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Jungkook POV
"Kook, your still here?? Shouldnt you have left a a few hours ago to pick up Taewoo from school??" Seeing Soonyoung hyung leaning against the door I shook my head "Ani, Tae and Yoongi hyung said they would since they were closer to the school. So im going to finish up some work first before heading home" "You're working too hard you know that?? I dont think your hyungs, Taewoo OR Y/n would like that" 

Pulling my eyes from my computer screen I laughed at his words "Hyung dont worry... its only for today. Plus I have a lot of things to finish up because your secretary has been slacking off" Soonyoung hyung sighed while nodded his head, walking over to my couch he plopped himself down. "Im going to be looking for a new secretary... I've put up some postings but no reply yet." "Aish hyung.. why did you even hire her in the first place.. was her background that good??" He shrugged his shoulders before replying "Honestly Kook I wasnt the one who hired her, she was transferred from another company. But im going to be firing her soon... I mean you've been telling me that shes been making Dokyeom hand you her files. Which is unacceptable." 

(Time Skip~)

After another hour of talking to Soonyoung I saw the time and knew that I should be heading home now. Taking my leave and getting into my car driving off I got a text from Yoongi saying that they would be taking Taewoo out for dinner with the other hyungs which I said was okay. During my drive I decided it would be a good idea to stop by Y/ns place and see if she would like to get dinner together. Soon I parked my car on the side and stepped out and was suprised to see Y/n standing there with Jihoon by the entrance. Nearing them I called out to her gaining her attention but she looked at me shocked... (????) 

Suddenly seeing two other males talking to her I thought they were just her neighbors so I casually walked towards them until one of them yelled "Noona... who is that??" (Noona??? so hes younger...) Wanting to be nice I sent a small smile while bowing "Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook I am Y/ns boyfriend." "BOYFRIEND?!?!" standing straight up I looked at the now shocked males while Y/n hid her face behind her hands. 

"B-Boyfriend... n-noona has a boyfriend... HAHA! f-funny joke noona.. h-hes just a boy thats a friend right?! PLEASE TELL ME IM RIGHT!" I looked at Y/n obviously confused as to what the heck was happening. "L-Lets go to my place.... oh my god." 

(In apartment room) 

"Now sit down and behave... jeez" seeing my brother sitting on the couch across from Jungkook and I. I sighed before looking over at Jungkook who bit down on his lower lip out of nervousness before looking at me with a small smile. 


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"Ugh... I really didnt want this to happen. BUT since were all here... Jungkook these are my little brothers. Their not blood related to me but I still care about them ALOT... This is Yeonjun hes 19 and this is my other brother Hyunjin who is only 21.-" Shooting a stern glare at my brothers I then continued "-This is Jeon Jungkook. MY BOYFRIEND WHO YOU WILL NOT QUESTION. All your questions will be directed towards me so dont make him uncomfortable. Or im locking you in the guest room." 

Jungkook then stood up before bowing politely "Im sorry that we had to meet this way. U-Uhmm Y/n has been taking care of me a-and I would like to say that I-I..... I love her with all my heart." Suprirsed with his words I felt my heart race before seeing my brother knitting their brows at me. "How old are you..." Hyunjin questioned while glaring at Kook, I was about to say something until Jungkook told me not to worry and that he will happily answer any questions they ask. I was a bit worried at first but I nodded. "Im 26..." Hearing how Jungkook was significantly older they quickly bowed apologizing which was rather new to me. "Were sorry we spoke informaly to you! Y-Your older than us so we should be respecting you!" "N-No its alright, I-I dont mind.. j-just call me hyung. I-Is there any other questions you would like to ask me?"

With all of them sitting back down I looked at Jihoon who stood there amused with what was happening. I stood up from my seat "You guys behave... Jihoon and I will go get some food for tonight. If Jungkook tells me you said something inappropriate you know what will happen...." 

Hyunjin POV
When Noona and Jihoon hyung left the apartment, Yeonjun and I sighed in relief before looking at her boyfriend who was sitting in front of us. Posture tall as he looked at us anticipating what we were going to ask him. "How long have you been with our noona?" I questioned "O-Over a year now..." (OVER A YEAR?! AND NOONA DIDNT TELL US?! W-WHY?! H-HOW DID WE NOT KNOW?!) Feeling a bit annoyed I knew I should just ask noona later when were alone. We sat in silence for a bit before Yeonjun cleared his throat "D-Do you really love our noona?" His reaction was a bit taken back but he nodded his head confident before I added "You love her even though she has a deep secret that she probably didnt tell you about?" 

The older tilted his head to the side before opening his mouth "You mean about her having PCOS??? I-I know about it already..." Both Yeonjun and I were surprised hearing that he knew about her condition. "Y-Yet you're willing to be with her even though you know she may not be able to have kids with you in the future?" Averting his gaze he nodded before he began to explain "She told me about her condition before we began dating...She even told me what happened between her and Jongin. I'll admit I had mixed emotions at first but in the end it didnt matter for me... I-I actually have a six year old son-" "Y-You have a kid?! B-But your only 26..." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck while chucking "Ne... very young. But it was only just my son and I from the day he was born no one else..."

"Are you saying that the mother... d-" "She left... never came back until recently but things changed and I decided that I wanted to be with Y/n instead because she made me feel different. She actually makes me feel loved.. and wanted. And she accepted my son from the start.. never judged me about my past and only looked forward..." 


"I-I still dont approve of you being with my noona..." 

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