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Jungkook POV
( Why did she say those things??) Pushing myself up from the couch I dragged my feet down the hallway and pushed open her bedroom door. Seeing her sitting on the edge of the bed quietly while fiddling with her fingers I made my way around and slipped into the bed. Seeing as how she didnt react or move I sat up reaching out to tap her shoulder. "Hey... whats wrong.. everything you said earlier wasnt like you. If theres something bothering you tell me..." She glanced back before turning her body slightly to face me. "Im scared..." Furrowing my brows I shifted myself closer to her before placing my hands on top of hers. "Im scared of fully opening up my heart to you because of Minji. Im scared you might end up leaving me... that we would slowly drift away like before when you first ran into her. I dont like being left in the dark like that, I hated that feeling and I dont know why but I feel like it might happen again."

Feeling my chest tighten up by her words I bit the inner corner of my mouth upset that I made her feel this way. Grabbing her hand in mine I softly kissed her knuckles before responding "Min Y/n... I promised you before at the top of Namsan Tower that I would never hurt you. That I would be by your side, to be your shoulder to cry on and to love you for who you are. I know I screwed up before but I learned from my mistakes and im trying my best to make things better for our relationship. I can reassure you with my whole heart that I dont have any plans or a single thought of Minji in my mind. Everything that I had with her is left in the past and right now your the one I want by my side not her. If were going to make it work I need you to tell me everything.. no hiding things from me, no dealing with it by yourself. Its us together."

Hearing her soft sobs suddenly fill the room I cupped her cheek, she looked at me with tears still flowing down. "I dont want you to feel this way because of my past with her. I dont know where or why you thought of those things but it would NEVER happen. You know why?" 

"Because I LOVE YOU MIN Y/N. I love you so much that seeing you like this hurts me so much. So please.. trust me."

Leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her lips, she kissed me back as a way of saying 'okay I trust you'. Placing the hand that was on her cheek behind her neck I deepened the kiss more before we both pulled away. "Im sorry" she spoke in a quiet voice, instead of talking I rested my forehead against hers. She continued to rub her eyes but I soon stopped her "Pabo, now your eyes are all swollen. Lets sleep now okay??" Laying myself down I opened my arms and she smiled while laying herself down. With her head resting on my chest I wrapped my arms around her wanting to be close to her. "Goodnight Kookie..." "Goodnight Y/n"

Time Skip~ (The Next Day)

When morning came Y/n and I woke up early and ate breakfast together, we didnt bring up what had happened last night since we wanted to just move on together. But after we ate we spent the day putting her things away since there were so many boxes laying around. While helping her put her clothes away in the closet I came across a box that wasnt labelled. Opening it I saw a few albums, and suddenly having the urge to look through them I glanced around the room. Seeing that she wasnt in the room I grabbed one of the albums and read the cover 'Middle School- High School' 

Feeling excited I flipped through the pages and scrunched my nose seeing all her photos from when she was younger. She definitely glowed up during High school... flipping some more I stopped once I saw a group picture of her along with other girls. Looking at the bottom of the photo is said 'Flow.wav' 

(A/N: yup you got that right! its from the anime K-on! Im just using this picture as a reference!)

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(A/N: yup you got that right! its from the anime K-on! Im just using this picture as a reference!)

"Oh? you found my old albums!" I suddenly heard Y/n speak causing me to freak out and get nervous "M-Mianhe.. I-I didnt mean to look through your things without asking" I looked up and she looked at me confused before laughing "Its totally fine! im not one of those girls who would freak out about you looking through my old photos. Im not embarrassed about any of it, I guess im actually proud" Thinking she was going to take the album away she looked down at the photo "oh thats when I was in a band during High School" 

Raising my brows I suddenly exclaimed "A band?!" she giggled while nodding "Yeah, I was actually the second vocal, bassist and lyric composer back then. Wait- I think I have my guitar laying around here somewhere.. let me find out where Jihoon put that thing" She walked off but not even 5 minutes later she came back and in her hands was a matte black guitar. "Do you still remember how to play?" I asked while she sat down on the edge of her bed. Watching as she tuned the guitar "I cant seem to find my bass guitar but I do play the regular guitar better to be completely honest" once she was done tuning, she strummed her finger across the strings and soon began to play. 

(Oh... isnt this... Kimi no Nawa??) (A/n: YES OF COURSE I HAD TO INCLUDE THIS!!! Just pretend your the one playing. But like can we take a moment to appreciate Jung Sungha!!) Once she finished she looked at me "so what do you think?" "what do I think? I mean.. your amazing! maybe even better than Jin hyung." she giggled at me words while placing her guitar beside the bed. "Okay lets finish putting everything away then we can relax" Nodding we put the box that was filled with her albums into the living room where we organized them on her shelves. 

Finishing up Y/n took the time to order some pizza before joining me to fold the boxes. While waiting for the pizza there was suddenly a knock on the door. With Y/n currently finding a spot to put away the boxes I decided to answer it. Looking through the peep hole I saw that it was Jihoon, right when I unlocked the door he pushed it open and quickly entered before closing the door behind him. Seeing that he was out of breath I was confused as to what happened... he frantically locked the door before looking around the apartment "W-Where is Y/n..." she questioned in almost a whisper. "Shes currently putting away the boxes... Jihoon.. what happened?? are you alright?" he ignored my concern and went straight to looking for Y/n. Following right behind him we entered the guest room where Y/n was stuffing her extra things into the closet, but she soon turned towards us and looked at Jihoon. 

"Jihoon?? what are you doing he-" "Shes here..." was all he said cutting her off. "What do you mean she is here? which one?? Minji or 'her'" "HER! Y/n! SHES IN FRONT OF MY APARTMENT ROOM RIGHT NOW... When I got off the elevator I saw her banging on my door while yelling out my name. Before she saw me I hopped back into the elevator and went straight here..." Jihoon sat on the guest bed while running his hand through his hair obviously not knowing what to do. Still confused as to who this female was I remembered one time when Y/n told me that there was an ex of Jihoons who was still trying to get back with him so maybe its her? Y/n stood there with one hand on her hip "Jihoon, dont you think this is going too far?! shes constantly harassing you and Im tired of just sitting on the side lines watching all of this happen. I swear to god its either you do something abut it right now or I will go down there myself and tell her off" (??!?!?) 

Jihoon looked up for a second before standing up "F-Fine! I-I will go handle it now. I-I dont want you to get involved..." he began to march out of the bedroom until he stopped and turned to us "B-But can you be there... j-just in case something happens?" Y/n rolled her eyes before sighing.


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