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Time Skip~ (2 days later)

Jungkook Pov
Its been a couple of days since the interaction Y/n had with Jongin and ever since that day I couldnt help  but feel overprotective of her, making sure that he doesnt go near her and such. I noticed that he would always try to talk to her when she was alone so i always made sure to be near her or with her so he wouldnt do anything to her. But over the past days Y/n and I definitely grew closer and we got to know each other more. We knew about each others interests, hobbies, birthday, favorite color and so on. She hasnt talked to me about her relationship with Jongin in the past and why it ended and I didnt tell her about Minji yet. I guess you could say that were both not ready to talk about something that personal....

"Appa are you getting ready??" Taewoos voice snapped me out of my thoughts while I was in the middle of finishing getting ready. Its the second last day of 'bring your parent to school' and I decided to dress rather casual since I kind of noticed how uncomfortable it was for me to wear a dress shirt to my sons school when we do a lot of activities that include us moving around. 

Grabbing my bag, Taewoo and I left our home and got into the car heading towards the school

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Grabbing my bag, Taewoo and I left our home and got into the car heading towards the school. "Taewoo, does Miss Y/n drink cof- wait why am I asking you that..." Shaking my head at the thought of asking Taewoo such a question. I mean he is only 5 does he know what coffee is??? Taewoo looked at me and smiled "appa, Miss Y/n doesnt like that dark bitter thing uncle Joonie and Jin drink.. she drinks juice!" "Juice????" i questioned and he nodded his head "or banana milk! I saw Miss Y/n drinking banana milk before" 

I chuckled at the thought that she likes drinking something like that so before we got to the school we stopped by the store and bought some drinks including banana milk for myself... and of course Y/n. Arriving at the school Taewoo and I walked in and were greeted by the other teachers and staff. "Good morning Mr.Jeon!" A short male walked up to me with a bright smile.. (Oh right! his name is Jihoon right? oh jeez im not good with names) "Good morning" I greeted back, "Your rather early dont you think??? Im pretty sure your the only one here right now" "Oh is Ms.Min not here yet???" I questioned making him laugh. "You can just refer to her as Y/n around me... shes here but shes currently in the music room." 

"Music room??" I commented a bit confused but he nodded in response "Ne, shes actually helping me at the moment. Im in the middle of writing a song and I was kind of stuck but who would have thought that Y/n had talent in music? Would you and little Taewoo like to come and hear the song??" I looked down at Taewoo as he was nodding his head viciously "Appa! Lets go see Miss Y/n!" he said while grabbing my hand dragging me behind him as we followed Jihoon to the music room. 

As we were nearing the music room I could hear a piano playing "Ahh that must be her" Jihoon commented (her?? Y/n??) Jihoon slid the door to the music room open quietly as we all walked in slowly. My eyes widened at the sight of Y/n playing the piano while humming an unfamiliar tune. Her hands softly pressing the keys of the piano but enough to make it sound beautiful. Once she was done we all clapped causing her to flinch and shoot her head towards us all, sighing in relief she stood up and walked over towards us. "You guys surprised me.." Taewoo ran up to her and tugged her dress making her look down at him "Miss Y/n! you! youre good at the piano!" he complimented making the female laugh. 

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