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(Present Day)

Jungkook Pov
Its been 5 years since Minji left our lives... and everything has been the same since then, but less stressful. I was now living on my own with Taewoo, its been hard since he would constantly ask about Minij. Always asking 'where is mommy?' 'do I have a mommy??' along with 'Papa where did mommy go?? Is she coming back soon?' I could never answer his questions truthfully because since hes only 5 I didnt want to disappoint him. To keep my mind off of Minji I would work everyday, I would pick up double shifts just to drain my mind of Minji. 

I got home around 10 at night and I was greeted by Taewoo running up to me hugging my leg "your not asleep yet??" I questioned as he looked up at me with his big doe eyes. "Sorry Kook, little guy really didnt want to go to sleep yet..." Jimin hyung commented while standing up from the couch, shaking my head I sent him a smile "No dont apologize hyung its all good. But thank you for being able to watch him" Jimin walked up to me and pulled me into a hug "Dont worry about it Kook, anything for you" Afterwards hyung left leaving me with a very hyper toddler. "Okay Taewoo, its time for bed! you have school tomorrow" I called out to him and he ran into his room. 

"Papa! are you coming to school this week???" he suddenly questioned leaving me confused. "Hmm??" "Appa... its bring your parent to school this week... remember?" parting my lips I realized that I totally forgot. "I-Im sorry Taewoo... Appa has work this week..." Seeing a frown on his face appear obviously disappointed he tried to shake it off and smile at me weakly. "I-Its alright papa... I know your busy" Without letting me speak he crawled into his bed hiding under his blanket turning his back to me. I let out a broken sigh before turning off his lights walking back to my room. 

Sitting down on the edge of my bed I brought my face into my hands "Things would have been so much easier if you were here Minji... I cant do this without you"


Y/N Pov
Nearly 5  Years later and Im living my life the best way I can. It was hard trying to get over Jongin since I honestly thought he was the love of my life. He completed me but in the end I guess I just wasnt enough for him. I'll admit it was very hard trying to meet new people after Jongin... I was scared to fall deeply in love with someone because I knew if I ever was put in the spot where they wanted a child... I would just disappoint them, then they would just leave me like Jongin. I didnt want to go through all of that again.

Since I wasnt able to have a child I spent most of my time in college to become a teacher... and Im proud to say that it was a huge success for me! Im now an elementary teacher and I love every second of it... Working with kids, treating them as if they were my own. 

*BEEP BEEP* Waking up to my alarm clock I lazily reached over and turned it off. Sitting up I yawned while stretching my arms over my head. I pushed myself off the bed and got ready for the day remembering that today was 'bring your parent to school' week. I dressed appropriately enough to make a good first impression on the parents since I havent officially met or introduced myself to them. 


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