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Time Skip~ (After Work)

Jungkook POV
Organizing all the things on my desk I was thinking about how I would be able to cheer up Y/n... Thinking long and hard about the many options that came into my head I heard a knock on my office door. Snapping out of my thoughts I looked and saw my boss standing there with a small smile on his face "Oh? Mr.Kwon?? what are you doing here?? Is there something you need me to do before I leave?" He shook his head while walking in before sitting on my couch "Ani, I just wanted to tell you how good of a job you've been doing as of lately. I dont know why but its seems that you've been happier?" I shyly laughed while putting my material away before he suddenly questioned "Is it perhaps... a girl?" laughing again i nodded not wanting to hide anything from my boss even if it is a personal matter. 

I mean I know some workers would never want their bosses to invade or ask about their personal life but ever since I worked here Mr.Kwon had watched over me, he kind of took care of me and always bake sure I was never working myself to hard.. and when he saw that I wsa he would make me go home. So I was grateful and he kind of knew everything about my situation so I dont think I could ever hide anything from him. 

"Oh! I was right?!" he chimed before skipping his way over to me happily "Sooooo whats she like?" I looked at him with a raised brow "Mr. Kwon you sure act different around me compared to the others..." he laughed before playfully smacking my arm "Well of course! your like a brother to me and I feel as if I could act like myself around you.. even if im like... what? 3 years older than you?" Shaking my head I pulled out my phone before showing him a picture of Y/n that I took. "Waah~~ look at you go Jeon, she suits you!" I thanked him while putting my phone away. "Well I would love to stay and talk with you Mr.Kwon but I actually have to head out to pick up my son from school." He nodded and as I was about to leave he stopped me "You know Jeon.. I've known you for a long time... and im still wondering why you address me as Mr.Kwon. C'mon now.. just call me Soonyoung from now on okay?" 

Giving it a second to think about his words I simply nodded obeying his request "Arasseo... Soonyoung hyung" He smiled brightly at my words before waving me off. Getting into my car and driving off to his school I arrived a few minutes after school was over. Pulling up and parking my car on the side of the road I saw Taewoo sitting outside of the school with Y/n right beside him. Getting out, they both saw me and Taewoo immediately ran up to me, picking him up and hugging him he then told me about how his day was and what he did. "So then during art class, I drew a dinosaur with Holly, Haneul and Minwoo! we argued about whos dinosaur was cooler, in the end we agreed that everyones was cool."

Laughing at his story he got into the car and buckled himself in before I turned to Y/n who was standing there smiling. "Sooo... does that count as me making you smile?" she scoffed before taking a step towards me while placing her index finger on my chest. "Sorry to break it to you Mr.Jeon but I think it was Taewoo who did." "Still calling me Mr.Jeon huh? does that mean you wont call me Kookie until the end of your period?" she smacked my shoulder before placing a finger to her mouth "Shut up! there are people around here, they dont need to know about me being on my period." Bursting out laughing she rolled her eyes at my actions causing me to stop. "Well I have to go now, my hyungs are coming over for dinner.. I'll text you okay?" glancing at me, I saw a small smile pull at the corner of her mouth before nodding. 

(ha... I'll take that as a win in my books)

Seeing Jungkook drive off with Taewoo waving goodbye to me from the window I waved back before hearing Jihoon and MIngyu calling out to me. Turning to see them walking towards me with their things they asked if I wanted to go get some dinner with them and I agreed. "Ill just go grab my bag.." walking back into the school I entered my classroom and grabbed my bag but while doing so I felt as if someone was staring at me. Not seeing anyone in the classroom I quickly shot my head towards the window but saw nothing... (maybe is was my imagination???) shrugging off that odd feeling I exited the school building and joined the others. 

While figuring out where to eat I got a text message from Jungkook telling me that he wouldnt be able to text me for a bit since his hyungs were going to take his phone away so he could spend time with them which was totally understandable. Putting my phone into my pocket I got that feeling again that someone was staring at me, looking around I didnt notice anyone or see anyone staring. Grabbing Jihoons sleeve he turned around and looked at me confused along with Mingyu.

"You okay??? are you getting cramps??" I shook my head before letting go of his sleeve, continuing to walk we figured that we would get some italian food. Finding the restaurant and entering we were seated on the second floor right beside the window where we were able to see the road down below. Ordering our food and now waiting I couldnt help but look around the restaurant... "Y/n?? are you sure your okay?? You've been kind of quiet since work ended.." Mingyu commented while sending me a worried expression. "Well... to be honest... ever since I went to grab my bag from the classroom I felt as if someone was staring at me.. and I got that feeling all the here. Even right now... I don know why..." They looked at each other before turning to me. "Do you know who it might be??"

"Well obviously not... but I dont have a good feeling about anything right now. I feel something is going to happen and I have no clue if im just being delusional or not." Shortly getting our food and beginning to eat my mind drifted off and I almost forgot about the whole 'someone staring' situation until out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure standing outside at the corner of the street. Having the feeling of someone staring again I looked outside and saw the person staring at me, she wore dark clothes and a hat but I was able to clearly see who it was. Her eyes were dark... her expression was something ominous. Seeing how she noticed me looking she quickly turned and ran....

"I-I saw who was staring at me...." I commented getting the two males attention. Furrowing their brows they looked outside to see no one before turning back to me "Who was it?? I dont see anyone outside looking in our direction-"

"-I-It was MInji..."




(A/N: Ahhhh and I thought the next few chapters would be drama free.. but I guess not? HAHA I live for drama and tea so expect more! anyways what do you all think Minji is up to?? why is she suddenly stalking Y/n?? comment what you think!)




Also BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR JUNGKOOKIE! <3 I was originally going to have this chapter celebrate his birthday between him and Y/n but I had already finished writing this and didnt want to make any changes!

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