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"Fine." Following Jihoon out the door and into the elevator he pressed the button for his floor. Standing there quietly Jungkook soon asked him a question "What are you going to say to her?" He shorter male looked at him before shrugging "I-I think its safe to say that im going to be winging it this time... I honestly didnt want to deal with her but I most definitely did not want Y/n to be the one to tell her to bug off..." Seeing how Jungkook agreed with his words the elevator soon came to a stop. With the door opening and us getting off, our eyes immediately fell on the woman who was sitting in front of the apartment door still calling out his name.

 She looked down the hallway and once she saw Jihoon she quickly stood up and dusted her pants off. "J-Jihoon.. I-I didnt know you werent home..." she said obviously embarrassed. Jihoon looked back at us while Jungkook and I sent him a small nod. Taking a deep breath he stood tall while making his way towards the female before stopping in front of her. 

Jihoon POV
"Yerin, we need to talk" She looked at me and smiled while nodding "Sure! where do you want to -" "Right here is fine." I cut her off wanting to be straight forward with her. She looked at me with furrowed brows before asking what was wrong. "Yerin... I dont want you to come here anymore. Im tired of you coming here whenever you want just to continuously ask me to get back together with you. I told you countless of times that I dont have any plans on taking you back, you know what you did to me and thats unforgivable" Keeping eye contact she looked at me in disbelief before taking a step back. 

"J-Jihoon-ssi... W-Why are you doing this to me? Do you not care for me anymore? D-Did you move on? I-Is there someone else?!" she continued to spew out questions until I sighed. "Yerin, Its been nearly 3 years since we broke up! I dont know why you cant move on... I already put the past behind me and began to move forward. Your not making it hard for me to move on, your just being annoying now" Yerins eyes widened before grabbing my hand holding it tightly in hers "J-Jihoon dont say that! dont say things that you dont mean!!" (Jeez... are all exs this fucking crazy? Shes sounding like MInji....) Rolling my eyes I grabbed her hand and pushed her away "Just stop. Seriously... just stop it. All of this has to stop Yerin, did you forget about all the things that you did to me back then?! How you used me for my money... how you cheated on me numerous amount of times with other men behind my back. YOU THINK I WOULD TAKE YOU BACK AFTER ALL OF THAT?!" Yerin flinched at my sudden outburst, holding her tears back she fell onto her knees while crying out. 

"I never meant to do all those things! I promise I would never cheat on you again Jihoon.. please give me one more chance. Please. Please. Please... Im begging you. I regret everything that I did.." Stepping away from her she shot her head up and looked at me knowing what was happening. "No.. No... NO! Jihoon PLEASE!!" I shook my head before speaking "Once a cheater always a cheater..." Walking off the only thing was could be heard in the hallways were Yerins cries as she called out my name. 

Ignoring them and entering the elevator with Jungkook and Y/n we decided to get out of here. Walking down the busy streets of Seoul I finally heaved a heavy sigh of relief feeling a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. "How do you feel?" Y/n asked while smiling, I sent them a smile before looking at Jungkook "Is this how you felt after you told Minji off?? I feel great... like all that stress and bullshit on my chest was just lifted. I could finally breathe knowing that I finally dealt with that." Jungkook laughed at my words before nodding "Ne, thats 100% how I felt. Feels good right?" "Yeah... feels great. Kind of hate the fact that I didnt do that the first time around. Do you think she will leave me alone now?" Y/n put her hands behind her head while continuing to walk "If she doesnt she I know some people who could make her magically disappear.." Stopping Jungkook and I looked at her with worried faces before she cracked and began to laugh "Obviously im kidding! jeez you two always take my jokes too seriously... anyways in celebration to what happened lets drink tonight?" 





(A/N: Hello my amazing readers, WHAAAAT another update!?! Sorry for the short chapter! I really wanted to focus on Jihoon and his problems for this chapter! But still I hope you all enjoyed!)




Also... Rest In Peace to Chadwick Boseman <3 (Black Panther will never be the same without you, but God now has another angel.)

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