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Time Skip (2 weeks later) 

Jungkook POV
(How long has it been... since I saw her?? Over 2 weeks now??) I thought while sighing. "Jungkook-ssi... I came here to give you these files" Glancing up and seeing Dokyeom walking towards my desk I looked at the files he extended towards me before looking up at him confused "This has been the third time today that you tried to give me this file..." Dokyeom scratched the back of his neck before sighing "I dont know whats happening Jungkook but Ms.Shin has been pestering me into giving this to you... I have no idea why.. do you want me to take it back to her?" I shook my head while grabbing the folder from his hands. "Dont worry, you must have a lot of things to do so I'll do it myself." he nodded while taking his leave. 

Looking at the folder I furrowed my brows before opening it. Scanning through the folder I noticed several things that needed to be corrected but that wasnt my job... it was supposed to be Ms.Shins job to correct these files. But in the corner of my eye I saw a little sticky note that read "Im sorry for what I did... could I please make it up to you?? Dinner??" Shutting the folder shut and walking out of my office I made my way down the hallway until I saw Ms. Shin looking at me. Now standing in front of her I tossed the folder onto her desk while glaring at her "I dont know what our trying to do, but were at work so keep it professional. Theres several mistakes in the file you gave me, as Soonyoung hyungs secretary dont try to make him look bad. As for your note.. im not interested and i will never forgive you for what you did." 

The female stood up while looking at me sadly "I've been trying to apologize for what I did and Im trying to make it up to you! Why cant you see that im-" "Making it up to me isnt going to fix what happened. Y/n hasnt talked to me ever since that day and I dont know what to do anymore. Want to know how to make it up to me?" She looked at me with hopeful eyes, "Stop pestering me and leave me alone." Once hearing my words she stood there in shock. Walking back to my office I looked at my watch and saw that I was finally off work. Grabbing my things, I took the elevator down and walked through the lobby and out of the building. I just wanted to go home and sleep... but before I could even do so I heard someone call out to me. 

(This time I'll go see him instead....) I thought to myself while nearing Jungkooks work. I was about to call him and tell him that I was outside but to my surprise I caught Jungkook walking out of the building towards his car. Picking up the pace I was about to call out to him until I saw her running up to Jungkook and she stopped him. Seeing the two talk I neared them before I called out to him "J-Jungkook!" his figure froze and slowly turned towards me. With my hand gripped tightly on my bag I bit the corner of my lip not knowing what to say.

"Y-Y/n?? w-what are you doing here...." he asked a bit confused but at the same time I could tell he was a bit scared with the situation. "I-I wanted to talk... c-can we go somewhere more private?" He nodded in agreement before turning to Yuna "I meant what I said earlier... so please just leave me alone" I stood there awkwardly before she female looked at me with a furious expression. Soon after we walked away before we both got into his car, "where do you want to talk?? Is there somewhere specific you want to go?" "Could we go back to my place?? I-Its closer.." 

After a few minutes of driving he parked the car on the side of the road while we both got out and headed inside. Entering my apartment room he followed after and closed the door behind him, once we were both now sitting on the couch there was some distance between us that everyone would have been able to feel. "S-So what did you want to talk about??" he asked while biting the inner corner of his lip. "I-I wanted to talk about us... I thought long and hard about what happened and about what I should do... and I wanted-" before I could finish what I was going to say he held his hand out signaling me to stop. 

"I-I know what you g-going to say.." (He does???) I looked at him a bit confused and soon he suddenly stood up about to leave, quickly grabbing his hand to stop him he looked at me confused. "W-Where are you going??" "I-I was going to leave..." (what???) "W-Why????" He tilted his head obviously confused as to what was happening but he spoke up. "You were going to break up with me right??? Say that you cant love me anymore??? I-I d-didnt want to hear those words come out of your mouth so I thought it would be easier if I just left and accepted everything." 

While still holding his hand I stood up and shook my head "N-No! I-I wasnt going to break up with you...." his eyes slightly widened at my words as he turned to face me while softly grabbing my shoulders. "Y-Your not going to break up with me???" I shook my head "No... I was going to say that I wanted to give us another chance. Like I said before, I thought long and hard about what happened... and what you said. I could tell you were being genuinely honest about how you felt towards her and that you didnt mean to hurt me... Of course it still hurts but I will try my best to stop thinking about the situation and move on. But that doesnt mean were going to start from where we left off, we would have to work together to get back to where we were... but if thats alright with you...-" 

"-Yes, yes, yes! t-thats perfectly fine with me...." He was quick to cut me off before suddenly wrapping his arms around me bringing me into a tight hug. "Im so sorry... im so sorry for making you feel that way. I-It will never happen again." I was hesitant at first but soon hugged him back, I dont know why but with just this simple hug it felt as if everything... all the pain, sadness, confusion that was inside of me just suddenly faded away. Heaving a sigh of relief I burried my face into his chest as we stood there holding each other in silence. 

"Thank you...Thank you so much Y/n....." 

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