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-Our Backstory- 

Y/N Pov
At the age of 16 I fell in love with my classmate and his name was Kim Jongin.. the school heartthrob and I hate to admit this but he was gorgeous, a great dancer, singer and overall his looks were off the charts. We became friends and eventually began dating. 4 Years later he proposed to me, even though we both were still young we both felt  that we were meant for each other. Engaged and happy we eventually both moved in together into an apartment, everything was great! Our relationship was stable and healthy. Until one day....

"Baby I know its still early and were not married yet but I cant hold it in any longer..." he held my hands looking deep into my eyes. "I want to have kids..." he commented leaving me surprised. "k-kids??" I questioned and he nodded. 

"Baby I know were not officially married but I want to have kids at a young age. Develop a relationship with our children... have a good bond." Before I could even answer he kissed me passionately. My body melted in his arms as he held me, picking me up without breaking the kiss he brought me to our room and lowered me onto the bed. 

As we both stripped out of our clothes he hovered above me, the tip of his member at my entrance. "Dont worry, I'll be gentle" he whispered into my ear. This was both of our first times... we promised to save this moment for our honeymoon but we couldnt help it. He thrusted his way into my entrance making me whimper in pain but soon all the pain vanished while pleasure took over my body. I was a moaning mess under him. He penetrated into me repeatedly as our moans filled the room. 

"Fuck baby~" he moaned and I knew he was hitting his climax. Gripping onto his shoulders I felt him finish inside of me, kissing me viciously he left his member in me making sure that I take in everything. "I love you so much..." we both whispered to each other.

(Time Skip~)

Weeks passed and I missed my period! which was great news for both Jongin and I. We made our way to the hospital to get a test done and while we both patiently waited in the doctors office the door opened. "Hello you must be Y/n" the doctor greeted while taking a seat behind his desk. His smile soon faded once opening his folder with my results in it. "Miss Y/n have you been experiencing any pregnancy symptoms?? such as morning sickness, tenderness in the breasts?? anything odd??" he asked and I shook my head. 

The room fell silent as I gripped onto Jongins hand holding it tightly.. something was wrong. "I-Im sorry Y/n... but from our tests its seems that you're infertile." he explained. My heart sank but Jongin looked confused to what the doctor had said "w-what does that mean??" "I-It means she is unable to produce eggs, meaning she has a low chance of getting pregnant... im sorry" 

Jongins hand released mine upon hearing the shocking news. I didnt want to believe the news "B-But I missed my period..." I tried my hardest to try and convince the doctor that there must be some sort of mistake. "Sometimes when women miss periods it could just be from stress or hormonal imbalances..."

Time Skip~ (4 months later)

Depressed about the fact that I was unable to have a child I still tried to stay positive and look at the brighter side. Having adoption as  an option I was still living life happily with Jongin. Today was our wedding day...Everything was and should be planned out perfectly and everything will go according to plan. Standing behind the door with my older cousin to walk me down the aisle, My heart began ti pound against my chest... was i nervous? or was this the feeling of something bad? Shaking off those negative thoughts I put a bright smile on my face as the door opened and I began to walk. With each step nearing the altar where I saw Jongin standing there looking as handsome as ever I just couldnt believe that we were going to be spending our lives together... or so I thought....

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