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Jungkook POV
After talking things through with Y/n and working things out I stayed the night, of course letting my hyungs know the situation. They were proud of what I did and I was happy with what I did as well. I didnt realize that I was causing so much pain for Y/n because of what I was doing... and I felt like total shit because of it. Now it was finally morning, Y/n and I both woke up early since I wanted to take her out shopping today since its been so long since we last spent time together. After we both got dressed we headed out and took my car to go to the mall, "Where to first?" I questioned making her confused "Hmm?? arent we here to shop for you?? why are you asking me?" I chuckled before ruffling her hair "Were here to shop for you. Lets buy you some new clothes shall we?" she looked at me before shaking her head. 

"Kook, you dont have to. I have plenty of clothes at home so I dont think we need to shop for more-" I shook my head in response and held her hand tightly in mine "Yes you have clothes, but do you have clothes from me?" she took a minute to think before she giggled "I guess... but only one thing okay? and please nothing to expensive..." "hmm we'll see how I feel and how it looks on you, whatever looks good I'll buy for you. My decision since its a gift for you"

Walking into the nearest clothing store together I pushed her towards the front counter where two ladies smiled at us "Welcome, how may we help you?" I sent them a smile before pushing Y/n towards them "I want to buy her some clothes, could you have her try on some on?" they both looked at each other and winked before taking Y/n to make their way to the dressing room. Following behind them I sat on a chair and waited as one of the ladies walked around the store grabbing different clothing items. Seeing the different colors and materials she was picking I smiled to myself knowing that these would all look great on her. 

"Y/n~ whats taking you so long?" but soon after I spoke the dressing room curtain opened and the workers walked out first before I then saw Y/n shyly standing there with her hands covering herself. Not being able to see the dress I crossed my arms and scanned her from head to toe before speaking up "cant you.. yenno? move your arms? i cant see how the dress looks on you when your covering yourself." She looked at me shyly before slowly removing her hands, my eye slightly widened as I stared at her wearing that dress. 

Hearing one of the ladies clear their throat I blinked a few times before averting my eyes "U-Uhmm

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Hearing one of the ladies clear their throat I blinked a few times before averting my eyes "U-Uhmm... n-next one please. T-That one is a bit too... revealing dont you think?" "My my, your boyfriend is suddenly shy. But dont you think it compliments her stunning figure?" I glanced back at Y/n before she looked at me anticipating my answer. I quickly agreed "n-ne, it compliments her figure... but I think something else would look good on her body"

The ladies giggled before slowly entering the dressing room again while closing the curtain. After more and more dresses I couldnt help but feel flustered not because of the amount of dresses shes tried on but because I couldnt help but think that every dress she tried suited her.. (Maybe I should just buy all those dresses for her...) I contemplated until the dressing room curtain opened once again revealing my girlfriend standing there but this time instead of being awkward she looked a bit more confident with the dress she was wearing. 

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