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Jihoon POV
(I cant believe im actually doing this... Why the heck did I agree to their idea?! I shouldve just filed for that restraining order and BOOM DONE!... fuck...) Looking down at my wrist watch I saw that Yerin was now 10 minutes late. "Of course shes late... why am I not surprised?!" I mumbled to myself as I sat on the park bench waiting for her to arrive. Looking down at what I was wearing I sighed a little bit (good thing I didnt dress to impress...) 

As I sat here waiting I thought about how the whole thing happened

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As I sat here waiting I thought about how the whole thing happened... How this whole date situation happened.... 

Flashback~(5 days ago - Monday)

"Mr.Lee??" hearing a small voice I looked to the door and saw one of my student standing there with a scared expression on his face. "Oh? Jeonghan.. is everything okay? do you have a question for me about the homework?" he shook his head before pointing down the hallway where the emergency exit was.  "Yooe said that there was a strange lady standing by the door... she was saying your name..." I stood up from my chair and walked out the classroom "Alright thank you for telling me Jeonghan. You can go now okay??" the small figure walked away before I opened the door to see Yerin standing there wearing a mask to hide her face. 

"Your here again..." "Wow im surprised you came out to greet me?" I rolled my eyes while crossing my arms "What do you want this time... please dont say anything stupid." "Jihoon... please. I dont know how many times I have to say this but I changed! I truly did! I-I have a proper job... I-If you want me to pay you back for the money I took I will! Just please give me one last chance! please take me-" I held my hand out making her stop. "This Saturday 6 o'clock... meet me at the park near the apartment." Yerin looked at me with surprised eyes... before a smile appeared on her lips. "A-Alright! I-I will!"  Seeing her run off I sighed before walking back inside the school to hear Y/ns voice behind me. "You did it huh? I didnt think you would to be honest" I scoffed "Come on Y/n.. werent you and Jungkook the ones who told me to? Plus I might as well end it this way.."

End of Flashback~ 

"How much longer is she going to take??" I leaned back into the bench while looking up at the sun setting sky. "This is the last time... honestly... how tiresome." About to close my eyes I soon heard her voice call out to me "Jihoon!" she chimed, looking in her direction I saw her running up to me with a bright smile. (hm... im surprised shes dressed normally this time..) I thought while waving her over. 

I was about to say something until she suddenly grabbed my hand leading her away from the park to a near restaurant

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I was about to say something until she suddenly grabbed my hand leading her away from the park to a near restaurant. Sitting down at a table as she still held my hand I soon pulled my hand away "Please dont do that again.." she pursed her lips into a fine line before nodding "M-Mianhe.. I-It was a force of habit" she replied before looking down at the menu. We soon ordered our food and began to wait. I was enjoying the quiet but Yerin soon spoke "Do you remember this restaurant?? w-we used to come here for those dates we had. Y-You remember that right?" I simply nodded not really wanting to talk about the past but she kept on bringing it up. Giving her short replies she soon caught on before quieting down. 

With the food being placed on the table we began to eat and once again she spoke up "Jihoon.. I know you probably dont want to hear me speak in the middle of eating but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate that you asked me to come out today... A-And you waited even though I was late!" she sent me a cheeky grin that made me lowkey cringe. 

(Time Skip~)

"I-Is it okay if I bring you somewhere??" I lifted a brow and simply nodded before following after her. After about 15 minutes of walking we arrived at a small coffee shop, soon after walking in people began to greet Yerin. "Hey Yerin! what are you doing here??? o-oh! Is that your boyfriend?" a female worker commented but before Yerin could reply I spoke up instead "No. were just acquaintances... sorry" With that reply Yerin awkwardly scratched the back of her neck while I stood there blank faced. "O-Oh... I see. Sorry for assuming, but anyways why are you here?" "Oh I actually just wanted to show him where I worked!" Yerin chimed sending me a smile.

"I see! Well then since were talking about Yerin. She actually is our best employee! she makes the best lattes and shes a hard worker! Were so happy to have her working with us" the female in front of us said proudly while mainly looking at me. "A-Ah well thats good to hear. Well we should get going now.." I walked out of the shop while Yerin ran after me. "I'll bring you home..." I said while looking back at her as she nodded with a small smile. Walking back to the apartment we took my car and drove off... but while driving I could see Yerin looking around my car as if she was trying to find something. "What are you doing?" She soon stopped before giggling "I see that your car didnt change much after our break up.. everything is still the same as before!" 

After minutes of driving I pulled up to her place (of course with her directing me where to go) Getting out of the car I decided to walk her to the door. Standing in front of the door she looked at me with eyes filled with lust... her eyes glancing from my eyes down to my lips. "Thank you for tonight Jihoon.. really. I wanted to thank you for asking me to come out to meet with you... I-I hope you saw how much I changed. A-And maybe we could start over..." She slowly leaned in, our lips just centimeters apart but before anything happened I softly grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away. 

"Im sorry Yerin... I cant. Even though it was only for a couple of hours I'll admit that I saw how much you changed. B-But I cant bring myself to take you back... The things that happened still scar me till this day and I hope you understand that some things just cant be fixed. You just recently decided to change but I gave you so many of those chances when we were together. I know this isnt the outcome you wanted but please I hope you can finally respect my decision. Im sorry Yerin... I really am happy that you changed but maybe this time you can find someone else. I moved on and im living my best life right now and I hope you can do the same." With tears leaving her eyes she she grabbed my arm stopping me from turning to leave. "I-I understand... and I-I wanted to say that im sorry too.. for always constantly bothering you. I-I was being immature. B-But still thank you for being together with me for those couple of hours tonight."

Finally releasing her grip on my arm she sent me a pained smiled before unlocking her door and walking inside. (wow... that was easier than I thought) Getting back in my car and driving back home I didnt regret anything that happened. (Everything that happens... happens for a reason.) Parking my car and heading to my apartment room I unlocked the door and was surprised to see Y/n sitting on my couch. Pausing her show she looked at me with a small smile before standing up and opening her arms out to me. "Want a hug little guy?"

Kicking off my shoes I chuckled while walking into her arms receiving her hug. "You did good Jihoon... you did great" 

(The next morning) 

"Can I order a venti latte.. extra expresso shot" the cashier looked at me and nodded before punching in my order. Paying and standing off to the side I waited until I heard my order being called out. Walking up the employee in front of me widened their eyes "J-Jihoon.." taking my drink from her hands I took a small sip before sending her a small friendly smile "It tastes great... thank you" 

Leaving the coffee shop I took another sip of the drink before nodding. 

"Its not bad... should've ordered another espresso shot though.."




(A/N: I honestly wanted to make is an angsty ending but I honestly felt so bad if I did! :( Anyways I hope you all liked this chapter! <3 But also I came out with a new book so I hope you can all go and support that book too! Thanks again and I'll talk to you all in the next chapter!)

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