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Days turned into weeks which turned into months... and ever since he ran into Minji back at my apartment complex he would try to avoid going anywhere near my place. Our date nights were cut short and he would say goodbye to me from inside his car instead of walking me to the door, he picked up more shifts at work and sometimes had his hyungs drop off and pick up Taewoo from school. It felt as if we were slowly drifting away and I honestly didnt know what to do...

Heaving a heavy sigh as I placed my face in the palms of my hands I just felt like everything was falling apart. (what do I do?? he barely answers my calls and texts now....) *knock knock* hearing soft knocks from the door I shoot my head up and see Jimin standing there looking at me, that soft smile of his soon faded as he saw my current state. "Uncle Chim! can I go play with the others in the park?" Taewoo chimed while looking at Jimin with his big doe eyes. He smiled and nodded his head before we both watched the group of kids leave the class excited. Turning his attention back to me he pulled up a chair and sat down. "Hey are you alright?" he asked softly and being honest I shook my head. "Honestly Jimin... im really not" 

Looking into his eyes I couldnt help but feel so overwhelmed, "Its because of Kook isnt it?" I nodded "Ne... ever since he ran into Minji, things have been different. It feels as if hes avoiding me. I know I shouldnt even be thinking this way but, I am... and it hurts. You know what I went through Jimin-ssi, you know what Jongin did to me. I took that leap of faith and opened my heart up once again, but right now it feels like im just going to be left again..." Eyes beginning to blur I couldnt help but let the tears fall. 

Jimin POV
I didnt like this at all.. this whole situation thats happening. What Jungkook is doing is understandable but its affecting his relationship with Y/n and not in a good way. And right now sitting in front of Y/n as she began to cry just hurt me. "H-Hey... ever-" "Please dont tell me that everything is going to be okay and that everything will work out in the end. I heard that too many times and I dont know whether or not to believe any of that. J-Jungkook promised to never hurt me... but he obviously broke that. Because here I am crying over him... Like I 100% understand that he wants to avoid Minji, a-and there are other ways of doing so, but avoiding me isnt the best way." 

Sighing I sat back into my seat not knowing what to do until i felt my phone vibrate, pulling my phone out I saw that I received a text from Jungkook. "Hyung sorry for asking you to pick up Taewoo, but could you please pick him up tomorrow as well? I picked up another shift" shaking my head I closed my phone and stuffed it back into my pocket before Y/n decided to stand up. "Y/n???" "Sorry that you had to see me in such state Jimin-ssi, b-but I have to go now..." she grabbed her stuff and bowed before walking out of the classroom with tear stained cheeks. Biting the inner corner of my mouth I couldnt help but think of what to do... (I should talk to Namjoon or Jin hyung about this..) 

Time Skip~

Arriving at Jungkook house with Taewoo, we entered the house and were greeted by the others along with Hobi hyungs noona. "Hey Taewoo!!" they all chimed as the younger ran to hug them all. "Oi Jimin, what took you so long?" Tae questioned while ruffling Taewoos hair. Sitting down beside Yoongi hyung I sighed "mian, I was talking to Y/n..." "Oh? how is she? I havent properly introduced myself to her yet!"

"About that.. I wanted to ask you all about something. Dont you all think that Jungkook is taking this whole Minji situation too far?" the room went quiet before Jiwoo noona spoke up "Minji? wait, whats happening?" Namjoon hyung told Jiwoo noona the whole situation before we went back on track. "What makes you say that Jimin??" I looked down while fiddling my fingers before taking a deep breath in "Well dont you think with what Jungkook is doing hes affecting his relationship with Y/n?" they all looked at me confused "affecting their relationship?" I nodded before explaining to them what happened today and what Y/n said. "I didnt know it was that serious, Jungkook told me that he was hanging out with Y/n lately... I didnt know he was working this whole time." 

Jiwoo noona scoffed before crossing her arms against her chest "Aish this kid... Its understandable why hes wanting to avoid Minji but to do all this to Y/n is unacceptable. There are other ways of handling this situation and hes doing it all wrong!" "Ne! does he not know how Y/ns feels about this?" I shook my head "Honestly I dont think so... I have this feeling that they havent been talking lately. I mean Jungkook is so caught up in drowning himself with work he probably doesnt even check his phone." 

