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(The Next Day~)

It was now sunday.. waking up early and doing my regular morning routine. While I was plating the food I heard Jungkook step out of the washroom and walk into the dining room while wearing some sweat pants and an over sized black shirt with his freshly washed hair. "Good morning" he greeted before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "Good morning" sitting at the dining table with him we ate our breakfast in peace until there was knocking on the door. (Who could that be at this time???) Walking over to the door I looked through the peep hole and saw Jihoon standing there. 

Unlocking and opening the door Jihoon walked in with a bright smile "Room for one more??" laughing I nodded letting him in, getting him a plate of food he sat with Jungkook and I at the table but while we were eating he spoke up "So... I dont want to intrude on your business as a couple but last night.. I do live right under you. And i heard some yelling... is everything alright?" I looked over to Jungkook and he chuckled "Its alright, thank you for your concern Jihoon-ssi. I would need to tell you eventually, uhmmm oh! Jihoon-ssi why dont you come with us today?" "huh? where??" "Oh were going to go back to my place today, Taewoo and my hyungs are there plus I would need to tell you all something. Its about last night" 

Jihoon looked at me a bit worried but nodded "Arasseo..." after finishing up our food I grabbed my stuff and we all left my apartment room. Getting into the elevator we pressed the main floor button but before the doors closed a figure ran in before bending over panting. "Oh goodness... I had to almost take the stairs!" the female spoke up. Suddenly feeling Jungkook immediately grab my hand holding it in his I looked back at him before looking at the female who stood up and looked right at Jungkook before smiling "Good morning Jungkook" she greeted but he didnt greet her back. She furrowed her brows a bit before I saw her eyes travel down to our intertwined hands and then up to me, locking eyes with me. 

"And who might this be Jungkook? care to introduce her?" I raised a brow at her before Jungkook stood in front of me. Glancing over at Jihoon he just watched in confusion as to what was happening. "Come on Jungkook, dont act like that. I just want to know who your little friend is... thats all." Hearing the ding and seeing the elevator doors open Jungkook pushed the female out of the way and dragged me out while Jihoon followed. 

Getting into Jungkooks car he began to drive off but I looked back at the apartment building and saw her just staring at us the whole time until I couldnt see her anymore. The drive was painfully silent and no one dared to speak up. Looking over at Jungkook who was driving his jaw was clenched while gripping hard onto the steering wheel. 15 minutes passed and we arrived at his place, getting out of the car and following after Jungkook with Jihoon we entered through the gates and walked into his house where we heard talking and the sound of Taewoo laughing. 

All three of us walked into the living room where we saw Taewoo playing with Jimin while the others were sitting around just talking to each other before Jin saw us. "Oh! Kook your home! and with Y/n and Jihoon!" Jin walked up and hugged me before shaking hands with Jihoon but when he turned to Jungkook he didnt say anything. (He still must be mad about earlier...) Ill be right back. I need to go work out." Jungkook simply spoke as he walked away. Everyone looked at his figure disappeared down the hallway before turning to us "Whats wrong with him?" Yoongi questioned. Sighing I took my jacket off and hung it up before joining them all in the living room. Sitting in between Namjoon and Taehyung while Jihoon played with Taewoo I couldnt help but sigh. "Hey is everything alright? Did you and Jungkook get into a fight?" I shook my head before turning to them "I shouldnt even be the one saying this but since Jungkook is in a bad mood now I guess I should explain what happened"

Everyones attention was on me now and I took a deep breath in "We ran into Minji-" before I could continue they all stood up and looked at me shocked "WHAT?!" Jin along with Jimin exclaimed obviously upset. "Yeah... is happened yesterday evening. Jungkook and I were out for the day and when we went back to my apartment thats when we saw her. Jungkook tried to avoid her but she came to my apartment door stopping Jungkook and tried to talk to him. She asked him about Taewoo and today we ran into her again when we were leaving to come here. She then asked about me" 

Looking around I could see the frustration on all their faces including Jihoon who continued to to play with Taewoo so he doesnt hear what we were talking about. Yoongi running his hands through his hair he leaned his elbows on his knees "This isnt good... this isnt good at all. I-I dont know why but I really have a bad feeling about all of this." Everyone else nodded in agreement "Well theres only one thing for us and for Jungkook to do. And thats to just not interact with her at all. We all know what she did to Jungkook and Taewoo, we cant allow her to try and come back." "Especially now that you and Jungkook are together too..." Hobi commented making myself worry. (Is she the type who would try to take Jungkook back?? what should I do if that happens?) I was in deep though until I felt someone place a firm hand on my shoulder, turning to see Taehyung he smiled "Dont worry... we wont let her come in between you and Jungkook. We wont let her ruin what you guys have." 

Sending him a smile I thanked him... before we continued Jungkooks voice spoke up "did Y/n tell you?" turning to see Jungkook standing there Namjoon stood up and walked over to the younger "Jungkook... there are other ways to take your mind off of things, punching bags are one way but talking to us... your family is the best way to go. Yes Y/n told us but we would have liked to hear it from you but you decided to go to your work out room. Just talk to us okay? We were there for you and Taewoo from the beginning and we will be there for you right now." 

Seeing how Jungkooks behavior changed it seemed as if he was most vulnerable. But of course, his hyungs have been there for him since the very beginning and with what Namjoon said must have hit Jungkook hard. 

"Hyung... Im scared."




(A/N: Hey readers! I hope your all loving this book so far! I know it may seem a bit fast but honestly I like how this is going right now. I hope your all ready to have Minji jump in and ruin stuff up hahaha!) 

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