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The Weekend~

Jungkook POV
Waking up meant another day of work... pushing myself up and off the bed I silently made my way to the washroom and got ready. Showering and changing into my clothes I walked out to see Y/n still sound asleep on the bed. Slowly walking over to her I removed some strands of hair that were covering her face. Moving at the slight touch she fluttered her eyes open and smiled "Im heading to work now... I'll see you later okay?" half away she nodded. Pecking her lips she went back to sleep while I slowly made my way out of the house. 

Arriving at work I greeted the women at the front desk and got into the elevator where I saw Soonyoung hyungs secretary standing there. Standing a good distance away from her she suddenly spoke "Good morning Jungkook." I raised my brow "I told you before that I would prefer to be called Mr.Jeon..." she giggled before I noticed her shifting closer to me "I know.. but if you think about it were about the same age right??" "That doesnt mean you could call me informally... so please keep it professional and address me as Mr.Jeon" With the elevator door opening I quickly stepped out and made my way to my office while she walked to her desk which was right outside the elevator. 

Entering my office I took off my jacket and threw my bag onto the couch until I heard a knock at my door. Glancing back I saw one of my other coworkers standing there holding some documents in his hands. "Sorry to bother you Jungkook-ssi but these are some documents I was told to give you" Sitting behind my desk, he walked up and placed the documents on the desk. Scanning the multiple folders on my desk I noticed that I wasnt supposed to be in charge of any of these.... "Seok- I mean Deokyeom-ssi... who told you to give me these deocuments??" He looked at me before explaining that secretary Shin was the one who told him. I shook my head before giving him back to him "Please give these documents to Mr. Hong... hes the head of Research and Development. So hes the one who should be looking at these" 

Once Dokyeom took the documents and left the office I began to do the work I was originally given, but I couldnt help but think about how Soonyoung hyungs new secretary gave me those documents. I know that shes new here but its common sense to know where each document/file should go and who should review them. Furrowing my brows while continuing to type and review Marketing files, without knowing what time it was I glanced at my clock and was surprised to see that it was already noon.... I was about to get up and leave to grab some food but got a text message from Y/n.. (I wonder if everything is okay over there...) 

(A/N: Ignore the time on the top

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(A/N: Ignore the time on the top. I wasnt able to change it haha) 

Seeing her message I put my phone in my pocket and rushed out my office. Not wanting to wait for the elevator to come I rushed to the stairs and hurried down the flight of stairs. (Thank god its easier going down the stairs...) I thought as I finally made it on the ground floor. Pushing the door open and looking around I saw Y/n and Taewoo standing in the middle of the lobby while holding my sons hand. Calling out to them they turned to face me with bright smiles on their faces. Taewoo running into my arms as I picked him up I walked over to Y/n surprised that they were even here.

"What are you two doing here??" I questioned she giggled before responding "I thought that maybe we could all go have lunch together! Unless your going to eat with cowor-" I shook my head before she could finish her sentence. "Ani, I was honestly about to just go to the store and buy like bread and banana milk." She laughed while shaking her head "Thats not a very healthy thing to do". Putting Taewoo back on the ground we all held hands and were about to leave until Soonyoung hyung caught up to us with of course his secretary. "Kook! are you heading out to eat with your family??" I nodded "Would it be alright with you if we join?? plus I would love to get to know Y/n!" he chimed while waving over at Taewoo and Y/n. I glanced over at Y/n and she smiled while nodding giving me the okay to let them come along.

Walking down the street we picked a Korean BBQ/Bar since it was just faster for us to cook our own food. Entering the place we sat down all together at one table and ordered the different types of meat and vegetables along with drinks. "So Y/n, when did you and my little Kook meet?" Soonyoung hyung questioned with a small smile, glancing to the side I watched at his secretary Yuna looked at Y/n with a dull expression...(????) "Oh! I-Im actually Taewoos teacher..." Y/n responded and hyung was surprised "Jjinjja?? So you two must have met at the school?" we both nodded while looking at each other with soft smiles. 

Once our meat and veggies were on the table and we started to cook everything Yuna suddenly spoke up gaining our attention "So Y/n, were you in any past relationship before meeting Jung- I mean Mr.Jeon?" Cocking a brow at her words I looked at Y/n as she looked at the female confused. 

Hearing her say those words I furrowed my brows confused as to why she suddenly asked that. "Pardon??" She looked at me with an innocent smile before continuing "Oh, was that too sudden?? Mianhe, I was just wondering if you were in any previous relationship before Mr.Jeon." "Ms.Shin! thats very disrespectful of you to ask such thing." I shook my head "Ani.. its fine, but I dont think its appropriate for me to be talking about my personal life with someone who I only met." I smiled while she sent me a small glare. (What the hell is her problem...) I lightly shook my head before looking at our now fully cooked food. 

Taking some of the meat and cutting it into small pieces I helped Jungkook feed Taewoo

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Taking some of the meat and cutting it into small pieces I helped Jungkook feed Taewoo. Stuffing his small cheeks, he ended up looking like a squirrel. Making Jungkook and I laugh at his cuteness, Soonyoung took out his phone and quickly took a picture. "You guys are so cute~" he cooed while looking at the photo he had taken. Turning his phone around to face us, I adored the picture. It was of Jungkook and I looking at Taewoo with fond smiles, "Could you send me that photo?!" I blurted out, he laughed while nodding "I'll send it over to Kook". 

Time Skip~

After eating and paying for lunch we all exited the restaurant and made our way back to their work. Holding hands with Taewoo while his were connected to Jungkooks we had small talk here and there. I was minding my own business until Yuna began to walk beside me, suspicious of her actions I turned to her and she looked at me before finally speaking "You and Jungkook seem to have a pretty good relationship.." I nodded agreeing with her "N-Ne... w-we do..." she giggled before speaking again "No need to be so cautious of me.." I was about to say something until I noticed that we had arrived at their work already. With Soonyoung and Yuna walking ahead, Jungkook turned and gave Taewoo a big hug before now turning to me. 

"Thank you for coming all the way here..." he pulled me into a hug and of course I hugged him back. Pulling away he smiled before lightly pecking my lips "ewww..." Taewoo chimed while scrunching his face. Jungkook laughed while my face flushed in embarrassment, "Ill be home before dinner, so I'll see you later okay?? text me when you get back so I know your safe" I nodded at his words and he soon walked into the large building. 

Looking down at Taewoo he smiled brightly at me while taking my hand in his "Lets go home??" he questioned making me laugh "Shouldnt I be saying that to you???" Walking away with Taewoo we decided to stop by the store to buy some snacks but while doing so I couldnt help but think about how blunt and weird that Yuna girl was... why would she ask such questions and say such things to me...??

(What the heck was her deal??)

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