"We should talk to him when he gets home..."

Walking into my apartment I kicked my shoes off and dragged my feet towards the living room before I plopped myself onto the couch. Eyes feeling swollen and tired I just closed them letting the darkness take over before falling to a deep sleep. 

*knock knock* slowly opening my eyes I looked around before pulling my phone out to see that it was already 8 pm. *knock knock* pushing myself up from the couch I walked over to the door and unlocked it, opening the door I saw a small figure standing there before she slightly looked up at me. "I-Im sorry... is Jungkook here?" finally realizing what was happening and who this was I rubbed my eyes before making eye contact with her. Her skin was white as snow and her hair was short yet cute. "E-Excuse me" was the only thing I was able to stutter out, she chuckled before questioning me "I asked is Jungkook is here?" she looked around behind me peering into my apartment. Closing my door slightly I shook my head "No im sorry, hes not here right now." A big smile took over her face as she nodded "Really? good! I honestly just wanted to talk with you, and I know that if Jungkook was here it wouldnt have happened" 

Raising my brow I stepped out of my apartment and closed the door behind me "You wanted to talk to me?" she nodded. "I wanted to see what type of girl Jungkook is with now." she commented while eyeing me up and down, scanning my every feature before she began to laugh. "Your very... plain." *THUMP* "oh im so sorry, that was rude of me! I should've introduced myself first... my name is Minji, Jungkooks fiance" she said while holding her hand out. "Jungkooks fiance?? b-but you left... your not together anymore...." he giggled before crossing her arms "hmm... so he told you. Well technically yes I did leave but we didnt necessarily end our engagement. Sooo basically were still engaged." 

Feeling my heart rate increase I didnt know how to respond to that... as I stayed quiet she took a step forward towards me and tip toed to whisper in my ear "So a word of advice, I would end things with Jungkook if I were you. Who do you really think Jungkook would choose? you?? or the mother of his child? I think you already know the answer to that... right?" he stepped back and sent me a sinister smile. "Did Jungkook ever tell you that I was his first love? Dont you know that first loves are never forgotten? You really think he forgot about me... come on, face reality... the only reason why hes with you was to forget about me but ever since he met me again hes been avoiding you right? thats because hes busy thinking about me ag-" "Y-YOUR WRONG!" I raised my voice cutting her off. She cocked a brow at me and scoffed "oh really??? we'll see whos the wrong one here." Closing my eyes to take a deep breath in I soon felt a sharp stinging pain on my cheek. Opening my eyes realization hit me as I looked at her in disbelief before she began to yell "Know your damn place, I have history with Jungkook, Im his first love and only love... while you, your just a plain boring girl, a rebound, a second choice" 

Before I could even say anything she turned on the heels of her shoes and walked away. Feeling my heart rate pick up I quickly went into my apartment and threw my shoes on. Quickly leaving the apartment building I took a cab and went to the only place I felt was the only place I could breathe properly...

TIme Skip~ (@ Namsan Tower) 

Walking onto the platform that looked out into the beautiful night time scenery of Seoul I just leaned against the railings before I heard a voice call from behind "There you are..." I felt him place his jacket around my shoulder before standing beside me. "You werent in your apartment, and you didnt answer my calls. So I knew you would be here..."

"Well this is the only place where I could truly breathe properly. The only place where I could escape reality and just be myself... why did you come here Jihoon?" "Obviously something is wrong... you only come here when something bad happened... want to talk about it?" Sighing I nodded and turned to him, the lighting from the building shined on me and as he looked at me his eyes slightly widened. "W-What happened? y-your cheek is swollen!! w-who did this to you?" Jihoon began to freak out while placing his hands firmly on my shoulders wanting an answer. "I shook my head, its nothing Jihoon... can we just not talk about it right now? Can I use your shoulder?" he looked at me with eyes telling me 'please tell me your okay... or what happened' but he nodded. Turning back to the scenery I leaned my head on his shoulder before closing my eyes. 

(I dont know what to do anymore....)

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