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"Y/n...." hearing the voice of the man I love, I shot my head towards the door and saw him standing there. Eyes widening I stood up from my seat and looked at him in full shock "J-Jungkook...." he slowly took steps forward but at the same time I took steps back not wanting to be near him. Until I was fully backed up against the wall Jungkook was now standing in front of me, not wanting to look at him I averted my gaze. "Y/n... please... look at me." his voice was soft but I could feel that he was hurt. Slowly facing him my heart began to pound against my chest, looking into his tear filled eyes I bit down on my lower lip to try to contain my composure. 

"I know you dont want to see me, let alone talk to me after what happened. So please just listen to what I have to say, Shin Yuna means nothing to me. I never once looked at her or gave her my time. The only one I had on my mind was you and only you, well besides Taewoo.. but thats not the point!... Im a man of my word and I promised I would never do anything to hurt or make you sad. But I broke that because I was incapable of just pushing her away. I know what it looked like but please believe me when I say that I was not the one who kissed her, you could ask Soonyoung hyung because she told him the truth as to what happened. She kissed me but I did not kiss her back... I know I made mistakes in the past including this one but I would NEVER cheat on you. I WOULD NEVER TOUCH ANOTHER WOMAN BESIDES YOU. So please.... please.... ple-" Wrapping my arms around him I just wanted this all to stop. 

He quickly returned the hug but soon after I pulled away, looking up at him as some tears began to escape his eyes I used my thumb to wipe them away. "I believe you... b-but, Im sorry Jungkook...I-I need some time to think." His eyes widened at my words, instead of retaliating he nodded understanding where I was coming from and respecting my decision. "I-I understand..." Looking at the time he took a step back away from me but grabbed both of my hands holding it tightly in his. He was about to say something until there was knocking on the door "Miss Min??? are you in there??? is everything alright?" I heard Minseok calling out from the other side of the door. 

Having that act as a cue I gently pushed Jungkooks hands away, he understood why and turned around to leave until he stopped to look back at me "I-Ill wait... no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you"

Jungkook POV
Leaving the room and rushing passed the student teacher I quickly wiped my tears as I grabbed Taewoo from the library and we both headed home. Arriving home and entering the house after Taewoo I walked into the living room not surprised seeing my hyungs just sitting around. "Hey Koo- what happened" Jimin hyung first asked while walking up to me. I looked at him with my red eyes, wanting to just tell him that everything was fine he grabbed my wrist and made me sit beside Hobi hyung. "Your eyes are red... you were crying werent you..." Yoongi hyung commented and I nodded. 

"Why?? did something happen at work?? or was it Y/n??" "Both hyung..." the room was silent for a few seconds before I felt Hobi hyung place his hand on my back. "Jungkookie... what happened?? did you and Y/n get into a fight?" Slumping my shoulder forward I confessed to them what had happened during our anniversary. Telling them everything from start to finish not leaving out a single detail. While explaining I could tell that they were all a bit disappointed but they understood the situation. "So Y/n said she needed some time to think?" Yoongi hyung questioned and I nodded, "Ne... I-I understand why. I mean.. I cant blame her for wanting some time away from me. I promised to not hurt her.. and I did this. I-Im acting like Jongin!" 

"Shut up Kook.. you should never compare yourself to him, he did Y/n wrong in so many ways that were worse than this. So dont ever say that again... but I understand where the both of you are coming from... but I guess all you could really do now is just her the time she needs." "I know hyung... its going to be hard though, I mean.. I pick up Taewoo from school everyday. How could I give her the time she needs away from me when we both see each other?"

"Why dont you let us pick up Taewoo for now? We will all take turns during the weekd to pick up Taewoo after school. That will give you both the time you need to think and reflect on what happened and what you need to do." Namjoon hyung spoke up offering the idea. I took up of that offer since it would be a good way to just stay away from Y/n. From the look I saw in her eyes when we looked at each other I could tell she didnt want to see me. 

"Do you need me to stay over tonight?" Jihoon asked while we arrived at our apartment building. I shook my head "Ani.. I think I should be okay... I'll be right back though. Im going to head to the store" He raised a brow at me before nodded and leaving. Walking down the street I entered the nearest liquor store and bought several cases of Soju (Of course the flavored ones LMAO). Heading back home I entered my apartment room, I quickly got changed into something more comfortable before plopping myself down on my couch. Opening a bottle of soju and chugging it down in a matter of seconds I felt the liquor hitting me quicker than usual.... (Maybe its because its because I didnt eat before hand...) 

Shrugging my shoulder and opening a few more bottles I was definitely not sober anymore. "I believe him... I really do. But its just so hard for me to forgive him right now." I muttered while opening another bottle and taking small sips. "Hes not like Jongin, hes truly not like him. Jungkook is better... he loves me, right?" While talking to myself a voice spoke up, "Aish... seriously Y/n... I knew you were going to drink" 

Looking at the owner of the voice I sent him a small smile "Jihoon-ssi~ is there something wrong with me??" I slurred out while he walked over to sit beside me. "Am I just THAT unlucky when it comes to guys? or just love in general?" finishing up another bottle I glances over at Jihoon who just sat there looking at me. "Y/n... nothing is wrong with you, your not unlucky. So dont ever say those things about yourself. You told me that you believe in the words Jungkook said to you earlier.. so why are you acting like this?" "Because I dont know what to do anymore!" I cried out while slamming the empty soju bottle on the table in front of me. 

"I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! His words seemed genuine but its hard for me to forgive him after that! H-He just let her kiss him... he didnt push her away, he just stood there and let it happen. W-Why couldnt he push her away?! I-If someone did that to me I would fight back... but why couldnt he do it?" Jihoon stayed quiet while my stupid thoughts took over me. "Is it because I didnt want to go further with him? I-Is it because I kept him waiting for too long?" I sighed while slumping forward, reaching out for another bottle Jihoon grabbed my wrist stopping me from doing so. I looked at him waiting for him to say something, but when no words came from his mouth I proceeded to open another bottle. 

Time Skip~

Jihoon POV
After ranting, crying and going through all the cases of Soju, Y/n soon passed out from exhaustion on the couch. Finally being quiet I shook my head while heading to her room to grab a pillow and blanket. Making sure she was comfortable sleeping on the couch I looked at her sleeping face and sighed "You make everything so hard for me you know that?" Placing the blanket on her she shifted a little bit before stopping. "Jihoon... y-y-" (????) "Y-You idiot..." (seriously....) chuckling a bit I walked to the door and slipped my shoes on looked back at the figure sleeping on the couch.

"Dont worry... everything will get better..."




(A/N: Hello my amazing readers. Im so sorry that I've been inconsistent with my updates. As of lately I have been getting some messages saying that I should stop posting stories and that im a bad writer. I usually dont take those type of things seriously but for some reason I really took those messages to heart. After taking a little break from my last update I thought FUCK THE HATERS AND THEIR THOUGHTS!! and so now im officially back on my weekly updates! <3 I hope you all can still support me! Anyways I hope you all have an amazing day.) 

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