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Time Skip~ (A week later)

Pushing myself up and going to the washroom to take a shower I was a bit excited. It wasnt anything super crazy like my once year anniversary with Jungkook but it was another special day for me...it was also the first day I met Jungkook. Finishing up showering I wrapped myself with a towel and exited the washroom. Walking over to my closet I looked around and picked out some clothes before throwing it on. 

Gathering everything that I needed I grabbed my keys and left my apartment

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Gathering everything that I needed I grabbed my keys and left my apartment. Walking through the hallways and getting into the elevator I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket notifying me that I had received a text message. Pulling my phone out I saw that it was a text message from Jihoon telling me that he was waiting for me in the lobby. Sending him a quick reply the elevator door opened and I walked out, entering the lobby I saw Jihoon standing there just staring into the distance. 

Once I was nearing him he looked at me and waved, "You seemed to be deep in thought about something

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Once I was nearing him he looked at me and waved, "You seemed to be deep in thought about something..." I questioned him while we both walked out of the building together. "Hm? oh.... it was nothing" I looked over at him not believing the words that came out of his mouth. "Really?? something must be up..." he laughed before shaking his head "You really want to know??" I nodded and he spoke "I was honestly just thinking about eating potato chips... I've been strict on myself about junk food lately so I was kind of wanting to cheat a little bit today" Finally hearing him confess about his thoughts I couldnt help but laugh. 

We both got into my car and drove off in the direction of the school but stopped by the convenience store where I ran in and bought a bag filled with different types of junk food. Getting back into the car I tossed the bag onto Jihoons lap while he looked at me confused "You on your period again?? Dont you think its a bit early this mo-" "Oh shush, I bought snacks for the two of us during our break." 

Seeing him open the bag a low chuckle escaped his mouth once seeing the two bags of chips that were in there. "Ugh you really are the best Y/n." I playfully flipped my hair while driving "Of course I am, you dont need to remind me" both laughing together, we soon made it to work. Parking the car in the lot we got out and talked while entering the school building together. Greeting all our coworkers, Jihoon went his way and I went mine. Entering the classroom I was suddenly surprised to see Taewoo sitting in his desk. "Taewoo??" calling out his name, the younger lifted his head and a bright smile was on his face "Miss Y/n!" he got out of his seat and ran over to me where he handed me a piece of candy. Thanking him for the candy I looked at him confused "Taewoo, what are you doing here so early??" giving me a gummy smile he soon chimed "Appa got called into work early today. Uncles were all busy at work so he dropped me off early." 

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