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Jungkook POV
Currently at work, I got off the elevator only to be greeted by yelling. (Whats going on???) I thought while walking down the hallway to see what was going on. Suddenly seeing Dokyeom turning to corner once he saw me his eyes widened before rushing over to me. "Kook. Were you planning on heading to Soonyoung hyung??" I nodded at his question and was about to make my way there but he grabbed my arm stopping me. 

"Dont go there right now... Shin Yuna is in the middle of throwing a tantrum in his office..." "A tantrum??" he nodded at me words before explaining to me the situation that was playing out. "So thats why... jeez." Having Dokyeom go back to work I entered my office and took off my jacket. Opening up my laptop and going over some files I suddenly heard the sound of glass shattering.. (?!?!) Eyes widening I quickly stood up from my seat and ran out of the office and down towards the olders office. Pushing the door open and entering I saw Soonyoung hyung standing behind his desk arms crossed while a distraught and angry Yuna pacing back and forth while her heels stepped over the broken glass. 

"Kook... good timing. Please call security so they can escort Miss. Shin here out of the building." Yuna suddenly locked eyes with me, her face beet red with anger before looking back at Soonyoung hyung. "YOU CANT FIRE ME! IM YOUR ASSISTANT! YOU WONT FIND ANYONE BETTER THAN ME" "Oh please, you think you were a great and amazing secretary?! YOU BARELY DID YOU WORK, YOU CONSTANTLY FLIRTED WITH JUNGKOOK DURING WORK HOURS AND SHOULD I REMIND YOU OF ALL THE DOCUMENTS YOU MESSED UP?! OR HOW ABOUT THE TIME YOU THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE A MOVE ON YOUR COWORKER?! I HAVE A LIST OF THINGS YOU DID WRONG AND I WOULDNT MIND TAKING MY TIME TO TELL YOU THEM ALL ONE BY ONE SHIN YUNA."

Walking out of the office and pulling my phone out I quickly called the front receptionists desk asking for security to come to the top floor. After minutes of waiting I heard the elevator door open and a few seconds after two large men in security outfits turned the corner and walked towards me. "Mr.Jeon you called for us?" I nodded while pointing to Soonyoung hyungs office...

Watching from afar as the two large males walked in Soonyoung hyung pointed at the female while the two began to yell at each other. Seeing at one of the males picked up Shin Yuna and threw her over his shoulder they walked out of the office while bowing politely to us. "THIS IS UNFAIR! I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS!!" Her yelling could be heard through out the floor until they entered the elevator where her yelling was now gone. Finally without her here Soonyoung hyung heaved a heavy sigh before sitting in his chair. Face in his hands I looked around his messy office, "Hyung... want me to get the janitor to clean this up???" peeking through his hands and looking at me he nodded. "That vase... I wanted to throw it at her." 

"I mean... shes probably in the lobby want to grab another one and head down there?" he chuckled at me words before looking at me with a small grin "You would do that wouldnt you" "Of course I would hyung... who wouldnt?" Taking a seat on his couch he leaned back into his chair before asking me how I was with Y/n. "Good..." "Hey Kook.. I know that you and Y/n have been dating for a little over a year. But do you see yourself being with her in the future? maybe being married??" 

Hearing his question made me honestly think about it. I never really thought that far ahead but after he asked me I started to think. After a few minutes I smiled and sent him a stern nod "Ne hyung.. I do. But now that you made me think about that I kind of want to propose." His eyes widened before chuckling "Yah~ dont do that yet. Its still too early. Maybe in another year or so.. but honesly its up to the two of you. If your ready then by all means go for it but make sure she is as well." I stood up from the couch and walked over to the door "Of course hyung... I wouldnt want to rush things with her, I'd rather go at her pace and take our time. But I would love to call her Mrs.Jeon though..." 

"You cheeky little brat. Anyways go get the janitor.. I need my office to be cleaned." Nodding and walking out I quickly called the front desk to send the janitor. Sitting in my office and looking at documents I honestly couldnt focus... I was now just thinking about my future with Y/n. Playing out every little scenario I could in my head. From the proposal... to the wedding.. till the very end. (If I proposed... would she say yes???) 

Currently sitting in my class with Minseok beside me as he watched me mark some papers I could feel him starin at me. But it wasnt just recently.. its been like this for awhile now, sighing I put my pen down before turning to the male who I locked eyes with. "Minsoek-ah... if you have something to say just say it." Realizing what I had said he blinked a few times before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly "M-Mianhe Y-Y/n... I-I didnt mean to stare.. I-I just-" "Just spill it already.. what is is?? Is there something that you dont understand about the topic I was teaching today?" He shook his head before taking a deep breath. 

"W-What do girls like?!" Eyes slightly widening at his words I rested my elbow on the table while my chin laid on the palm of my hand. "Minseok-ah.. you need to be more specific about this topic. Are we talking about what girls like as in a gift?? or are we talking about like... in bed?" His cheeks suddenly flushed at my last comment before looking away "N-No! I-I didnt mean that! I-I was talking about GIFTS! GIFTS!!!" Laughing at his words I nodded before he told me that he would be going out on a date this weekend and he didnt know what to give the girl. 

"First of all... is this your first date with her??" he nodded and I simple responded "Dont get her anything." "W-What do you mean.. s-shouldnt I get her like a n-neckla-" I immediately shook my head before locking eyes with him. "Minseok-ah... this is your first date with her. This is the time when the two of you should start to get to know each other more. You dont have to give her like a super expensive gift. If anything if your going to pick her up buy some flowers.. she'll appreciate that more than an expensive necklace" "A-Are you sure Y/n.." Sending him a small smile I nodded while reassuring him that he didnt have to go that far just to impress his date. "Be yourself... dont be someone your not, because that will come and bite you in the ass later down the road." 

He nodded before thanking me "Thanks Y/n.. well I better head out now. See you tomorrow?" Nodding and waving him goodbye I heard my phone notification go off, pulling my phone from my pocket I turned it on to see that I got a text from Jungkook. 

"Hey... want to go out on a date this weekend?" 




(A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE EVERYONE! <3 I hope your 2021 is filled with happiness and love! :) Remember to stay safe and healthy! <3 I love you all so much)

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