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Time Skip (9 years later~)

Taewoo POV
(Should I tell them??) I questioned to myself as I fiddled with my fingers, nervously waiting for my parents to come home. "What will they say?? will they get mad at me??... what if Eomma gets mad?? that means Appa will get mad at me as well...: Hearing the front door unlock and footsteps walking in, I could hear Eomma and Appa talking to each other while they entered the kitchen. Slowly leaving my room and heading downstairs I could see them putting some groceries away before noticing my presence. 

"Ah! Taewoo, I thought you werent going to be home until later??" Appa commented while eyeing me suspiciously. With my parents both not being oblivious to their surroundings they noticed my facial expression and stopped what they were doing. I looked over at Eomma as she leaned against the counter. "Taewoo... did something happen at school today??" I shook my head immediately making her even more curious now. Both of them nearing me I felt my palms get sweaty, my heart racing with how nervous I was. (I-I mean.. I might as well tell them now right??) Taking a deep breathe in I then opened my mouth to speak. 

"E-Eomma... A-Appa... I-I wanted to talk to you both about something..." The two adults looked at each other before looking back at me. "Alright... what is it??" Balling my hands into fists I just belted out the thing that had been on my mind for nearly 3 years. "I WANT A SIBLING... N-Not like an animal sibling... l-like a real sibling. I know that Uncle Jin and Joon have Jisoo (adopted daughter), while Unlce Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Tae have their fur babies. I-I know that it might be selfish of me to ask for such a thing knowing Eommas condition, B-BUT!! MAYBE WE COULD ADOPT.." Looking at my parents they looked at me blankly before they both smiled brightly. "Thats all???" they both asked in unison while I nodded. Not hearing them say anything else I knew that was their answer... with my head hung low I mumbled to myself "I knew it was impossible..." 

But before I could walk away I felt Appa place his hand on my shoulder making me stop and look at him. "Taewoo... we were supposed to keep this a secret from you until the date was closer, but I guess since you brought it up we should tell you." Furrowing my brows I looked over at Eomma has she took off her jacket, she began to rub her belly and my eyes immediately widened. "NO... EOMMA... REALLY?!" She smiled brightly while nodding her head. 

"T-THIS ISNT A JOKE RIGHT?! L-LIKE YOU DIDNT JUST GAIN WEIGHT RIGHT?!?" "Its not a joke Taewoo... she really is pregnant" A voice suddenly speaking up I turned my head and saw both Uncle Sungmin, Hyunjin and Yeonjun walking in holding gifts. 

"NOONA!" Yeonjun and Hyunjin chimed while running near me, smothering me in a warm sibling hug while Sungmin oppa joined in shortly after greeting Jungkook. "You had a doctors appointment today right?? How did it go?? How far along are you??" 

Giggling at their many questions, we all sat down in the living room "Well it went really well, Im actually 5 months." Seeing their excited facial expressions I knew they were going to ask a question that everyone else would be asking but before any of them asked we heard a knock at the door and Jungkook stood up and answered it. "IM HERE. IM HERE! IM HEREEEEEE!!! I HEARD MY BEST FRIEND IS PREGNANT AND.. I. AM. HERE!" Seeing a small figure rushing into the living room holding many shopping bags, Jihoon shoved Jungkook to the side and plopped himself beside me. "BOY OR GIRL I NEED ASNWERSSS!!!!" "Its nice to see you too Jihoon. But Jungkook and I decided to hold back on the gender, find out when their born" 

After a few more minutes of talking Yeonjun soon spoke up "Well.. actually noona.. I dont think im the only one who is curious. Of course I dont want to make you uncomfortable, but how did this happen?" he finished by poking my belly. "Well.. the only ones who knew were Jungkook, Jihoon and Sungmin oppa. But I had to change my lifestyle and some other things, but most importantly I had been on fertility medications... It took Jungkook and I awhile to actually make things work but im glad it worked out in the end." 

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