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Jungkook POV
"Jungkook.... is that you??" a familiar called out to me making Y/n and I stop in our tracks. I was frozen... that voice, the voice that I havent heard in so long, the voice that reminds me of all the pain I went through. I couldnt turn around, I will not face that person. Squeezing Y/ns hand in mine before walking away wanting to get as far away from that person. Making it to Y/ns apartment door I took her keys from her bag and tried to open the door before fumbling with the keys making it fall to the ground. "Kook?? is everything al-" but before Y/n cold finish what she was going to say that persons voice spoke up again. "Jungkook?? D-Do you not remember me??" 

Grabbing the keys and finally unlocking the door I pushed the door open and grabbed Y/ns hand leading her in. About to close the door the person used their foot to block the door "J-Jungkook... I-Its me-" not letting her utter another word form her mouth I swung the door open and glared at her with a dark expression. She took a step back away from the door and began to fiddle with her fingers before speaking up "Y-You remember me right?? Im surprised that I ran into you. How are you?? I-Is Taewoo-" 

"Stop." she looked at me with furrowed brows "w-what?-" "I said stop. Stop whatever it is your trying to do... and j-just leave." without letting her respond I closed the door and immediately locked it before leaning against the door. Hearing the footsteps leave my heart began to race, my body started to shake... I didnt know what to do. "J-Jungkook?!" I looked at Y/n with wide eyes (w-what just happened?!)

Watching as Jungkook talked to an unfamiliar woman, he suddenly closed the door and locked it as if his life depended on it. Eyes still on him as he leaned against the door he slowly lowered his body until he was sitting on the ground. (Who was that???) I thought still wondering until I saw Jungkooks body begin to shake. (?!?!) Hurrying towards him I called out to him worried. "J-Jungkook!??" he shot his head up looking at me with wide eyes. He was scared, as if he saw a ghost. Kneeling down in front of him I saw that his breathing was harsh, he was hyperventilating. (oh jeez what do I do?!) 

Quickly wrapping my arms around him I pulled him close to my chest and held him tightly in my arms. "Jungkook... shhh, you have to breathe. Okay? just breathe" feeling his hands snake around my waist as he gripped my shirt tightly his breathing slowly went back to normal but still he was breathing heavily. About to pull away from him he pulled me back in "d-dont leave me... p-please d-dont go" he whispered as if he was begging me. Nodding at his demand, I held him in my arms while rubbing comforting circles on his back. 

Time Skip~ (15 minutes later)

It was quiet.... slowly pulling away I looked down at the figure as he hung his head low. Using my hands to cup his cheeks I lifted his head up and saw his redness that formed around his eyes along with the puffiness. He didnt want to meet eyes with me but I leaned my forehead against his "Jungkook.. I dont know who that was or what happened... I dont know if you want to talk about it but when your ready I'll be right here beside you." Pushing myself up about to go get him a cold towel for his eyes I felt him grab my hand stopping me. "...ji" (???) "what??" "M-Minji... t-that was Minji.." (A/N: BIG OOF- s/o to [user name] for guessing the right person!) not knowing what to say I cleared my throat "I-I see... l-lets talk about this in my room okay? go wash up" he used whatever strength he had left to stand up and drag his feet to the bedroom where he got changed while I took a shower. 

Changing into my sleep wear I walked into the bedroom and saw Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. (He must be still shaken up from earlier..) I thought as I walked around the bed to sit beside him. "Hey... are you alright?" I asked softly, he sighed before raising his head but instead of nodding he shook his head. "Im really not alright. I-I never thought I would meet her here. I didnt want to talk to her, I didnt want to look at her... but I did. And when I met eyes with her, I just felt angry.. I was so angry Y/n. I wanted to just yell at her and tell her how much I hate her for what she did... b-but I couldnt do that. Not in front of you... I didnt want you to see such a side of me. I dont want to scare you and have you look at me differently"

Heaving a heavy sigh I placed my hand on his shoulder "Jungkook... I would never look at you differently just because you did something right. You told me your story, you told me what she did and I wont judge you for your actions against her." He looked at me and sighed out of relief before leaning his head on my shoulder. "Want to know what she said to me?" he mumbled just enough for me to hear. "Do you want to tell me?" he nodded and opened his mouth "She asked me about Taewoo... I understand why but I was so angry when she asked. The way she talked to me it was as if nothing happened, like she didnt think about all the things she did to me and Taewoo in the past. How she made us all feel."

"I-I dont want to ever see or talk to her again..."




(A/N: Shes back! Minji is now officially part of the story!... what do you all think shes going to do? Do you think Minji will try to get back together with Jungkook? maybe try to take Taewoo away? hmmm comment what you think!!!)



 Also good job to everyone who guessed that it was MINJI! Shout out to all of you for guessing correctly but BIG S/O to @blackwolfdemon12 &  @Sandra_VS for being the first two to guess that it was MINJI!

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