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Time Skip~ (4 days later- Thursday)

Jungkook Pov
With Taewoo at school I had the day off so I decided to go to the hospital and visit Y/n to see if she was awake yet. Getting into my car and driving towards the hospital I made a quick  stop by the floral store and bought a bouquet of flowers (I really hope she likes these...)

Finally at the hospital I parked my car and hopped out while casually walking into the building

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Finally at the hospital I parked my car and hopped out while casually walking into the building. The nurses recognized me and greeted me while I made my way to the room Y/n was staying in.  Sliding the door open and walking  with a smile I froze in my tracks "How are you feeling Miss Y/n???" the doctor spoke up. "I feel alright.. a bit light headed. H-How long have I been here?" "4 days.. but dont worry you havent sustained any life threatening or serious injuries. You will have to stay in the hospital for the night but you will be discharged tomorrow. I will come and check on you later" Y/n thanked the doctor and when the doctor saw me he smiled before leaving. 

Once he left I glanced over at Y/n who was now looking out the window before heaving a heavy sigh. Making my way over to her I cleared my throat gaining her attention... "H-Hey" I awkwardly greeted while placing the bouquet of flowers on her side table. "Hey" she replied while fiddling with her fingers.(Shes finally awake...) Pulling up a chair and sitting beside her bed she avoided eye contact with me as she bit down nervously on her lip. Scanning her features I couldnt help but heave a heavy sigh looking at her bruised face. Standing up from the chair I sat on the edge of the bed and slowly reached up cupping her face with my hands so that she would look at me. Finally looking me in the eyes I rubbed my thumb across her cheeks, "Do they hurt?" she grabbed my hands with hers and nodded slightly "Ne, how about you? do yours hurt?" she asked while reaching her hand out softly caressing the corner of my lip that was still bruised with a scar from the cut. "Ani, not anymore..." 

Silence filled the room and I couldnt take it anymore, wrapping my arms around her head I pulled her into my chest "I was scared-" I confessed while breathing in her scent before continuing "-I was terrified, constantly thinking 'what if she doesnt wake up'.. Every day I  came to visit you and every night I prayed for you to wake up. I said this many times when you were unconscious but im sorry I couldnt protect you from him, he hurt you... -" pulling away she looked up  at me and my eyes traveled to her bruised lip along with the scar from when Jongin forcefully kissed her, biting down on her lip too hard. (That fucking bastard...)"-And he kissed you..." 

"Jungkook... its alright" she tried to reassure me by placing her hands on top of mine but I shook my head no agreeing... "I-Its not alright Y/n.. the time I finally managed to get up you were already hurt  and I couldnt stand the sight of it..."

Y/n Pov
Jungkook poured out his his feelings to me and I couldnt help but feel all warm... He continued to ramble on without letting me utter another word  and I was starting to get a bit irritated. Chuckling while rolling my eyes I cupped his face and leaned in kissing the corner of his lips softly where it was bruised. Immediately shutting up I pulled away and he just stared at me blankly before using his hand to cover his now flushed cheeks.

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