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(The Next Day)

Y/n Pov
The sun peeking through the blinds and hitting my face I slowly opened my eyes. Pushing myself up from the bed I groaned in pain with the pounding in my head. (I hate hangovers....I shouldnt have drank so much last night) Getting up I made my way to the kitchen and took some pain relievers before heading over to the washroom to get ready for the day. Taking a nice hot shower to wake me up I got out and got dressed...

Deciding not to wear makeup today I tied my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my bag before heading out

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Deciding not to wear makeup today I tied my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my bag before heading out. Leaving my apartment I arrived at the bus stop... once the bus arrived I was about to go on until I heard someone call out to me "Y/n! wait for me!!!" footsteps quickly getting onto the bus I turned and saw Jihoon hunched over panting. Once he stood up straight and made eye contact at me his face went blank "oh goodness... you look horrible. You have a hangover dont you?" he commented making me roll my eyes. We both sat at the back of the bus together and talked a little bit until we had to get off.

Dragging my feet towards the school doors Jihoon couldnt help but laugh. "Y/n you should have just called in sick...will you even last through out the day?" glaring at him I nodded and proceeded to open the school doors heading towards my classroom. (Honestly... I dont know if im going to be able to last through out the day... I pray to god the kids dont make things hard for me today)

Resting my head on the desk, minutes passed and I heard small footsteps enter the classroom. "Miss Y-" JBs small voice was cut off by Onew "Shh~ I think Miss Y/n is sleeping!" smiling at their little conversation I could hear more student come in the classroom all commenting about how I was sleeping when I was actually just resting my head... but before I knew it I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Jungkook Pov
We arrived at the school and I helped Taewoo out of the car, walking into the school and down the hallway we were stopped by Jihoon who was waving at me while a smile was plastered on his face. "Hey Jungkook!" he stopped in front of me and placed a firm hand on my shoulder "be careful when you go in there. Y/n seems to be in a bad mood." he whispered into my ear causing me to look at him worried "in a bad mood?? wait... it is about Jongin again?" "nonono.. well actually yeah, Ill tell you about it later if Y/n doesnt tell you. But Y/n might have had a bit too much to drink last night"

"Ahhh so she has a hangover?" he patted my back and bent down ruffling Taewoos hair "Ill see you later then! Good luck Mr.Jeon!" Jihoon exclaimed while running off in the direction of his classroom. Arriving at he classroom I walked Taewoo in and chuckled to see all the kids surrounding Y/n putting a blanket and teddy bears around her. Walking up to the desk I shoo'ed the kids away causing them to giggle running off to their desks. Grabbing a vacant chair I pulled it beside Y/n and sat down. Looking over at the girl who was sound asleep, I took my time to scan her features. Her long lashes, and beauty marks that were on her face... she was just breathtakingly beautiful.... even when shes slightly drooling. Figuring it was time to wake her up I softly nudged her arm but no response.

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