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"Yeonjun.. why are you acting like this still??" I sighed while helping my brothers bring more boxes into their new apartment which was surprisingly not too far from mine. While Yeonjun continued to ignore me I looked over at Hyunjin who sighed as well before taking the box away from me to put in his room. Its been two weeks since my brothers met Jungkook... while Hyunjin actually began to warm up to him, Yeonjun on the other hand has still been against the idea of me and Jungkook dating. 

 "Noona... just give him some time." "Some time?? Hyunjin, its been nearly two weeks since you met Jungkook. I would at least think he would be more mature about this..." He placed moxes on the floor before turning to me with pursed lips. "I know noona.. but theres really nothing we can do about this. We both tried to talk to him and everytime he would ignore us. So lets just let him go at his own pace. " Sighing in defeat I nodded before continuing to help bring in more boxes. Once all the boxes were in their apartment I was going to have Hyunjin drive me but I made my way to Yeonjuns room where he was in the middle of unpacking his things.

"Yeonjun..." stopping he looked up at me blankly. "You mind bringing me back to my place? Hyunjin seems to be busy right now." without saying anything he grabbed his keys and walked passed me. Both walking out of their apartment building we got into his car and drove off. I'll admit the ride was painfully quiet since he didnt bother to talk to me. Glancing out the window I thought I could stop thinking about the situation but I decided to initiate the conversation with him to try and get some answers. "Yeonjun...." I saw him glance at me before turning his attention back to the road. 

"Why are you still acting this way??"


"Do you not like the fact that im dating someone again?" 


Biting the corner of my lip I knew he wouldnt talk to me that easily so I continued to talk and hopefully he would just listen. "You know Yeonjun.. ever since I left home and decided to live with Jongin I thought I would be happy. But then the wedding came along and everything crumbled down on me, you already know what happened after that. I became a teacher.. I befriended Jihoon.. but did you know that one of the students I teach is actually Jongins daughter?" Looking at his reaction I could tell he was surprised to hear what I said. "Yup... his daughter, so you already know what that means. But I knew he wasnt worth it..."

I was about to continue until the car came to a stop and looking out I realized that we were now in front of my apartment. Unbuckling myself from my seat I opened the door and got out, turning to the younger I sent him a small smile "Well... I know you're still against it but I hope you think about it. Dont worry I wont be be upset if you end up not liking him..." Giving him a small wave I closed the door and walked into my apartment. 

Yeonjun POV
Watching as noona entered her apartment building I sighed in defeat before leaning my head against the steering wheel. "Why did she have to tell me all of that????" (Now I want to find out more about what she just told me.... b-but why do I care?! ugh... no. Im not going to be nosey about it.) Driving back to the apartment I stopped at a red light and quickly took out my phone texting Hyunjin hyung "hyung.. can you give me someones number please..." putting my phone back in my pocket I soon drove off hoping I could see that person asap. 

(Time Skip~)

"Yeonjun??" someone called out to me, lifting my head up I locked eyes with the male before giving him a small bow with my head. Sitting across from me I waved over a waiter and placed an order for the two of us. "Is everything okay?? You texted me so suddenly to meet you." Pursing my lips into a fine line I ignored his initial question and spoke "My noona." his brows raised at what I said while I continued "I want to know everything that happened to my noona when you first met her until now.. J-Jungkook h-hyung." Surprised to hear my request he simply nodded. Once we got our drinks he began to tell me how his first met noona, how they went out on their first date.. how he asked her out. But he also told me about the time when he first found out who Jongin was. 

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