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Accidents... they happen all the time, they come during different situations and settings. Sometimes it just small like spilling coffee on someone, forgetting someone's name, or maybe hitting them too hard. But other times there are accidents that are serious... getting in car accidents, saying words that hurt someone when you dont mean it. No one knows when those accidents would happen. And little did I know I was going to get into one...

(Time Skip~ Few months later)

"Hey noona why so glum??" Snapping out of my thoughts and looking at the screen in front of me, I saw both Yeonjun and Hyunjin looking at me with worried expressions." I sighed while shaking my head letting them know that everything was fine and that there was nothing to worry about. Was if fine?? no.. i definitely wasnt fine at all.. why was I feeling glum?? maybe because of my relationship with Jungkook at the moment. 

Everything suddenly started to feel different, how he spoke to me on the phone or in person was different, even the way he texted was different, and I didnt know why or what happened. I constantly asked him whenever we met up what was wrong and if there was anything I could do to help him but he would always push me away or change the subject. This had been happening for a few weeks now and I just couldnt push away the feelings I felt right now. I became more anxious, negative thoughts filling my mind..

(Is he falling out of love for me?)

(Or maybe hes cheating on me again...)

(Am I doing something wrong??)

(Why wont he talk to me...)

"Noona.. we know your lying. You suck at lying too you know?? SO tell us the truth.. whats wrong?" Chuckling at their words I leaned back into my couch before simply telling them that Jungkook had been acting weird lately. "Weird?? in what way??" "Maybe its because he didnt get any sex la-" "Yah! Yeonjun!" Hyunjin cut him off before wacking the back of his head. "Hyung! that hurt! I was just stating my opinion! maybe their not sexually active, and that why he-" "Want me to hit you again?" "No..." 

Clearing his throat while rolling his eyes and looking back at me I shrugged my shoulders "I have no clue as to why... he doesnt want to tell me. He either changes the subject or leave. I've been constantly trying to ask him. I even went to his place the other day and asked Taewoo is he knew but of course he didnt. His hyungs didnt even know why either..." "Maybe just give him some space?? I mean if he doesnt want to talk about it then maybe its something serious.." "I know Hyunjin.. but if its something serious shouldnt I try to at least be there to help him as well?? instead of having him go through something by himself??" They both nodded agreeing with my words before we all began to think of what was happening. Taking out my phone and sending him a text he quickly replied "Sorry im busy.. im out right now, lets talk later." 

Reading those words made me feel nervous. What was he doing right now.. why is he so busy?? Where is he?? Knowing who to text I quickly tapped Taehyungs contact and asked him if he knew where Jungkook was. After a few minutes of waiting I heard my phone notification, opening the message I grabbed my jacket. "Noona?? where are you going?? its already late.." "To the dance studio.. I heard from Taehyung and Jungkook was there with Hobi and Jin. I'll text you when I get home okay?" Ending the call and walking out of the apartment I got into my car and drove to the location of the dance studio that Hobi worked at. 

Entering and looking around I walked to the front desk "Sorry.. uhmm.. is Hobi here??" the young male smiled and nodded before telling me that he was in the dance studio at the end of the hall with some friends. Thanking him and walking away I made my way down the hallway, hearing the music I neared the last studio. Taking a small peek in through the slightly opened door, I saw Jungkook and Hobi free style dancing while Jin sat against the mirror. (Should I go in???) Hearing the music stop I heard Jungkook groan while they collapsed onto the ground. Their panting filled the room and I soon heard Hobi speak "So how are things between you and Y/n???" 

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