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Y/N Pov
Grabbing Mr.Jeons hand I led him out of the classroom and outside where we both saw Taewoo sitting in the schools garden. "Taewoo" I called out to the child and he turned to me with big doe eyes. He glanced over at his father but quickly looked away, "go talk to him" I whispered while giving Mr.Jeon a good push. I watched from the side lines as he walked up to his son. 

Jungkook Pov
"Taewoo... please talk to me" I softly asked while sitting down beside him. He looked at me and softly spoke "Appa I dont hate you..." "I know.. dont worry" I reassured him by patting his head. "b-but I am mad at you..." he added making my hand stop but he continued to speak "because you always work... you never spend time with me... you and eomma..." I felt my heart ache once he mentioned Minji... but I remembered the words Ms.Min told me back in the classroom.

Wrapping my arm around his small body I brought him into a small hug. "Mianhe Taewoo, I didnt mean to neglect you... I thought I was being a good dad but I guess I hurt you in the process by working too much" He looked up at me with big eyes but smiled "Its alright papa, I-I just want you to spend more time with me, like coming to school with me and such" he said while fiddling with his fingers. "How about this? I'll come with you to 'bring your parent to school' this week.. how does that sound?" 

A big bright smile crept onto his face before he jumped onto me wrapping his small arms around my neck. "Yay!" he cheered, soon he broke the hug and suddenly questioned me "How about Eomma?! Is she coming too!?" (shit....) how was I supposed to tell him the truth about his mother.. I really didnt want to hurt him but I felt that he deserves to know. I sat him down on my lap and held him small little hands in mine. "Taewoo... Eomma left" I softly spoke as my eyes looked at him sadly. "left?? like for work??" he questioned innocently. I shook my head before telling him the truth.

"E-Eomma.. didnt want to be with us anymore so she left..." "so I have no Eomma???" he asked while tears brimmed his eyes. I held him tightly in my arms as he softly sobbed into my chest. After staying like this for a few minutes we broke the hug and looked at each other "are you alright??" I asked using my thumb to wipe his tears. He nodded and smiled at me weakly "im alright papa, as long as I have you." he reassured me by kissing my cheek. 

"I see everything worked out" Ms.Min commented while walking up to us. Reaching into her pocket she held her hand out to Taewoo handing him banana flavored candy. He happily took it sending her a smile before quickly popping it in his mouth. He jumped off my lap and wrapped his arms hugging her leg tightly, looking like he didnt want to let go.

Standing up she smiled at me, I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck before sending her a smile in return "T-Thanks... for uhmm... you know-" "Dont mention it... I just didnt want your relationship with Taewoo to be ruined. I could tell you both love each other very much" She added while running her hands through my sons hair as he continued to hug her leg. I held my hand out to her and she softly took it in hers "My name is Jungkook..." "Y/n" she chimed sweetly. "What a beautiful name" I said out loud for placing my hand over my mouth "T-Thank you.." she said shyly as her cheeks flushed. 

Y/N Pov
I walked both Jungkook and Taewoo to the front doors where they both turned and waved goodbye. "Miss Y/n! see you tomorrow!!" Taewoo yelled from the car. "okay!~" I turned back walking into the school until I stopped once seeing Jihoon standing there wiggling his brows. "I saw what happened.. 'what a beautiful name'" he teased mocking Jungkook.  

Shaking my head I walked back to my classroom to get my stuff but Jihoon walked beside me "sooo dinner???" He suggested. While grabbing my cardigan and bag I turned to him and nodded "sure" "sounds like a plan, we could talk about Mr.Jeon while eating dinner" he smirked.

Rolling my eyes I playfully shoved him. We got on the bus together and decided to just have dinner in a food tent since it was quick and easy. Taking a seat in one of the food tents we both ordered food along with some drinks. "So Mr.Jeon..." he started and I looked at him "what about him???" "I havent seen you smile like that with anyone before..." he commented. "Come on be honest y/n... I know you like him". "Im not sure about that Jihoon. I mean he has a wife im pretty sure! His son Taewoo always mentioned how he misses his 'eomma'. You know its wrong to go after a married man"

He agreed with my statement, I then remembered about Jongin and decided to tell him. "Jihoon... do you remember my ex Jongin??" He took a shot of soju and furrowed his brows "that dickhead?.. what about him?" "I saw him today..." his eyes widened "you what?! Where?!"

"Hes Leannes father..." I said while heaving a heavy sigh. "We broke up almost 5 years ago... and he already has a kid" i mumbled while pouring myself a shot of soju. "Wait... but Leanne is turning 6 soon right?? If you broke up nearly 5 years ago doesnt that mean he cheated on you??" Jihoon commented while tapping his foot viciously. My eyes widened at his statement and I grew with anger...Jihoon was right.... "UGH THAT ASSHOLE!!!" I yelled while grabbing a shot of soju and drinking it. "He breaks up with me because I couldnt you know what.. but he already got someone else pregnant!? while with me?!" I slammed my hands on the table while my blood began to boil.

"I cant believe he fucking did that.... and he had the audacity to tell me he was a virgin... fucking prick"

(Time Skip~)

"Thanks for walking me home Jihoon..." I bowed politely, once we locked eyes he smiled and ruffled my head "Y/n I literally live like 2 floors below you haha" he added making me face palm "right, I totally forgot... but thanks for taking me out for dinner. It really helped me clear my head"

"Nah dont worry about it, remember if you ever need someone to talk or hang out with Im always here for you and im always 2 floors away" he pulled me into a tight embrace. "thanks Jihoon... what did I do to deserve an amazing friend like you?". We both broke the hug and he waved me goodbye before leaving. "Lets go to work together tomorrow!? "Arasseo!" Walking into my apartment I locked the door behind me and kicked my shoes off. Making my way into my room I quickly changed into my pajamas and plopped myself onto my bed. "Ugh today was a long day..." While I was laying in bed I then thought of a bright idea... (I want to make something for the parents for tomorrow) Pushing myself off the bed I made my way to the kitchen and began to cook.

Jungkook Pov
(Finally hes asleep...) I sighed in relief while closing Taewoos bedroom door. Ever since we got home hes been crying about Minji.. asking me non stop questions like 'why did eomma leave?' 'does she not love us anymore??' 'Is Eomma happy without us?' It pained me to see him in such a state after telling him the truth but he deserved to know.. I couldnt keep telling him lies about Minji. 

I finally laid myself on my bed and sighed... "today was a mess... " I closed my eyes wanting to sleep but I suddenly thought of Taewoos teacher... Y/n and how sweet I thought her smile was. Her name suited her so much.. and she was beautiful. Of course not as beautiful as Minji but man... Y/n she was different though. I shot my eyes open and grabbed my phone quickly texting my boss letting him know that I cant make it to work this week. A smile appeared on my face once my boss texted me back understanding my situation. My eyelids fell heavy and soon I drifted off to sleep... 

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