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(Its our one year anniversary..) I thought to myself with a smile on my face as I woke up. It was the weekend and I was just so happy... because I never thought I would ever have this feeling again. That feeling of being with someone who is still with me because of who I am, and who loves me for all my flaws... I was beyond grateful for have someone like Jungkook in my life. He truly is a blessing. Seeing that I got a text message from Jungkook we both greeted each other saying Happy Anniversary. Discussing about what we should do today we both came to a conclusion that we would just do whatever! go with the flow! ride the waves... that type of date. With a stupid smile on my face I thought of a great idea.... to visit him at work for lunch. (Knowing him he would probably just go to the convenience store to buy banana milk and chips...) I thought while giggling. Quickly taking a shower I threw on an outfit that I thought Jungkook would find cute. 

Grabbing my bag and essentials I left the apartment building excited to surprise him at work

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Grabbing my bag and essentials I left the apartment building excited to surprise him at work.  Getting in and starting my car I drove off, but wondered what he was doing right now. (Hopefully he didnt go for his lunch break yet) I thought feeling a bit nervous. After about 15 minutes of driving I arrived at his work and parked my car right outside before getting out. Entering the building I walked up to the front desk and asked to see Jungkook, unfortunately they didnt allow me. I was about to text him until I heard someone cal my name, turning around to see Soonyoung walking over to me with a smile he asked what I was doing here. 

"Today is actually my one year anniversary with Jungkook... I was wanting to surprise him at his office but I didnt think I wouldnt be allowed" he chuckled before telling me to just go with him. Asking if it was alright he reassured me with a soft smile "Its perfectly fine, haha Im saying that because im the boss." Giggling at his words I nodded while following after him into the elevator. "So one year huh?" he spoke up and I nodded shyly "Ne..." "Im happy for you two, Jungkook really changed after meeting you. Im not trying to be like a wing man and such but its the truth... even though at work hes still a bit cold hes been smiling way more" Feeling my heart race at his words scratched the back of my neck "Really??" He looked at me and nodded "Of course, I could tell he really does care about-" before he could finish his sentence the elevator door opened but instead of walking out excited I stood there frozen in my tracks. 

Eyes widened at the sight in front of me... "Y/n are you...." Soonyoung looked out and his eyes widened as well. "J-Jungkook..." he spoke up, gaining the pairs attention Yuna looked at us surprised along with Jungkook. He quickly pushed away the secretary  before turning to me, "Y-Y/n... I-I-I" without letting him explain I ignored his words while marching my way towards the pair. "Y-Y/n... I-I" *SLAP* the sound of my hand making contact with her skin filled the hallway. "You disrespectful bitch... you knew how serious our relationship was yet you couldnt fucking keep it to yourself and respect us. Fucking know your place before I fucking show you where it is." She stared at me wide eyed while holding her cheek, without uttering a single word from her mouth.

Glancing over at Jungkook he was about to say something until I looked away before quickly getting into the elevator and pressing the button. With the door was closing Jungkook sprinted trying his best to stop the door and get to me but it was too late. With the elevator doors fully closed all that was heard were the desperate banging of Jungkooks fists against the metal along with a heavy sigh. 

"Y-Y/n..." Soonyoung softly called out to me while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Feeling so vulnerable I quickly turned and leaned into his chest wanting to let everything out, but it wasnt enough.... I wasnt enough. With the door finally opening I couldnt stand to be here anymore, "I-Im so sorry Soonyoung... I-I have to go." without hearing him respond I rushed through the lobby and out of the building, getting into my car I quickly started it and drove back home with tears running down my face. 

Soonyoung POV
"I-Im so sorry Soonyoung... I-I have to go." without letting me say anything she rushing out of the elevator until I saw her figure run out of the building. My mind was so tangled with different thoughts... a few seconds after I saw Jungkook running through the lobby looking for her but he was too late, she was already gone. I made my was to the male as he continued to look around in hopes that he would suddenly see her. "What did you do..." I spoke up gaining his attention, the younger looked at me with wide eyes while small beads of sweat covered his forehead. "H-Hyung... I-I" "You could explain?? you could explain to me why you were kissing Ms.Shin in the middle of the hallway during work?" I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at him dead in the eyes.

He walked up to me and grabbed my sleeve "Hyung.. I didnt kiss her.. she kissed me! I swear! You know how much I love Y/n. You know I would never do this to her! I never see Ms.Shin that way!" I pushed his hand off and took a step back. "If you didnt see Ms.Shin that way then why didnt you push her away. Answer me that." Hearing my words he stopped while his facial expression dropped. Sighing while shaking my head I turned my back on him and was about to leave until I glanced back "Im giving you the rest of the day off... just go." 

Jihoon POV
"What do you think Y/n is up to right now?? is she home?" Mingyu questioned while we both walked together. I shook my head explaining to him that Y/n went to Jungkooks work to have lunch with him since it was their one year anniversary today. "AW! lucky! But honestly good for her.. she deserves all the happiness shes getting" I nodded agreeing with his words. Nearing the apartment building I noticed in the distance Y/ns car parking, (Why is she back already??) I thought as we continued to walk closer. Suddenly Mingyu and I saw her figure run out of the car and rush into the apartment building. 

Even though I couldnt see her face I knew all too well that something bad happened. "Wasnt that Y/n???" Mingyu questioned, I nodded beginning to pick up the pace until we both started running, entering the apartment building I saw that the elevator was at the top floor. (Why did she go all the way to the top?) Mingyu and I took the other elevator and made our way to the top floor, getting off we looked around not able to see her until we heard the sounds of screaming and crying coming behind the rooftop door. Slowly opening the door I saw Y/ns figure on the ground and she cried loudly. (?!?!) Without wasting another second I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her small figure. "Y-Y/n. Something happened didnt it... w-what happened." I felt her turn her body until she wrapped her arms around me tightly, crying as I felt my shirt soak in her tears.

 "Jihoon... why does this always happen to me..." 

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