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Jungkook POV
"I saw Appa kiss your cheek so I waned to do it too!" Teawoo chimed while fiddling with his fingers. Rather speechless with how bold my son was, I looked at Y/n and saw a pink tint on her cheeks. (Did she really just blush with my son kissing her....) Shaking my head I grabbed Taewoo and put him on the floor while handing him more coins "Here go play more games." He smiled brightly taking the coins before running off the the kids claw machine which I knew he was good at. Y/n stood up from the seat and stood beside me "You're jealous that Taewoo kissed me huh." 

"W-What! NO! H-HES A KID! W-Why would I be jealous..." I huffed whiled whispering the last part. "Well I obviously know where he gets that side from..." she added while nudging my side before running off to join Taewoo. (Why does it feel like Y/n is on a date with my son instead of me...) Looking ahead and seeing Y/n crouching down to help Taewoo I couldnt help but just smile. 

(Time Skip~)

"Appa...." Looking down at Taewoo he was rubbing his tummy while looking up at me with his big doe eyes. "Ahh.. you're hungry arent you?" he nodded causing Y/n to giggle. Taking his hand while Y/n took the other one we both decided to leave the arcade and head to the closest restaurant which was down the road. Entering and sitting down Taewoo looked through the menu before pointing at a picture "Appa, I want pasta~ or pizza~" Hearing him say those words I was quickly reminded of Jin hyung. (P-A-S-T-A pasta.... P-I-Z-Z-A pizza) Chuckling I nodded my head but told him to only pick one since I knew he wouldnt be able to finish both. 

With the waiter coming over and taking our order I couldnt help but notice that he often stole glances at Y/n who was oblivious to his actions. Raising my brow the waiter walked away, looking at Y/n who then looked at me she tilted her head to the side "What?? is there something on my face?" I kept quiet and shook my head. 

After continuing to just talk the waiter came back with our food and placed it on our table and simply walked away. (Maybe im just overthinking things... Hes a waiter, hes supposed to be friendly to all guests..) Shaking my head we all began to eat, of course with Y/n and I taking turn to help Taewoo with his pasta we soon finished. With the dishes being cleared from the table I was expecting the waiter to just simply come back with the bill but he placed something on our table that made my brows furrow. I was about to say something until Y/n beat me to it. "E-Excuse me???" the waiter stopped and looked at Y/n who was confused "I-Im sorry but we didnt order this chocolate cake.." 

"Dont worry its on the house.." The male sent a smile towards only Y/n without looking at me and I was about to just stand up and knock him out but Y/n stood up "I-Im sorry we cant accept it..." with the male now looking confused he stepped forward. Thinking that he was about to make a move I stood up about to grab his collar until he bowed. 

"Im sorry i-if you misunderstood me! I-I was just so captured by your sons cuteness I wanted to give him cake!" 



(What...) With now both Y/n and I confused the male looked towards Taewoo who was paying no attention "Im so sorry! I-I couldnt help it! Y-Your son is just the cutest thing.. h-his cheeks.. c-can I pinch his cheeks!?" the waiter asked while looking at both Y/n and I for approval. Still confused I simply nodded my head and within a split second the male lunged towards Taewoo before squishing his cheeks in his hands. 

After a few seconds the waiter stepped away before bowing apologizing but thanking us at the same time

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After a few seconds the waiter stepped away before bowing apologizing but thanking us at the same time. "P-Please accept the cake... I-I want your son to eat it!" he pleaded before running away back to the kitchen. Looking at Taewoos now reddened cheeks I looked over at Y/n who began to laugh before feeding Taewoo the chocolate cake that was on the table. (What the heck just happened... I-I thought he was hitting on Y/n.. but he was actually interested in Taewoo?!) 

After Taewoo ate all the chocolate cake we soon paid and left the restaurant but Y/n continued to laugh at what had happened. "I thought he was trying to swoon me! But Taewoo was the one who captured his attention! OH MY GOD!!" Taewoo looked up at us confused since he wasnt sure what had happened. 

Getting into Jungkooks car we were about to go to Namsan tower but noticed that Taewoo was beginning to get tired. "Should we head back to your place then??" Jungkook agreed with the idea and we began to drive off. Getting to his house and getting out, Jungkook ended up carrying Taewoo into the house and placed him in bed so he cold nap. While I sat in the living room Jungkook plopped himself down beside me while suddenly leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Hmm?? dont tell me your tired too?" he chuckled while shaking his head "Ani, just wanted to be closer to you, thats all.. hey.. want to watch a movie???" He sat up and grabbed the remote control, turning the t.v. on and going onto netflix we scrolled through a bunch of movies trying to figure out what to watch.

"How about we watch an anime movie instead?" I recommended and hearing anime suddenly made Jungkooks ears perk up. "Y-Yes! Lets watch an anime movie! w-what movie though? A silent voice? Your name? I Want to Eat Your Pancreas?.. o-or A Silent Voice???" Giggling at how he continued to name anime movies at the top of his head I told him to pick anything while I went to the bedroom. Grabbing extra pillows and a big blanket I went back to the living room where I saw Jungkook picking 'Spirited Away'.

Cuddling with each other on the couch we both looked at each other we leaned in and connected our lips. Pulling away and looking at each other we both smiled before turning our attention back to the t.v. 

(Not the most ideal date.. but I think this was my favorite date by far) 




(A/N: haha im back again! Sorry for the late update! I decided to take a little break since I've been tired lately but now im ready to post more! :) Talk to you all in the next chapter! <3 )

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