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Y/n Pov
Waking up with a smile on my face I was excited for today. Even if it was the last day of 'bring your parent to school' I wanted it to be fun... Jumping out of bed I rushed over to my closet and grabbed some clothes before entering my washroom to get ready for the day. 

Once I was done getting ready I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag

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Once I was done getting ready I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag. Locking my apartment door I rushed down the hallway, turning the corner I suddenly bumped into someone making them fall. "Oh my goodness! Im so- oh nevermind its just you Jihoon.." I commented while extending my hand out to help him up. "Wow apology accepted??" he chuckled while taking my hand as I helped him onto his feet. "What are you doing on my apartment floor anyways???" I questioned a bit confused. "Oh I was actually coming to pick you up. I was in need of some company" he responded. "Whats wrong?" I simply asked, he raised his brows "Huh?? o-oh nothing is wrong..."

"Thats a lie. I know you Jihoon... whats wrong." He heaved a heavy sigh and began linking arms with me"Ill tell you about it when we get to work..." I nodded. We left our apartment building and took the bus to work but stopped by the coffee shop to grab some drinks and snacks. Arriving at work we entered my classroom. Taking a seat in my chair he pulled up a chair and sat down across from me. "So mind telling me whats wrong now???" He nodded while sipping his coffee.. "b-before we talk about that... how was your date! wheres my dessert?" he tried his hardest to change the subject. "It was amazing, Jungkook is an amazing guy..." I smiled brightly before changing my expression right away "-now tell me whats wrong with you? or else no dessert" 

"I can never get away from you can I?-" he laughed before continuing to speak "w-well while you were on your date last night some one came to my apartment room last night...." I furrowed my brows while taking a sip from my drink. "dont tell me it was 'her'" I said jokingly but Jihoon stayed quiet which made me raise my brows at him. "It was 'her' wasnt it!!" I slightly raised my voice while placing my drink on my desk. He sighed while nodding his head  "she wanted to talk-" I scoffed "Talk about what? Getting back together? after all the things she did to you!?"

"Y/n I know! Im not stupid enough to get back together with her... but-" "But what??" "-I was stupid enough to let her into my apartment to talk.." "Jihoon! Are you serious!!!" I yelled while standing up from my seat causing him to flinch. "what did that woman say???" Crossing my arms and furrowing my brows even more. "Like you mentioned... she wanted to get back together with me. I asked her why and she went on about how she regretted what she did to me in the past, how she misses and loves me and how she just wants to start over" Rolling my eyes at what he had said I shook my head disapproving of the idea "No. You are not letting her into your life again Jihoon. She always gives you those stupid excuses! Nope! No! Not happening! im not letting her fuck around with your feelings again. She only used you for money and other things! " I exclaimed before pouting my lips and huffing. 

Jihoon let out a light chuckle "Y/n chill out, like I said Im not stupid enough to get back together with her. I learned form my past mistakes and Im not about to let her walk all over me. I just needed you tell you because this was something I could only talk to you about." Pointing my finger at him I sternly spoke "Im happy you told me about this... but I swear to god Jihoon if she shows her face to you again im going to lose my shi-!!" I was quickly cut off when someone cleared there throat. Turning our heads to the door my eyes widened when I saw Jungkook leaning against the door frame while Taewoo hid behind him. 

"Well then I guess thats my cue to leave! Ill see you later on Y/n!" Jihoon quickly hurried out of the classroom leaving us together. Looking over I saw Taewoo still hiding behind Jungkook (please dont tell me he heard me yelling....) "Miss Y/n are you in a bad mood???" he questioned while peeking out from behind his dads leg. I shook my head and cleared my throat "Ani Taewoo.. I was just having a discussion with Mr.Jihoon about something personal. Dont worry about it!" A smile appear on his little face before running over to his desk. Sighing in relief I sat back down in my seat, "everything okay???" his deep voice suddenly brought a smile to my face without me realizing it. "yeah... just some stuff I had to help Jihoon with...you must have overheard.." Jungkook nodded while sitting in the seat Jihoon was sitting in a few minutes ago "Ex girlfriend??" I nodded while rolling my eyes. "A pest to be exact... like a bug that wont leave you alone!.. ugh if only I could get my hands around that small neck of hers..." I mumbled while showing a choking motion with my hands. 

Jungkook chuckled at my actions "I feel that way about someone too.. and it drives me crazy. Just wanting to walk up to them and just tell them off." I nodded in agreement. While we were talking more students and their parents walked in, Jungkook went back to Taewoo and I was in the middle of going through my phone until someone spoke up. "Good Morning Y/n" looking up from my phone I wanted to just flip him off but I forced a smile out "Good Morning Mr. Kim" a bit taken back with my greeting, seeing Leanne sit down in her desk talking to her desk partner Jisoo I smiled until Jongin proceeded to sit in the chair that was across my desk.

Leaning on my desk and resting his chin on the palm of his hand he just stared at me. Which made me super uncomfortable "You became more beautiful.. I mean you were cute when we were dating a few years ago but looking at you now.. man you definitely matured, if you know what i mean" he whispered so I was only one that could hear. I rolled my eyes while continuing to go through my phone. "Oh come on Y/n.. are you still going to ignore me? havent you heard of forgive and forget?" Feeling anger take over me I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk causing all the parents including the kids to look at me confused. "Miss Y/n are you alright?!" JB commented while looking at me worried. Forcing a smile I nodded "Yes thank you for your concern JB, anyways since everyone is here lets start class. Mr.Kim if you would please join your daughter then we can get started" He smirked before getting up and sitting beside Leanne. 

Jungkook Pov
When I mentioned that I was dealing with the same thing I was talking about him... Jongin. Hes the pest that I just want to walk up to him, throw him over my shoulder and toss him out the window... hes just getting on my nerves now how he has the audacity to bother Y/n like that and think its fine when ITS NOT!. "papa are you alright?"  Taewoo whispered while tugging on the sleeve of my shirt.  Glancing down at him I smiled and nodded "Ne, dont worry Taewoo... I was just thinking. Now pay attention to Miss Y/n" he nodded and turned his attention to the front of the class listening to Y/n as she began with her social lesson.

Time Skip~

Time went by fast as Y/n was teaching the kids new things. It was currently lunch time right now and all the kids gathered around and ate together in a circle while talking about random things while us parents watched them from a distance. Turning my attention I noticed Y/n walk  out of the classroom but soon after Jongin followed after her. (What the hell is he doing..) I gritted my teeth before getting up from my seat and following after them. Keeping my distance I continued to quietly follow after the two until I saw them walk towards the schools garden. Quickly hiding around the corner I listened to their conversation. While listening to them I suddenly felt someone tap my back, quickly turning I met eyes with Jihoon.

"what are  you doing hiding here??" he crouched down beside me. "Shh... Y/n and Jongin are talking right now" his eyes widened while peeking out to see the two pair talking. Brows quickly furrowing he was about to stomp his way in there but i stopped him "Let them talk first..." he nodded and we both stayed quiet listening in on their conversation. But the words that left his mouth left both Jihoon and I speechless....

"Y/n... I love you. Please come back to me"  

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