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Jungkook POV
"I-I still dont approve of you being with my noona" Hearing those words my eyes widened while I looked up at Yeonjun who said that. "E-Excuse me??" "Y-You heard me... I-I still dont like the fact that you dating our noona. I dont trust you..." "Yeonjun.. dont say that." Hyunjin commented while defending me. "Hyung, why are you defending him! I-I thought we were both going to make sure that noona ends up with someone who we both approve of!" "I know Yeonjun.. but I cant agree with you this time. I-I always want whats best for noona ever since that asshat Jongin left her. I thought that no other male would be good enough for noona, After hearing Jungkook hyungs words I-I want to believe him.." 

"But hyung! H-How do we know that he wont do what Jongin did to noona! W-What if he hurts her... I-I dont want to see noona sad anymore. S-She deserves to be happy! not in pain! I DONT WANT HIM TO JUST WANT NOONA FOR SEX AND THEN BE LIKE OOP- AIGHT PEACE!.... like that scumbag Jongin" I quickly stood up from my seat gaining their attention. "I-I hurt her already. I-I did something that caused her to be sad and angry with me and ever since I regretted what happened. I promised her from the start that I would never hurt her but I did. I-I didnt mean to... but I did everything that I could to get her back and now were here. I would never do the things that Jongin did to her.. I hate seeing her without a smile on her face. Im not with her just for the sole factor of sex, I want to be with her because I truly care about her. I-I dont know whether of not you believe me words but please know that I truly do love your noona." 

Suddenly hearing the door unlock and Y/n walking in with Jihoon, I sat back down while they walked towards us. "You guys didnt interrogate Jungkook to much did you?" she commented while looking over at us while setting some food on the table. "A-Ani noona... w-we-" "Yeonjun.. you're usually good at lying but you could never lie to me. What did you two say to him?" The youngers looked away not wanting to lock eyes with their noona but I defended them. 

"Y-Y/n dont worry. They didnt say anything offensive so dont get mad at them. They did ask me some questions but nothing bad. I-Ill help Jihoon set up the table.." I walked over towards Jihoon who chuckled "They said offensive things didnt they.." he whispered and I looked at him and shook my head. "Nothing offensive, their just curious..." 

While Jungkook began to help Jihoon I looked at my little brothers with a raised brow "What did you guys say...""Noona.. we didnt say anything bad. We just asked him a few questions... nothing bad! we swear!" I pursed my lips into a fine line before nodding "Arasseo.. so if I review my living room camera I wont hear anything bad?" Their eyes widened at my words "L-Living room camera??" Hyunjin whispered while looking around the room. "I was kidding about the camera... but with that reaction you better tell me what you asked Jungkook when he leaves. No detail left out." 

(Time Skip~)

After we all ate dinner together, everyone sat in the living room and watched t.v. while I began to clean the guest room for my brothers. "Hey, you need help?" turning to see Jungkook walking in with some cleaning supplies I sent him a small smile and thanked him. "So want to tell me what those two little boogers said to you? I could tell they were lying.." I sat on the bed and patted the space beside me, he sat down and sighed "You really want to know?" I nodded and he chuckled "Yeonjun doesnt approve of me dating you".

"Ahh.. I figured. I could tell with those non intimidating glares he was sending you during dinner. How about Hyunjin? he seemed to be taking a liking to you." Jungkook nodded "Ne.. I think I have his approval." I placed my hand on his thigh, putting his hand on top of mine he looked at me with a smile "Dont worry Kook... its going to take Yeonjun a bit of time. Hes just being a little hard headed" "Ne.." 

Looking up and into his eyes he stared at me "What??" he shook his head with a small chuckle "Nothing, you're just so beautiful.." (//////) giggling at his compliment I leaned in a quickly pecked his lips causing his cheeks to flush. He hid behind his hand while averting his gaze "Y-You really caught me off guard.."

*THUMP* Feeling my heart race at his reaction I just wanted to pounce on him if I were to be brutally honest

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*THUMP* Feeling my heart race at his reaction I just wanted to pounce on him if I were to be brutally honest. I wanted to see more of his reactions.... about to lean in and kiss him again we were interrupted with someone clearing their throat "N-Noona... M-Mianhe was I interrupting something?" shaking my head while Jungkook hid in embarrassment I asked Yeonjun why he was looking for me. "W-Well y-you were taking long so I wanted to check up on you but I could see that y-your sucking each others faces... I-I'LL GO NOW!" he yelled while running back towards the living room. 

Hearing Jungkooks phone go off I knew it was probably time for him to head home to Taewoo. He looked down at his phone and stood up "It was Namjoon hyung, he told me that Taewoo was now in bed and was wondering when I was coming home, so I guess thats my que to leave for today" Nodding I stood up and followed him out of the room and towards the door. "Oh Jungkook you're leaving already?" Jihoon yelled from the couches, he nodded while slipping his shoes on while I unlocked the door. "Drive safe!" While he was about to walk through the door he turned to me and smiled "Ill text you before I go to sleep.. make sure you dont stay up too late okay?" "Yes yes... I wont." He leaned down and placed another soft kiss on my lips before sending me a cheeky smile. About to head out the door he soon stopped when Hyunjin stood beside me. 

"Jungkook hyung... i-it was really nice meeting you. L-Lets hang out soon.... m-maybe play video games or something..." Surprised with his sudden actions Jungkook smiled and nodded before walking out and down the hallway. As I closed the door and locked it I turned towards the males and locked eyes with Yeonjun who didnt want to look at me. "Yeonjun... you know its rude not to say goodbye to guests right?" the younger didnt say anything but instead got up from the couch and walked away before I heard the guest bedroom door close. 

Heaving a heavy sigh Hyunjin placed his hand on my shoulder "Dont worry noona... Ill try talking to him" "Thanks Hyunjin... anyways you better go sleep now. Its getting late" With Hyunjin making his way to the room Jihoon walked towards me while putting his shoes on "Kinda hectic today huh?" "No kidding... but I think it turned out better than I thought. Dont you think?" Jihoon nodded before taking his leave, Sighing I cleaned up all the food and washed all the dishes before calling it a day....

(Why is Yeonjin acting like a little butt....)

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