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"E-Excuse me???" I stuttered out while holding my phone close to my ear. "You heard me noona... hyung and I are moving to Seoul but our apartment wont be available for another week. So we need a place to stay... please say its okay!" Rubbing my temples with my free hand I groaned before responding "Why dont you ask Sungmin oppa? He lives here in Seoul too... why does it have to be my place?!" "But Noona... you know that Hyung and I arent close with Sungmin hyung.. pleaaaaase~" "Arasseo... you can stay at my place until then. You better text me what time and day you would be coming over. okay?" Hanging up my phone, I leaned into my chair while sighing. "Oi, whats with that annoying sigh? what happened?" glancing at the door I saw Yoongi and Taehyung standing there. 

"Oh! Tae! Yoongi! what are you two doing here?? picking up Taewoo??" they nodded while entering the classroom. "Ne, we were in the area and just told Jungkook we could pick him up since it was on the way to his place. Where is Taewoo anyways??" Yoongi asked while looking at the empty classroom. "Oh well if you look at the time school isnt over for another 15 minutes. Their all in the library right now picking out books that I want them to read tonight." 

Having them both pull up chairs they sat across my desk. "So anyways back to my initial question, why were you sighing? Did Jungkook do something again?" I shook my head with a small chuckle. "Ani.... not that. Something more annoying to be honest." Both looking at me with a raised brow I laughed again "My brothers are moving here and their going to be staying at my place for a week until their apartment is available to move in. Which im probably going to help them with" "You have brothers? We didnt know that!" I nodded "Ne, I dont really like talking about them... dont get me wrong, we have a strong sibling bond but their just... too over protective of me." 

With Yoongi and Tae laughing at my comment, Tae spoke up "How so?? just constantly checking up on you?? isnt that waht brothers usually do??" I shook my head "Not just that... im the oldest and ever since the situation with Jongin they think 'NO ONE IS WORTHY'.. They constantly ask me if im dating, and if I am they ask TOO MANY QUESTIONS! so im more or less worried about how their going to react when they meet Jungkook." "Ah.. t-thats going to be interesting to see... BUT YOU SHOULD INTRODUCE THEM TO ALL OF US!" 


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"I-Id rather not... I dont think they would be very happy to see seven unfamiliar males with me. Pretty sure one of them would get a heart attack" "A heart attack??  come on Y/n your exaggerating. I highly doubt they would have a heart attack... maybe faint but not a heart attack. Think realistically" (Seriously Tae....) "Whose going to have a heart attack??" hearing Jihoon as he walked in I sighed "Oh no.. she sighed. Everyone get behind me..." Giving him a 'seriously' look he chuckled before apologizing. 

"Apparently Y/ns brothers are moving here and their going to be staying at her place for a-" "HER BROTHERS?! Oh god.. that worse than her sighing. Do they know about Jungkook?!" I shook my head "Ahh... your really screwed Y/n.. you've been dating Jungkook for more than a year and their JUST going to be hearing about him.." "Yah! I KNOW JIHOON! Im trying to figure out how to introduce Jungkook to them! you know how over protective they are of me! Remember when I told them about you?!"


"Y/n!! how are you?? Hyung and I miss you... Jongin hasnt been bothering you right?" My younger brother asked while glaring at me through his camera on facetime. "I miss you both as well.. hows mom and dad?? have they been taking care of themselves?" he nodded before grabbing my other brother. "Hey Y/n what do you want for di-" I quickly tried to mute and turn off the camera until my brothers began to yell. "YAH! Y/N! WHO IS THAT?! W-WHO IS THAT SHORT STACK!" Jihoon pushed me out of the way before telling my brothers off. 

"W-WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT?! ALSO RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! I CAN YEET YOU IF I WANTED TO!" My brother both began to laugh before one of them commented "IF YOU CAN EVEN CARRY ME! YOUR PROBABLY UP TO MY BELLY BUTTON!" Shaking my head I pushed Jihoon out of the frame before glaring at them, making them shut up. "Yah... you two better shut up before I block you both on my phone. Also that was Lee Jihoon, my best friend so calm your non existent tits." 

"Your best friend? since when? how old is he? Is he nice? has he been bullying you? whats his social security number?" I sighed while rolling my eyes "Honestly, ever since Jongin left you two have been up my ass about my relationships... why?" 

My little brothers began to pout "But Noona... we just dont want you to get hurt again. Especially like that. So we just want to make sure that whoever you date next is A GOOD GUY! so... can you answer our questions?" "FIne... yes best friend, since I started working at the school, yes very nice, no I bully him instead, and non of your business" 

End of Flashback~ 

"Uncle Tae! Uncle Yoongi!" the small voice chimed while running into the classroom holding several books in his hands. "Did you come to pick me up?!" the two older males nodded while watching Taewoo get his bag. Still carrying all the books I sent the younger a small smile. "Taewoo, why are you holding so many books?! I told you that you could grab one, you didnt need to grab more..." "Its alright Miss Y/n! I wanted Appa to read me all these books! I hope thats alright with you" "Of course its alright, just make sure your appa doesnt lose them." 

With Tae, Yoongi and Taewoo gone Jihoon and I left about 3 hours later (After we finished marking some tests) and made our way back to the apartment. Feeling my phone vibrate I pulled it out and saw a text message from my brother saying that they were already at the apartment building. "Are you kidding me.. they didnt even give me time to clean up!" Soon after we got to the apartment I saw my brothers car parked across the street. "You think we could sneak in without them seeing us" Jihoon shrugged and we tried but as soon as we entered the building I heard my brothers voices yelling out to me. 

"NOONA! NOONA!!!!!" Mentally cursing I turned around "Yah! I told you to tell me when you would be coming! I didnt tell you to tell me when your literally outside. I didnt even clean up my apartment." "Really noona?? your definition of dirty is like having a single crumb on the floor, we know your a clean freak so relax.. were only staying for a-" "Y/n! I just got off work and thought it would be a good idea to come by and ask you to di- oh did I interrupt something??" 

Shutting my eyes closed I didnt expect this to happen... I didnt expect Jungkook to come here... not right now. (Why....)

"Noona... who is that?" 

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