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(The Next Day)

Jungkook Pov
Waking up bright and early to the smell of food cooking I chuckled knowing that it was Jin hyung who was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. Looking to my side I saw Taewoo sleeping peacefully beside me until he slowly woke up to my movements. "Ah Mianhe Taewoo-ah, did I wake you up?" slowly sitting up in the bed he turned to me and shook his head "No Appa... its okay. I smelled food" he commented making me laugh and ruffle his hair. "Kaja lets go downstairs and eat with everyone" carrying him in my arms we left my room and headed downstairs.

Seeing Jin and Hoseok hyung in the kitchen they saw us and smiled "Good morning Kook & Taewoo!!" they both chimed before going back to cooking. Looking over to the living room I saw that the others were still fast asleep. Putting Taewoo on the ground I crouched down "Taewoo why dont you go and wake up your uncles?" he smiled and nodded before running to his first victim Namjoon hyung. Watching as he jumped on top of hyung making him groan in pain "Taewoo-ah~ why did you jump on me" hyung questioned while pouting causing the ones who were awake to laugh. "Appa told me to wake you all up, did I hurt you uncle Joon?" he shook his head before wrapping his arms around Taewoo bringing him into a big hug. "Im awake now so go wake up uncle Yoongi"

While Taewoo continued to wake everyone up one at a time I turned my attention to Jin and Hoseok hyung. "Ill set up the table for you guys" Jin sent me a smile while I grabbed the plates and cutlery placing them on the table. "Look Taewoo is going to wake up Jimin.. what do you think he will do??" Hoseok hyung whispered while pointing at them, turning my attention to them Taewoo was sitting on Jimins stomach before he spoke "Uncle Chim you got no jams" Jimin hyung shot his eyes open before sitting straight up "Taewoo! how could you say that to me~" Jimin whined making everyone burst out laughing. "Okay breakfast is ready" Jin hyung exclaimed making everyone slowly get up and make their way to the table. All sitting down we began to dig into the food enjoying every bite. "So whats the plan for today?" Tae questioned while filling his mouth with milk. "Appa I want to go to the park!" Taewoo chimed making us all chuckle. "Arasseo, the park it is!" Hoseok hyung added.

(After Eating)

All of us now getting ready, after I was done getting dressed I went over to Taewoos room and saw him standing in front of his closet with puffed cheeks. "Taewoo?? whats wrong buddy?" he turned to me before crossing his arms and huffing "Appa I dont know what to wear" he commented. Walking over to his closet and looking at his clothes I looked down at him "Want Appa to help you pick something out?" he shook his head "I want to do it myself." Nodding my head he soon smiled brightly before picking out an outfit. Watching as he got changed all by himself he slipped his shoes on and turned to face me "How does this looks appa?" Sending him a small smile I nodded "You look very handsome, now lets go your uncles are probably all waiting"

Heading downstairs I saw the others standing by the front door patiently waiting for us, finally noticing us they all turned and were in awe "Taewoo you look so cute!" they all chimed in unison. "Thank you~ we all look cool!" Taewoo replied happily while jumping up and down in excitement.

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