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Walking down the streets of Busan I couldnt help but have my eyes wander around looking at every building and store that we passed. "Before we continue the tour lets go get something to eat first" nodding my head and simply following after him we walked into a nearby restaurant before taking our seats at a table. Looking around the restaurant it was small but felt very cozy, while still looking around I didnt notice the middle aged woman standing in front of the table until she spoke. 

"Would you like to take your order now?? or do you both need more time??" snapping out of it I looked over at the lady not knowing what to say until Jungkook began to order food for the both of us. Once the lady wrote it down she nodded and took her leaving, looking across the table at Jungkook I quickly spoke "I-I didnt-" "Hey hey dont worry. This is one of my favorite places to eat when I come here so I wanted you to try my favorite dishes". After talking and getting all our food we began to eat and soon Jungkook spoke up. "I wanted to apologize for what my dad said this morning.." Tilting my head in confusion he continued "About the whole grandchildren situation. It must have been a bit uncomfortable for you" 

Swallowing the food in my mouth I shook my head at his words before reassuring him "Ani... its okay Kook, they dont know about my condition so I cant get mad at them for saying what they said." "I-I know... but I thought I should still apologize." Sending him a small smile I continued to tell him that it was alright until he accepted it. After eating I paid for half of the meal before Jungkook and I left to continue walking. Minutes of walking I suddenly heard the sound of the ocean??? Looking around I didnt see any body of water anywhere, confused as to where the sound was coming from I could hear Jungkooks laugh. Turning to him he continued to laugh "Why are you laughing??? dont you hear it too??" I questioned still looking around contemplating whether or not I was slowly starting to lose my mind. 

"No your not going crazy, just a few more minutes" he commented continuing to lead me somewhere. Hearing the crashing of waves become more clear, Jungkook and I pushed through a crowd until suddenly my feet were now standing on top of sand. Eyes widening I couldnt believe that we were now at the beach! Couples, families and other people playing in the water or just hanging out on the sand. (Wow...) I thought as my jaw hung low "Close your mouth, you're gaining unwanted attention" he said as he placed his hand under my chin to close my mouth. 

"W-Where are we???" I questioned while looking out at the ocean. "This is Dadaepo beach... Its the closest one to the house. I used to come here a lot with my parents before when I was younger. I think the last time I came here was during my first year in High School... Kaja lets go sit down somewhere and rest for a bit" Leading me through the beach we saw some vacant chairs that were under a large umbrella.

Who knew that just staring out into the ocean would kill so much time. Before we both knew it was almost 6 in the evening. "Shall we go??" he questioned while standing up, reaching his hand out to me I placed my hand in his as he helped me stand up. As we left I just looked back at the ocean wanting to remember the beautiful view that was in front of me. "Are we heading back to the house now??" he shook his head "Ani, lets go get some dinner before we head back." 

(Time Skip~ brought to you by your lazy author-nim)

After eating dinner with Jungkook we were now currently walking back to the house hand in hand. "Did you enjoy the weekend here??" he spoke up gaining my attention, with a smile on my face I looked up at him and nodded. "Ne... I really did. Thank you" Seeing his house in the distance we walked in silence until Jungkook stopped. Looking back at him confused he looked like he was in deep though about something. "Is everything okay?" seeing how he retracted his hand from mine he stuffed his hands into his pocket. (????) "Kook???" I called out to him again until he finally looked up at me. "Is everything okay?? is there something you want to talk about?"

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