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Jungkook POV
Leaving her apartment I took the stairs and walked down towards Jihoons apartment. Casually knocking on the door I heard footsteps and soon the door opened revealing the small male in his XL baggy clothes that barely fit him. "Let me guess.... you need to barrow clothes?" I scratched the back of my neck and nodded. "Come on in, Ill go get some clothes for you. Make yourself comfortable." Stepping in and taking off my shoes I followed after him as we entered his room. "Sorry for the mess, Ive been trying to write some new songs for the kids at school. But anyways, whats Y/n doing right now?" "Hmm? oh shes in the shower at the moment" Jihoon grabbed some clothes and walked over to me holding them out. 

Taking them from his hands I stood up and thanked him. He stared at me for a moment before opening his mouth "How tall are you?" he suddenly questioned. (????) "last time I checked I was 5'10"... or somewhere around there, how about-" "Its rude to ask a short person how tall they are..." Jihoon huffed while crossing his arms and pouting. Chuckling I nodded before taking my leave. Making my way back to Y/ns apartment I was nearing her door until someone accidentally bumped into me. The small figure quickly stood up and bowed before rushing away. (Who was that???) Not thinking much of it I walked away entering Y/ns apartment.

Locking the door I walked over to her bedroom and changed into my clothes. A split second after I finished changing the washroom door opened and from her vanity mirror I saw Y/n walking out in a black silk robe as her wet hair fell. (... well shit.) She looked at me and smiled "Your back, that was quick." I nodded while gulping at the sight in front of me. "Want to have a drink before we head off to bed? I mean it is the weekend" Nodding we both walked out, sitting on the couch once again Y/n went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of glasses and a bottle of red wine. Placing the glasses down she sat beside me while extending the bottle my way. Opening the wine bottle and pouring our drinks we sat in silence. "So now that were alone, tell me more about you and Minji" she spoke up. 

"Hmm? Minji? why?" she shrugged "Well I did tell you and me and Jongin so dont you think its fair if you told me about you and the mother of Taewoo?" "ha I guess..."

(After story)

"Well thats basically it.. once she left we never saw her since. No check ups no nothing.. just gone. After I picked myself up and met you I promised myself to never let her back into mine or Taewoos life again. I know it may seem petty but even though shes the mother of Taewoo and that she should have the rights to see him I dont approve of it. She left right when he was born, I think her rights to be his mother arent there anymore." Pouring the remaining amount of wine into our cups I chugged it down before placing the glass on the table. Leaning back into the couch I felt Y/n place her hand on my leg. "Hey, look where you are now. You had your hyungs help you pick up those pieces, you have your friends there for you as well. And most importantly you have Taewoo who loves you. Its not petty or selfish, its your decision and you made the right call." 

Placing my hand on top of hers I sent her a smile and she returned it. "Thank you" I squeezed her hand in mine. We were both just staring at each other... she was staring at me while I stared into her gorgeous eyes. (shes beautiful...) I thought to myself. My eyes trailed from her eyes down to her lips. Seeing her slowly lean in she must have felt what I was feeling. Slowly closing the gap between us her eyes closed, using my free hand so cup her cheek the gap between our lips closed as I placed my lips on hers. It was a small kiss, pulling away we looked into each others eyes again... I craved more. More of her kisses, her touch, everything. 

Reaching out towards her again I gently placed my hand behind her neck and slowly pulled her towards me. Kissing her once again it led to something more... her hands raked through my hair as mine wrapped her her waist bringing her closer to my body. Slowly laying her down on the couch I hovered over her still keeping out lips locked. But it wasnt enough... I wanted to do more with her. I ran my hand up her thigh but stopped before running my hand on the silky fabric of her robe. Tugging at the belt of her robe I pulled away and looked at her wanting permission to do more. But she sat up, staying quiet I knew she wasnt comfortable to go that far. Sighing a bit with disappointment I have to respect her decision,  I nodded and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Thats enough for tonight... you should go get changed so we can go sleep." I got up from the couch and entered her bedroom before her.. (I knew I was moving too quick... why did I rush into it...)

I watched as he walked into the bedroom leaving me here in the living room. Touching my lips with my index finger I just thought about what had happened. The kiss... and how ran his hand up my leg. How everything he did was gentle and loving... but I felt guilty, guilty because I didnt let him go further. Its not that I didnt want to go further with him, I truly do.. but I dont think im ready for it yet. The things that Jongin inflicted on my body still left scars... scars that im ashamed of showing to anyone else. I know Jungkook is different and that he would treat me as if I was a fragile flower but right now isnt the time for this, its too quick... im not ready. (I hope he isnt mad at me...)

Clearing the glasses and wine I walked into my room and saw that Jungkook was in bed while scrolling through his phone. Grabbing some clothes and quickly changing in the washroom I made my way to the bed and got under the covers. Turning off the lights Jungkook turned off this phone and turned towards me. "H-Hey Kook...I-I-" "-Hey im not mad okay? I was just rushing... I respect your decision no matter what. And before we go that far I want to make sure that your ready. Dont stress about it.. okay? I dont want you having troubles sleeping because of what happened. When your ready then we could take that step forward. Lets go at your pace right now.."

"Thank you... for understanding" he brought me into his chest and held me in his arms. "Of course. Now lets go sleep okay? We could go out for breakfast tomorrow.. goodnight Y/n"

"Goodnight Kook"



(A/N: Hey! How was that for an update? Were you all thinking something hot and steamy was going to happen?? 😂 honestly i wanted it to happen but im going to keep it conservative for a few more chapters until things get yenno... 😉)

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