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Jihoon POV
"I dont know where to start... so I guess the beginning would be ideal huh?" I nervously bit down on my lower lip while looking at both Jungkook and Y/n as they looked at me waiting. "I-Its been happening for almost two weeks... a-at first she would just come to my apartment room and constantly knock on my door calling out to me. I ignored her for the first few days but then I snapped and opened the door telling her off. Continuing to ignore her I even tried to get out of the apartment but she always found me.... always 'coincidentally' running into me no matter where I went. Then just a couple days ago I saw her outside the school but I didnt think it was her... until one of my students told me that there was a suspicious lady standing outside today.-" 

"-Once class was over I walked towards the emergency exit and when I opened the door I saw her hiding behind the tree near the playground.. I called out to her and thats when we started talking. Y/n must've heard part of the conversation but yeah she kept on telling me that she changed... all of that bullshit. I keep telling her off but I-I honestly dont know what to do now..." I heaved a heavy sigh before looking at Y/n who sighed as well. Jungkook on the other hand was stuffing his mouth with food. We stayed silent for what felt like hours... (Can someone say something?!) the silence was eating me alive so I spoke.

"Y-Y/n.... s-say something..." I felt my heart racing, afraid of what she was going to say. I knew she was mad at this whole situation and I cant blame her. I tried to handle this all on my own and in the end she probably thinks bad of me. Y/n put her chopsticks down before looking at me dead in the eyes "Am I mad??" she questioned making my brows knit together... "I asked am I mad..." "I-I dont know.. y-yes?? no?? m-maybe??...... are you mad??" she shook her head "Ani.. im not mad. More annoyed to be honest" 

"Im not mad because one, I heard you stand up for me when she said those things. Im annoyed because this had been going on for two weeks and you didnt tell me anything about it! Jihoon im your best friend...I thought we would be able to tell each other everything and anything! You were there when I was still recovering from that toxic relationship I had with Jongin and I was there for you right?" I nodded in response before she continued. "So with that being said I know you tried to handle this by yourself but at the same time that this whole thing with Yerin has been dragging out for so long! I remember when I was going through that whole Minji thing and I tried to do it all by myself without having anyone try to be involved but you were the one who told me the exact same thing that im telling you now." I hung my head low ashamed, she was completely right..

"Im sorry... " she waved her hand in front of her face "Dont say your sorry. I told you im not mad plus I dont like hearing those words come out of your mouth. I should be more understanding as well since this is your business and not mine. BUT that doesnt mean you should keep all of this to yourself and carry all that weight." I nodded my head at her reply "So what should I do?? I know you said I should get a restraining order bu-" "Why dont you go on a date with her?" Jungkook suddenly spoke up earning wide eyes from both Y/n and I. "W-WHAT?!" I looked at him like he was out of his mind.... (probably all that banana milk is going to his head...) I glanced over at Y/n and she thought about it for a second before turning to me. "I think Jungkook is right Jihoon... were not saying to take her back and give her another chance. Why dont you just go on a date with her... ONE LAST TIME. And in the end just break it to her, not harshly like all the other times... tell her how you truly feel." Jungkook nodded "Ne, why dont you do that... maybe by doing that then she will understand." 


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(A/N: Hello readers! I hope you werent too upset with the short chapter! I wanted to save the whole date and such for the next chapter! BUT IF ANY OF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR FUTURE CHAPTERS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT OF MESSAGE ME! Im slowly losing ideas!! So if you have any I will obviously give you a free shoutout on that chapter too! <3 LOVE YOU ALL! Have a great day and stay safe!) 

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