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The Next Day~ (End of school)

 "Did you not ice your cheek like i told you to?" Jihoons voice spoke up as I noticed he was standing right in front of my desk. He sighed while shaking his head "Ill be right back..." he grumbled before leaving the class. "Miss Y/n!" his little voice chimed out to me, a small smile crept onto my face as I watched Taewoo run towards me before holding something out. Looking down at his hands I noticed it was a small candy. "Candy?" he nodded and smiled brightly "Ne! miss Y/n... you looked sad. Is it because of Appa??" he questioned making my eyes widen, but I quickly shook my head "A-Ani Taewoo... its nothing so dont worry about it okay?" he looked at me a but unconvinced but smiled anyways because his name was called out. Looking at the door Jimin stood there just like yesterday, but soon after making eye contact with his he ran towards my desk and bent down.

"Y/n what happened...." he questioned as he turned my head to see my swollen cheek. "I sighed while slightly pushing his hand away "Jimin stop.. its nothing" he furrowed his brows "Dont tell me its nothing when something obviously happened! Y/n who did this to you?! W-Who hit you?!" I placed my hand over his mouth stopping him from saying more. "Jimin stop it." Retracting my hand away I stood up and gathered my things before locking eyes with Jimin "Y/n... talk to me" I opened my mouth about to say something but quickly shut it. "I cant. Im sorry" without saying another word I left the classroom only to be stopped by Jimin as he grabbed my wrist. "Y/n... I cant let you do this. I dont know what the heck is happening but I dont want you to go through it by yourself. So please... talk to me."

Biting down on my lower lip I nodded as we walked to the courtyard. Sitting quietly on the bench with Jimin as Taewoo played in the park Jimin cleared his throat and was about to speak but I beat him to it. "It was Minji." I spoke while turning to see his reaction, he sat there with a blank face before shock took over. "W-What???" "You heard me... you asked who hit me and I told you. Thats what you wanted right? well if thats all I need to go." Without letting him respond I got up and quickly said goodbye to Taewoo before leaving the school. 

Yoongi POV
"Whats taking Jimin so long again?" "Maybe he got caught up with talking to Y/n again?" Hobi suggested, which made sense. After a few more minutes the door opened and in came Taewoo while Jimin was right behind him. Jimin has a serious look on his face.... something was wrong. "H-Hey Taewoo, do you mind going to your room for a while? I bought you some new toys and its on your bed" Taewoos eyes widened as he smiled brightly before running to his room. 

"Something happened." Jimin spoke while continuing to stand there. "Jimin?? what happened?? are you alright" he shook his head and looked at all of us with worried eyes. (?????) "Y/n... its about Y/n" "About Y/n?? what happened?? did she tell you something?" he shook his head again before beginning to pace back and forth in the living room. We just watched him pace while mumbling words that we werent able to make out. Namjoon stood up and walked towards him "Hey Jimin.. whats up? what happened to-" "Minji hit her." was all he said. 

"Minji what??" Hobi questioned, Jimin looked at each of us before repeating himself "M-Minji hit Y/n... h-her cheek was red and swollen today when I picked up Taewoo. I-I asked her to hit her and she said Minji.." I looked around and saw everyones eyes widen at his words. "W-Why did Minji d-do that?! D-Does Kook k-know?!" Tae stuttered still shocked about what Jimin said. He shook his head before responding "I-I dont know why, after she told me she got up and left... I-I dont know what to do.. Y/n seemed like she didnt want to talk about it,"

We all sat in silence thinking about what to do with the now new current situation. We couldnt tell Jungkook what happened without knowing what led to Minji hitting Y/n. "We should go see her..." Jimin shook his head "I dont think we should..." " Well how are we supposed to figure out what happened to her without asking her about it?"

".... W-Why dont we ask Jihoon??" 




(A/N: hey readers! sorry that this chapter is short I wanted to put more into the next one! I hope you are all enjoying the book so far!!! Also what are your thoughts on Minji?? Put it in the comments! I want to know what you all think about the new antagonist!)

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