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(2 months later)

Everything has been great! Jungkook and I has been nothing but smooth sailings ever since we got back from Busan a couple months ago. I dont know why but things have been rather odd.. I dont know its thats just me overthinking things but ever since then I see myself going to Jungkooks work everyday after school with Taewoo. Is it just because I want to see him or is it because I wanted to prevent anything from happening with Yuna again?

But thats not the only thing thats been happening. Minseok has been asking me so many questions. I have no idea why but hes been asking me about relationship advice... And Jihoon has been avoiding me lately?? or it just seems that way on my end. Heaving a heavy sigh from my thoughts I leaned back into my chair before hearing a small voice calling out to me. "M-Miss Min???" opening my eyes I looked to who was standing in front of my desk and saw a student who was not from my class... "Oh?? yes?? aren't you Mr. Lees student???" I questioned and he nodded. 

"I-I wanted to talk to you..." I gave him a small nod while waiting to hear what he wanted to talk about. "M-Mr.Lee... I-I always see you two together after school... but I saw him talking to a strange lady lately. I-I got scared..." Giggling at his innocent words I nodded "Okay thank you for telling me but remember what goes on with adults you should just walk away okay??" he pouted a little bit while nodded "Im sorry... I didnt mean to be nosey." "No its perfectly okay to be curious at your age... but just remember what i said for next time okay?" Once the young boy left my classroom I knitted my brows together thinking back at what he said .. (A strange woman??? Is Jihoon hiding something from me?) 

Getting up from my desk I left my classroom and made my way towards Jihoons where I saw his door closed. Looking through the little window I saw that no one was in there... (Where is he???) I thought before hearing Minseok. "Miss Y/n! are you by chance looking for Jihoon-ssi??" I nodded at his question before he pointed to the slightly open emergency exit "I actually just saw him heading there! Anyways I better head out, see you next week!". (What the heck is he doing out there??) Slowly nearing the door I heard Jihoon talking but soon heard a womans voice.... an overly familiar voice too. "I told you before to stop coming here... I already told you many times. I dont want anything to do with you... why cant you accept that and move on??" (move on???... WAIT.... DONT TELL ME....) "Jihoon.. please. I-I changed! I-I promise! T-The Yerin you knew before is gone! I-Im a new person! P-PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" I was about to slam this door open and give her a piece of my mind until I stopped once hearing Jihoon. 

"I dont understand whats hard to understand with what im saying. I told you countless of times... whether it was when you came to my apartment or when I caught you following me somewhere. I.DONT.WANT.TO.GET.BACK.WITH.YOU. How the heck did you even find out where I worked too?! Were you stalking me?!" Yerin scoffed "Stalking or not... It was my decision to do so. Give me a good reason why? Is it because theres someone else? Perhaps because of your friend Y/n?? Are you doing all of this because she doesnt want you to?"(ESCUSE ME?! DID THIS PSYCHAOTIC BITCH JUST SAY THAT?!) 

Hearing Jihoon chuckle at her words I raised a brow "Give you a good reason? did you assume that I moved on from the fact that you used me for money? That I forgot all about you taking the money I had in my wallet to use at the casino? Or how about the fact that you took MY bank card and withdrew money to use one whatever the fuck you bought? And Y/n is my BEST FRIEND. SHES THE ONLY ONE RIGHT NOW WHO KNOWS WHATS BEST FOR ME, SHE DOES EVERYTHING THAT YOU DIDNT GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT." (PERIODT!!! POP OFF BEST FRIEND!)

Smirking at his words I laughed to myself from what he said. Continuing to listen in I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder, jumping I shot my head around scared only to see Jungkook looking at me confused. Holding my index finger to my mouth I made sure he was quiet before whispering "Jihoon.. and Yerin!" understanding what I said he nodded. Both standing there in silence I realized that Taewoo was no where to be seen I looked at Jungkook before whispering asking him where his son was. He waved his hand signaling me to not worry. Before I said anything the door whipped open and there stood Jihoon looking at me with a raised brow... (shit...)

