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Y/n Pov
It was now the end of our date and Jungkook was currently driving me back home. Left hand on the steering wheel while the other hand was gently placed on my thigh I couldnt help but smile at the thought that we were finally together... as an official couple. Eyes still feeling a bit puffy from crying I didnt care since I was finally able to confess my feelings to Jungkook at Namsan Tower. After minutes of complete silence we arrived at my apartment building, having Jungkook park his car I got out but as I was about to turn back and say goodbye he hopped out of the car as well and grabbed my hand intertwining it with his. "Ill walk to your door" he commented while leading me into the building. 

Taking the elevator and arriving onto my floor we both got off and walked down the silent hallway. Finally arriving at the front door of my apartment I unlocked the door and slowly opened it before stopping and turning to Jungkook.  "Thank you for tonight Jungkook..." I thanked him with a warm smile. Sending me back an equally warm smile he suddenly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. Suddenly feeling his soft lips leave my skin he pulled away and smiled shyly "Ill see you on Monday.." nodding at his words he sent me one last smile before walking off down the hallway. About to close the door I quickly peeked out the door and down the hallway and giggled seeing Jungkook jumping up while fisting the air. Shaking my head and slowly closing the door locking it. I turned the lights on and quickly threw my heels off before making my way to my bedroom. (Jungkook is now my boyfriend...) I thought with a smile slowly forming.

Entering my room I suddenly stopped in my tracks and blankly stared at the male who was sitting there all giddy and excited upon seeing me. "Jihoon?? what are you-"  "HE KISSED YOUR CHEEK! I SAW IT!! DONT DENY IT... ARE YOU GUYS FINALLY TOGETHER?! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" he exclaimed while running up to me. Laughing at his actions I walked over to my closet grabbing a pair of pajamas  "let me go wash up and I will tell you everything that happened" 

Time Skip~ 

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" Jihoon squealed in excitement from the great news about Jungkook  and I dating. Jihoon and I were in the living room eating ice cream while watching a movie but at the same time I was telling him everything that happened during my date with Jungkook. "Y/n im so happy for you~"  he cooed while wrapping his arms around me. Hugging him back I smiled  in the crook  of his neck "Thanks Jihoon, its all thanks to you though.. for pushing me to be happy" Breaking the hug he lightly nudged my shoulder "Aww stop with all that sweet talk its making me want to vomit."  

"But im serious though Y/n.. you went through so much because of your asshole ex.. and im truly and utterly happy seeing you finally smiling genuinely because you found someone special to you... BUT just because you have a boyfriend now doesnt mean you could ditch me for him whenever okay? im still your number one boy!" Bursting out laughing I nodded "Of course Jihoon, your my beloved and most precious best friend. I dont know what I would do without you" 


Jungkook Pov
Driving with a big dorky smile plastered on my face, I pulled up to my driveway and parked the car before hopping out of it. Dancing my way to the front door I was pulling my keys out about to unlock it until I heard a voice "You seem to be in a good mood Kook..." stopping in the middle of my dance I turned to see all my hyungs standing there, crossed arms with smiles on their faces. "It went well didnt it?" Tae questioned and I nodded "It went better than well.. it went great" Walking passed them and into the house I threw my shoes off and made my way to the living room where everyone followed at sat around me. 

"So what happened??? Your smile is so big I feel like your facial muscles are going to tense up anytime soon" Namjoon hyung commented making me laugh. "I finally did it..." I spoke up earning confused looks from everyone in the room. "Did what exactly??" Yoongi hyung questioned. "I did it. I confessed to her... I told Y/n that I like her" 

Their eyes all widened at my words but they all soon became excited "Jjinjja?! what did she say? Tell us what happened!"

Time Skip~

"Wow... thats like straight out of a movie.." Jin hyung commented making everyone nod. I told them all what we did today up until Namsan  Tower. I told them everything that Y/n said and everything that I said as well. (Of  course I left out the part about Y/ns condition.. I dont think  they know about that yet) "I would have thought that you  would be the one to confess but im so happy that Y/n did it first" Jimin hyung added. "So you two are officially dating now! Congrats!"  They all  said in unison while lightly clapping to not wake Taewoo up since he was asleep. 

"Y/n seems like a really good girl, take care of her Kook and dont break her the way that Jongin guy did" I nodded me head "Of course hyung. I want to treasure Y/n and hold her close... I really like her. Like...A LOT" my hyungs laughed at my comment. "Shall we go out to celebrate tomorrow?"  Hoseok hyung questioned and we all agreed. "Can we stay the night Kook?? Its kind of late and were too lazy to go home, plus were all hanging out tomorrow anyways" Jin hyung spoke up. I smiled and nodded before heading to the closet to grab some extra blankets and clothes for them to use. Giving them everything they needed  I went to my room and washed up before hopping in bed. 

*ding* my phone went off and I looked at my nightstand to see that I got a notification. Unlocking my phone I then saw that it was a message from: Y/n💜🔐

Closing my phone and placing it on the nightstand I stared at the ceiling with a smile plastered on my face

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Closing my phone and placing it on the nightstand I stared at the ceiling with a smile plastered on my face. (I cant believe were together now...) I thought while reminiscing about what had happened today. Deep in my thoughts I didnt hear the door open and small footsteps shuffling towards the bed. "Appa??" snapping out of my thoughts I shot my head towards the direction of the voice and saw Taewoo standing there rubbing his eyes with one hand while the other held onto his blanket tightly. Sitting up I picked up Taewoo and sat him beside me in bed. "Whats wrong buddy?? Why are you awake?" I asked while running my hand through his hair. "Uncle Jin told me you were out with Miss Y/n.. did she have fun?" he questioned with pure innocence. 

I nodded "Ne we had lots of fun and Miss Y/n was smiling lots. Hey buddy... can I ask you something?" Taewoo rested his head on my lap and hummed "How would you feel if Appa and Miss Y/n were together??" with that questioned Taewoo shot his head up and looked at me with his big doe eyes. "Appa and Miss Y/n together?! I like Miss Y/n and you do too! does Miss Y/n know you like her!?" Ruffling his hair and sending him  a bright smile I nodded "Ne Taewoo... I told her that I like her. Were together now" Taewoos eyes widened as a bright smile took over his face "Really?! Appa and Miss Y/n are together now!?" I nodded again and he threw his hands up cheering.

"Yay!!! Appa I really like Miss Y/n!"

"Me too buddy... me too"

 me too"

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