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Y/n Pov
After placing a kiss on his cheek I thanked him and quickly turned around running back to my class.   I felt my cheeks heat up as I ran into the classroom. "Miss Y/n.. why is your face so red??" JB questioned while crossing his arms. "Miss Y/n your as red as a tomato!" Jisoo chimed out causing the whole class to burst out laughing. "Okay Okay class! clam down!" once the class slowly calmed down and  was quiet I cleared my throat and began our lesson in science. 

After explaining to the kids about animals and such I gave them a group assignment and soon after they all got into groups and started working together but I noticed one student who was sitting by themselves. Sighing I walked over and pulled out a chair sitting next to them "Leanne??" I softly called out to her. Turning her little head towards me she looked up at me with sad eyes. "Are you alright??? I noticed that for the passed few weeks you've been super quiet lately. Do you want to talk about it with me???" Nodding her head slightly I grabbed her hand and led her out of the classroom and down the hallway. Spotting Lina down the hallway I called out to her "Lina!" turning her attention to me she smiled brightly "yes Y/n??"

"Im so sorry for suddenly asking you, but could you please watch over my class for a few minutes until I get back??" Lina happily agreed and I thanked her before walking off with Leanne. I led the little girl to the only room I know where we could have a private conversation, sliding the door open I saw Jihoon laying on the floor with music sheets scattered around him. Glancing over to me he immediately stood up and awkwardly scratched his neck "w-what are you doing here??" 

"O-Oh sorry Jihoon, I was actually just wondering if I could use the music room to talk to Leanne for a bit. Shes been having a hard time lately and wants to talk about it" Jihoon immediately understood the situation, walking over towards us he crouched in front of Leanne and smiled brightly at her. "Is it alright if this ahjussi joins you???" he asked kindly, Leanne looked hesitant at first but soon nodded. Taking a seat on the music rooms choir risers we then began to ask Leanne about her problems. "Would you mind telling us whats wrong Leanne???" Giving us a small nod she took a deep breath and began to speak. "I-Its about mommy and daddy... they... they fight lots now and I dont know why" tears brimmed her small eyes and soon she began to cry. 

Jihoon rubbed comforting circles on her back trying to calm her down but she continued to cry. "Leanne... do you know why they are fighting???" she shook her head "N-No..." Sighing at her answer I then suggested something to the younger "Leanne... would you like me and Mr.Lee to talk to your parents?? Will that make you feel better?" she looked at me with hopeful eyes and a small smile formed on her tiny mouth "N-Ne... I-I dont like it when they fight..." I agreed with her and reassured her that I would call her mom to have a meeting after school. Leanne walked back to class while Jihoon and I followed closely behind. "What do you think their fighting about???" I whispered to Jihoon and he had a smug look on his face.

"To be completely honest I feel like they might be arguing because of you." Eyes widened at his words I looked at him with a scrunched face "me?? why me???" "Think about it Y/n.. Jongin has been trying to get you back recently and him and his wife have been fighting  too.. dont you think it might be about you know what??" Sighing I shrugged my shoulders "You might be right but at the same time I dont want to assume things... You go make the call and have them come in after school. Ill bring Leanne back to class" 

Time Skip~  (After School)

It was finally the end of the school day and I was now preparing for the meeting with Leannes parents. Each student left one by one with their parent(s) and while waiting for Jongin and his wife to arrive I decided to walk Taewoo to the front entrance where he told me Jungkook was waiting. "Appa!!~" the young kid chimed while running up to his father who lifted him up into the air. "Ahh Taewoo~ how was school?? did you have fun?" Jungkook questioned and Taewoo nodded happily. "Ne!~ Miss Y/n taught us many fun things today!" "Oh really?? like what??"

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