"Ah.... ahaha..... J-Jihoon... I didnt know you were out there. U-Uhm.. Jungkook! Jungkook and I were actually just discussing about-" "Y/n... dont even try. I heard you snickering to yourself awhile ago." (Ahh... dang.)  Scratching the back of my neck with an awkward laugh he shook his head while rolling his eyes. "Its fine... Lets go talk about it at your place. Its the weekend, we have no work tomorrow. So I'll buy dinner but you buy the drinks." Surprised by his words I didnt have anytime to reply before he looked at Jungkook "You coming over too or what?" "U-Uhmm... I could, but im going to be bringing Taewoo is that cool?" he spoke while looking at me seeking for approval. I nodded my head "I-Its totally fine, Taewoo can stay in my guest room for the night. Then we can go to your place tomorrow" 

(Time Skip~)

Arriving at the apartment building and entering my door Taewoo took off his shoes with a bright smile before running to the living room. "Miss Y/n! can I watch t.v. for a bit!" he questioned while looking at me with doe eyes. I nodded "Of course!" he cheered while turning on the t.v. before flipping through channels. Making our way to the table we put our things down before Jihoon ordered food. "Jihoon watch Taewoo?? Im going to go get the drinks with Jungkook" 

Jihoon simply nodded his head while Jungkook and I took our leave. Locking the door behind me we exited the apartment building and walked down the quiet street together. "I wonder how long this was going on for.." I mumbled, after minutes of walking we entered the liquor store and grabbed different drinks. "Does Taewoo want anything??" I questioned looking at Jungkook before he replied "Im sure hes too young to be drinking Y/n..." 

"Really?! Nooooo~ I totally thought Taewoo would be the type to love vodka shots

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"Really?! Nooooo~ I totally thought Taewoo would be the type to love vodka shots... OBVIOUSLY I KNOW HES TOO YOUNG KOOK!" Gaining the attention of customers around us Jungkook began to laugh before walking passed me with all our drinks plus some banana milk which I was thinking was for him? or for Taewoo???.

After he paid for the drinks we walked back to the apartment building. Going back onto my floor we turned the corner and saw a familiar figure standing in front of the door, she was about to knock until I cleared my throat making her stop and look at me with wide eyes. "O-Oh... u-uhmm Y/n-ssi.. I-I was looking for Jihoon but he wasnt home, is he by chance here?" Unlocking my door Jungkook quickly got in while I followed after. "Im sorry Yerin. I dont know where Jihoon is right now... but honestly I dont think I wouldve told you anyways. Its not my place of business..." Closing the door behind me I locked it before walking over to Jihoon where he was in the middle of taking food out of a plastic bag annoyed. "She needs a restraining order Jihoon..." he mumbled while sighing, nodding in agreement we all began to eat. "Taewoo do you want to eat in front of the t.v.??" I questioned while looking at the younger. 

"Am I allowed?! A-Appa never allows me to do that!" Giggling at his innocent words I nodded causing the young boy to grab his plate of food along with his banana milk before walking off to sit in front of the t.v. "So anyways.... while were eating do you mind explaining why the heck she was at OUR WORK?!" I chirped while placing food on my plate. "Well where do you want me to start??" "WELL FIRST OF ALL.. HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN HAPPENING FOR. Because your student came up to me after school today explaining to me that its been happening lately... so you better speak up before I ignore all your calls and leave you on 'read'" 

He stood up from his seat and looked at me with wide eyes "YAH! YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE BEING LEFT ON 'READ'" I crossed my arms before sticking my tongue out "WELL YOU BETTER START TALKING!" "F-FINE!" Jihoon huffed out before sitting back down. "I-It has seen happening for awhile now... B-BUT I-I NEVER TALKED TO HER UNTIL TODAY!" I squinted my eyes, sending shivers down his spine. 

"I-I dont know where to start... So I guess the beginning would be ideal..."

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