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Time Skip~ (2 months later)

Y/n Pov
Its been about 2 months since the whole bring-your-parent to school week ended, and everything has been the same since then. The parents drop off their kids to school and greet me as well but I noticed something different.... specifically with two students. Leanne has been isolating herself from the other kids lately and doesnt want to be bothered. But also Taewoo.. hes been super happy and hes been asking me the most random questions lately... 



Waking up and doing my usual morning routine I hurried to my closet and pulled out some clothes before running to the washroom getting ready.

Waking up and doing my usual morning routine I hurried to my closet and pulled out some clothes before running to the washroom getting ready

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Suddenly hearing knocking at my door, thinking it was just Jihoon I grabbed my purse and walked over. The knocking became louder (???) "I'll be right there!" I yelled out while putting my heels on. Finally walking over to the door, unlocking it and swinging the door open I met eyes with the one person I didnt want to see. "I see you didnt move out..." he commented pushing his way into my apartment. Turning back I crossed my arms "What the hell do you want now?? Didnt feel satisfied when you hit me last time? Did you come here to hit me again?" 

Turning back to face me he sighed "Y/n I told you I didnt mean to hit you... I dont know what happened. My hand just suddenly moved on its own. I let my anger take over my body! Please believe me!"  Shaking my head I opened the door wider "Please leave... Honestly seeing your face the first thing this morning is really ruining my mood." 

He heaved a heavy sigh before walking out but stopped outside of the door. "Y/n please. Lets talk about this... about US one last time. I have so many things I want to explain to you.. will you please listen?" (Is he serious right now???) I stood there silent not believing the words that were coming out of his mouth. Stepping out of my apartment I locked my door and was about to leave until he grabbed my wrist making me stop. "Y/n please! If you walk away.... I-I" Trying to shake his hand off of mine I glared at him "you'll what?? You'll lay your hands on her again???" Turning my head I saw Jihoon marching his way towards us. Grabbing his hand and harshly removing it from mine Jihoon linked arms with me and pulled me away. 

Hurrying into the elevator the doors closed and he let go of me "what  the hell was he doing here?!" he asked while glancing up at me. Sighing I leaned back onto the wall behind me and responded "He keeps on saying he wants to get back together... he also said he wants to talk one last time so he could explain everything to me. Obviously I dont want to talk.. I already know everything". Once the elevator door opened we both walked out and headed to work in a pissed off mood. 

Jungkook Pov
Waking up, I did my usual morning routine, got dressed and woke up Taewoo before making Taewoo and I some breakfast. 


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