes "Seriously??? haha I feel like Jimin or Tae taught him that." "Oh jeez I wouldnt be surprised." 

"Anything else happen at school??" Thinking for a bit I remembered the whole Minji thing and how she had been standing outside the school for the past few days... (Should I tell him... I mean she hasnt done anything... shes just been standing there.) Deciding to tell him I cleared my throat and spoke up "Well there has been something thats been bothering me.-" Jungkook looked at me with a confused expression. "-Its about Minji..." his brows furrowed "Minji?? did she do something to you?" I shook my head before telling him the whole situation with her following me to dinner with Jihoon & Mingyu, along with her coming to the school. "Do you want me to talk to her and tell her to stop? I could if you wan-" "A-Ani Kook... its not a big problem right now. I mean she understands that she has a restraining order so I dont think shes will do anything right now." he understood what I was trying to say and nodded "Okay... but if something happens call me right away. I know that you along with Jihoon wont let her do anything especially to Taewoo" 

Time Skip~ 

"Thank you for taking me out for dinner" we were currently standing outside my apartment door exchanging goodbyes. "It was nothing... " standing there in silence Jungkook leaned down to place a kiss on my cheek, he was about to leave until I grabbed his hand. Turning him around I went on my tip toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "T-Text me when you get home okay??" Seeing him lightly blush he nodded and then left. Entering my apartment and doing my nightly routine and hopped into bed, hearing my phone vibrate I opened it and read the text message from Jungkook.. texting back and forth we both said goodnight. Putting my phone away I looked at my ceiling with a smile on my face, thinking happy thoughts about Jungkook, Taewoo and all my friends. I slowly fell asleep thinking that everything was going to be alright...






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